Library Pip.Proof.Consistency
- Summary
- The dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot property defines the type of different values
- The currentPartitionInPartitionsList property specifies that the
- The currentPartitionIsNotDefaultPage t property specifies that the
- The parentInPartitionList property specifies that the parent of a given
- The partitionDescriptorEntry defines some properties of the partition descriptor.
- The multiplexerWithoutParent specifies that the multiplexer is the root of
- The noDupMappedPagesList requires that mapped pages of a single partition
- The noDupConfigPagesList requires that configuation tables of
- The accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptor requires that accessible virtual
- The accessibleChildPageIsAccessibleIntoParent requires that all accessible physical
- The noCycleInPartitionTree requires that a partition and
- The configTablesAreDifferent requires that configuation tables of different
- The isChild specifies that a given partition should be a child of the
- The isParent specifies that if we take any child into the children list of any
- The isPresentNotDefaultIff specifies that if the present flag of a physical
- The physicalPageNotDerived specifies that if a given physical
- Conjunction of all consistency properties
Library Pip.Proof.DependentTypeLemmas
Library Pip.Proof.InternalLemmas2
Library Pip.Proof.InternalLemmas
Library Pip.Proof.Isolation
Library Pip.Proof.Lib
Library Pip.Proof.rushby
Library Pip.Proof.StateLib
Library Pip.Proof.WeakestPreconditions
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.AddVAddr
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.CheckChild
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.Collect
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.CountToMap
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.CreatePartition
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.DeletePartition
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.GetTableAddr
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.InitConfigPagesList
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.InitFstShadow
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.InitPEntryTable
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.InitSndShadow
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.InitVAddrTable
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.InitVEntryTable
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.InsertEntryIntoLL
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.Invariants
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.IWritePhysical
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.LinkedListConfig
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.mapInChild
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.MapMMUPage
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.Prepare
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.PropagatedProperties
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.RemoveVAddr
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.updateCurPartition
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.UpdateMappedPageContent
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.UpdatePartitionDescriptor
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.UpdatePDFlagTrue
- all physical pages are not config pages (already into hypothesis)
- all physical pages are not mapped into any child
- all physical pages are not config pages (already into hypothesis)
- all physical pages are not config pages (already into hypothesis)
- all physical pages are not mapped into any child
- all physical pages are not config pages (already into hypothesis)
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.UpdateShadow1StructurePrepare
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.UpdateShadow1Structure
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.UpdateShadow2Structure
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WriteAccessibleFalse
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WriteAccessibleRecPrepare
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WriteAccessibleRec
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WriteAccessible
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WriteIndex
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WritePEntryRemoveVaddr
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WritePhyEntryPrepareProperties
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WritePhyEntryPrepare
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WritePhyEntry
Library Pip.Proof.invariants.writePhysical
Library Pip.Core.Internal
Library Pip.Core.Services
Library Pip.Model.ADT
Library Pip.Model.Hardware
- Summary
- The type constructor "LLI"
- Two operations : "bind" to compose a sequence of monadic functions
- "get" to get back the current state
- "put" to update the current state
- "m" is a monadic function
- "P" is the precondition of the function "m", it is an unary predicate
- "Q" is the postcondition of the function "m", it is a binary predicate
Library Pip.Model.IAL
Library Pip.Model.Lib
Library Pip.Model.MALInternal
Library Pip.Model.MAL
Library Pip.Model.MMU
Library Pip.Model.Simulation
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