Library Pip.Core.Services


This file contains PIP memory services : createPartition, deletePartition, addVAddr, removeVAddr, countToMap, prepare and collect.
The definitions of recursive functions like countToMap, prepare and collect match the same form :
  • part 1 : functionNameRec is the recursive funtion
  • part 2 : functionNameAux fixes the sufficient timeout value for recursion to complete
  • part 3 : funtionName is the PIP service. It calls functionNameAux with the required parameters

Require Import Pip.Model.IAL Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Model.MAL Pip.Core.Internal
               Bool Arith List.
Import List.ListNotations.

The createPartition PIP service

The createPartition function creates a new child (sub-partition) into the current partition
descChild a virtual address into the current partition will be used as the partition descriptor of the child
pdChild a virtual address into the current partition will be used as the page directory of the child (to map virtual addresses)
shadow1Child a virtual address into the current partition will be used as the root of the first shadow pages of the child (to keep information about new sub-partition of the child and the derivation status of mapped virtual addresses of the child)
shadow2Child a virtual address into the current partition will be used as the root of the second shadow pages of the child (to store some virtual addresses mapped into the parent. Each virtual address corresponds to a present page into the child and derived from his parent)
ConfigPagesList a virtual address into the current partition will be used as the first page of configuration tables list of the child (to store some virtual addresses mapped into the parent. Each virtual address is used as configuration table for the child partition)
Definition createPartition (descChild pdChild shadow1Child shadow2Child
                            ConfigPagesList :vaddr) : LLI bool :=
if (beqVAddr defaultVAddr descChild)
then ret false
Get the number of MMU levels
Check if virtual addresses are equal
Check if virtual addresses correspond to kernel mapping
Get the current partition
Get the pd of the current partition
Check if descChild is present and accessible (This information is stored into the the page directory structure of the parent)
True if present
True if accessible
Check if pdChild is present and accessible (This information is stored into the the page directory structure of the parent)
True if present
True if accessible
Check if shadow1Child is present and accessible (This information is stored into the the page directory structure of the parent)
True if present
True if accessible
Check if shadow2Child is present and accessible (This information is stored into the the page directory structure of the parent)
True if present
True if accessible
Check if configPagesListChild is present and accessible (This information is stored into the the page directory structure of the parent)
True if present
True if accessible
all virtual addresses are accesible and present Check if descChild is already derived (this information is stored into the first shadow structure of the parent)
true if derived
Check if pdChild is already derived (this information is stored into the first shadow structure of the parent)
true if derived
Check if shadow1Child is already derived (this information is stored into the first shadow structure of the parent)
true if derived
Check if shadow2Child is already derived (this information is stored into the first shadow structure of the parent)
true if derived
Check if descChild is already derived (this information is stored into the first shadow structure of the parent)
true if not derived
all virtual addresses are not derived UPDATE MEMORY Get physical addresses of all given virtual addresses pdChild virtual address
        perform phyPDChild := readPhyEntry ptPDChildFromPD idxPDChild in

shadow1Child virtual address
        perform phySh1Child := readPhyEntry ptSh1ChildFromPD idxSh1Child in

shadow2Child virtual address
        perform phySh2Child := readPhyEntry ptSh2ChildFromPD idxSh2Child in

ConfigPagesList virtual address
        perform phyConfigPagesList := readPhyEntry ptConfigPagesList idxConfigPagesList in

descChild virtual address
        perform phyDescChild := readPhyEntry ptDescChildFromPD idxDescChild in

Set all given pages as not accessible
Set all given pages as not accessible in all ancestors

        perform zero := in
Initialize phyPDChild table
        initPEntryTable phyPDChild zero;;
Add the kernel mapping
        perform kidx := getKidx in
        mapKernel phyPDChild kidx;;
Initialize phySh1Child table
        initFstShadow phySh1Child nbL zero;;

Initialize phySh2Child table
        initSndShadow phySh2Child nbL zero;;

Initialize phyConfigPagesList table
        initConfigPagesList phyConfigPagesList zero ;;

Add descChild and its physical address into itself (the partion descriptor)
        perform nullVA := getDefaultVAddr in
        perform idxPR := getPRidx in
        perform idxPD := getPDidx in
        perform idxSh1 := getSh1idx in
        perform idxSh2 := getSh2idx in
        perform idxListConf := getSh3idx in
        perform idxPRP := getPPRidx in
        updatePartitionDescriptor phyDescChild idxPR phyDescChild descChild ;;

Add pdChild and its physical address into the partition descriptor page
        updatePartitionDescriptor phyDescChild idxPD phyPDChild pdChild ;;

Add shadow1Child and its physical address into the partition descriptor
        updatePartitionDescriptor phyDescChild idxSh1 phySh1Child shadow1Child ;;

Add shadow2Child and its physical address into the partition descriptor
        updatePartitionDescriptor phyDescChild idxSh2 phySh2Child shadow2Child ;;

Add ConfigPagesList and its physical address into the partition descriptor
        updatePartitionDescriptor phyDescChild idxListConf phyConfigPagesList ConfigPagesList ;;

Add parent physical address into the partition descriptor of the child
        updatePartitionDescriptor phyDescChild idxPRP currentPart nullVA ;;

Set the virtual address pdChild as derived by the new child
        writeVirEntry ptPDChildFromSh1 idxPDChild descChild ;;
Set the virtual address shadow1Child as derived by the new child
        writeVirEntry ptSh1ChildFromSh1 idxSh1Child descChild ;;
Set the virtual address shadow2Child as derived by the new child
        writeVirEntry ptSh2ChildFromSh1 idxSh2Child descChild ;;
Set the virtual address list as derived by the new child
        writeVirEntry ptConfigPagesListFromSh1 idxConfigPagesList descChild ;;

Set the virtual address descChild as a partition (new child) in parent
        writePDflag ptDescChildFromSh1 idxDescChild true ;;
        ret true
      else ret false
    else ret false
  else ret false.

The countToMap PIP service

This service returns the amount of configuration tables needed to perform a mapping for a given virtual address
  • The countToMapRec is the recursive function of countToMap
    timeout fixes how many times the function should be called before the program terminates
    pdChild a physical address of an indirection into a child page directory
    configPagesListChild a physical address of a page into the a child configuration tables linked list
    va The virtual address to map
    nbL a level number of the MMU
Fixpoint countToMapRec timeout (pdChild configPagesListChild: page) (va : vaddr) (nbL : level) :=
  match timeout with
  | 0 ⇒
  | S timeout1 ⇒
  perform isNotfstLevel := MALInternal.Level.gtb nbL fstLevel in
    if isNotfstLevel
Get the index in va that corresponds to the current level
      perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va nbL in
Get the page stored at this index into pdChild
      perform addr := readPhyEntry pdChild idx in
Compare the page to the default page
      perform null := getDefaultPage in
      perform cmp := MALInternal.Page.eqb addr null in

If we have no table here, we're done : (level - 1) is the amount of pages we need, and we need the same amount for both shadow pages
      if cmp
Now we have to check if we have enough space in shadow 3 to map all this
        perform zeroI := in
        perform zeroC := in
        perform lastLLTable := checkEnoughEntriesLinkedList configPagesListChild in
        perform isNull := comparePageToNull lastLLTable in
        if (isNull) then
            perform prod3 := MALInternal.Count.mul3 nbL in
            MALInternal.Count.succ prod3
Not enough space, we need another shadow 3 page
          else MALInternal.Count.mul3 nbL
Enough space, never mind
        perform levelPred := MALInternal.Level.pred nbL in
        countToMapRec timeout1 addr configPagesListChild va levelPred
Everything is mapped : we need no additional pages

  • The countToMap prepares the countToMapAux required parameters
    descChild The partition descriptor of the child
    vaChild The virtual address in which we will perform the mapping
Definition countToMap (descChild vaChild : vaddr) :=
Get the current partition
Get the pd of the current partition
Get the number of levels
Get the physical address of the reference page of the child
Get the physical address of the page directory of the child
Get the third shadow of the child
Call countToMapAux

The prepare PIP service

This service adds required configuration tables into a child partition to map new virtual address
  • The prepareRec is the recursive function of prepare
    timeout fixes how many times the function should be called before the program terminates
    descChild the virtual address of the child partition descriptor
    phyPDChild the physical address of an indirection into the page directory configuration tables structure. This indirection corresponds to the given MMU level number nbL and virtual address va
    phySh1Child the physical address of an indirection into the first shadow configuration tables structure. This indirection corresponds to the given MMU level number nbL and virtual address va
    phySh2Child the physical address of an indirection into the second shadow configuration tables structure. This indirection corresponds to the given MMU level number nbL and virtual address va
    phyConfigPagesList the physical address of the child configuration tables list
    va the virtual address to prepare
    fstVA the virtual address of the first new configuration table to add by prepare
    needNewConfigPagesList is true if we need to link a new page into the configuration tables list
    nbL a level number of the MMU
Get index of address at the current indirection level
Read stored address
    perform isNull := comparePageToNull indMMUToPrepare in
    if (negb isNull) then
    perform levelPred := MALInternal.Level.pred nbL in
    perform indSh1ToPrepare := readPhyEntry phySh1Child idxToPrepare in
    perform indSh2ToPrepare := readPhyEntry phySh2Child idxToPrepare in
    prepareRec timeout1 descChild phyDescChild indMMUToPrepare indSh1ToPrepare indSh2ToPrepare lastLLtable vaToPrepare fstVA levelPred
      perform nbLgen := getNbLevel in
      perform idxstorefetch := getStoreFetchIndex in
      perform idxFstVA := getIndexOfAddr fstVA fstLevel in
      perform ptMMUFstVA := getTableAddr currentPD fstVA nbLgen in
      perform isNull := comparePageToNull ptMMUFstVA in
      if isNull then prepareType false fstVA else
      perform fstVAisAccessible := readAccessible ptMMUFstVA idxFstVA in
      if negb fstVAisAccessible then prepareType false fstVA else
      perform fstVAisPresent := readPresent ptMMUFstVA idxFstVA in
      if negb fstVAisPresent then prepareType false fstVA else
      perform phyMMUaddr := readPhyEntry ptMMUFstVA idxFstVA in
      perform sndVA := readVirtualUser phyMMUaddr idxstorefetch in
      perform isNull := compareVAddrToNull sndVA in
      if isNull then prepareType false fstVA else
      perform idxSndVA := getIndexOfAddr sndVA fstLevel in
      perform ptMMUSndVA := getTableAddr currentPD sndVA nbLgen in
      perform isNull := comparePageToNull ptMMUSndVA in
      if isNull then prepareType false fstVA else
      perform sndVAisAccessible := readAccessible ptMMUSndVA idxSndVA in
      if negb sndVAisAccessible then prepareType false fstVA else
      perform sndVAisPresent := readPresent ptMMUSndVA idxSndVA in
      if negb sndVAisPresent then prepareType false sndVA else
      perform physh1addr := readPhyEntry ptMMUSndVA idxSndVA in
      perform trdVA := readVirtualUser physh1addr idxstorefetch in
      perform isNull := compareVAddrToNull trdVA in
      if isNull then prepareType false fstVA else
      perform zeroI := in
Check if virtual addresses are equal
FST addr : check sharing
SND addr : check sharing
TRD Addr
Set all given pages as not accessible into parent and ancestors
        writeAccessible ptMMUFstVA idxFstVA false ;;
        writeAccessibleRec fstVA currentPart false ;;
        writeAccessible ptMMUSndVA idxSndVA false ;;
        writeAccessibleRec sndVA currentPart false ;;
        writeAccessible ptMMUTrdVA idxTrdVA false ;;
        writeAccessibleRec trdVA currentPart false ;;

        perform nbLPred := MALInternal.Level.pred nbL in
        initPEntryTable phyMMUaddr zeroI;;
        initFstShadow physh1addr nbLPred zeroI;;
        initSndShadow physh2addr nbLPred zeroI;;

        writeVirEntry ptSh1FstVA idxFstVA fstVA ;;
        writeVirEntry ptSh1SndVA idxSndVA sndVA ;;
        writeVirEntry ptSh1TrdVA idxTrdVA trdVA ;;

        insertEntryIntoLL newLastLLable fstVA phyMMUaddr ;;
        insertEntryIntoLL newLastLLable sndVA physh1addr ;;
        insertEntryIntoLL newLastLLable trdVA physh2addr ;;

        writePhyEntry phyPDChild idxToPrepare phyMMUaddr true true true true true ;;
        writePhyEntry phySh1Child idxToPrepare physh1addr true true true true true ;;
        writePhyEntry phySh2Child idxToPrepare physh2addr true true true true true ;;

        prepareRec timeout1 descChild phyDescChild phyMMUaddr physh1addr physh2addr lastLLtable vaToPrepare nextVA nbLPred


        perform fthVA := fetchVirtual trdVA idxstorefetch in
        perform isNull := compareVAddrToNull fthVA in
        if isNull then prepareType false fstVA
        perform v4v1 := checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset fthVA fstVA nbLgen in
        perform v4v2 := checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset fthVA sndVA nbLgen in
        perform v4v3 := checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset fthVA trdVA nbLgen in
        if (v4v1 || v4v2 || v4v3) then prepareType false fstVA else
        perform idxFthVA := getIndexOfAddr fthVA fstLevel in
        perform ptMMUFthVA := getTableAddr currentPD fthVA nbLgen in
        perform ptSh1FthVA := getTableAddr currentSh1 fthVA nbLgen in
        perform fthVAisOK := verifyProperties ptMMUFthVA ptSh1FthVA idxFthVA in
        if (negb fthVAisOK) then prepareType false fstVA
Get the physical address
set fthVA as not accessible
        writeAccessible ptMMUFthVA idxFthVA false ;;
        writeAccessibleRec fthVA currentPart false ;;

        writeVirEntry ptSh1FthVA idxFthVA fthVA ;;

link new page in LL
Set all given pages as not accessible into parent and ancestors
The prepare function fixes the prepareAux required parameters values
descChild The virtual address of the partition descriptor of the child
va The virtual address to map into the child
fstVA The first virtual address to be used as a configuration tables into child (the partition must provide to PIP a linkList of virtual addresses which will be used as configuration tables into the child partion; fstVA is the header of this linkList)
Before starting configuration we should verifiy that descChild is a child partition
Definition prepare (descChild : vaddr) (va : vaddr) (fstVA : vaddr): LLI boolvaddr :=
Get the current partition
Get the pd of the current partition

The addVAddr PIP service

The addVAddr function maps a virtual address into the given child
vaInCurrentPartition The virtual address mapped into parent
descChild The virtual address of the partition descriptor of the child
vaChild The virtual address to be mapped into the child
r w e Read, write and execute rights
Get the current partition
      perform currentPart := getCurPartition in
Get the number of levels
      perform nbL := getNbLevel in
check whether pd is a pd or not
      perform check := checkChild currentPart nbL descChild in
access to the first shadow page of the current page directory
1 if the page is derived (use boolean)
Get the pd of the current partition
        perform currentPD := getPd currentPart in
Get the page table of the current pd in which the virtual address vaInCurrentPartition is mapped
true if the page is accessible
Get the physical address of the reference page of the child
Get the physical address of the page directory of the child
        perform phyPDChild := getPd phyDescChild in
Get the page table and the index in which the new address will be mapped
1 if there is a mapping into the target entry
        perform present := readPresent ptVaChildFromPD idxDescChild in
if the page is accessible in the current virtual space, not derived and there is no mapping into the target entry
        if ( deriv && access && presentmap && ( negb present ) )
Get the value of the entry in which the page is mapped
Add the virtual address vaInCurrentPartition into the second shadow page of the child
mark the page as derived (write the virtual address of the page directory into the current space)
          writeVirEntry ptVACurPartFromSh1 idxVaInCurrentPartition descChild ;;
Add mapping (physical page - accessible - present
          writePhyEntry ptVaChildFromPD idxDescChild phyVaInCurrentPartition true true r w e ;;
          ret true
        else ret false
      else ret false
    else ret false
  else ret false.

Definition mappedInChild (vaChild : vaddr) : LLI vaddr :=
Get the current partition
Get the number of levels
  perform nbL := getNbLevel in
Get the pd of the current partition
Check if descChild is present and accessible (This information is stored into the the page directory structure of the parent)
True if present
True if accessible
access to the first shadow page of the current page directory
1 if the page is derived (use boolean)

The removeVAddr PIP service

The removeVAddr function removes a given mapping from a given child
descChild The virtual address of the partition descriptor of the child
vaChild The mapping to remove
Definition removeVAddr (descChild : vaddr) (vaChild : vaddr) :=
  perform kmapVaChild := checkKernelMap vaChild in
  if kmapVaChild then ret false else
Get the current partition
Get the number of levels
    perform nbL := getNbLevel in
check whether pd is a pd or not
    perform check := checkChild currentPart nbL descChild in
    if(negb check) then ret false else
Get the pd of the current partition
    perform currentPD := getPd currentPart in
Get the physical address of the reference page of the child
Get the physical address of the page directory of the child
      perform phyPDChild := getPd phyDescChild in
Get the page table and the index in which the address is mapped
true if accessible
true if present
access to the first shadow page of the child to test whether the page is derived or not
false if not derived
      perform deriv := checkDerivation ptVaChildFromSh1 idxvaChild in
      if (access && deriv && present )
access to the second shadow page of the child to determine the virtual address which map this page into the current page directory
Get the virtual address into the current page directory
        perform vaInParent := readVirtual ptVaChildFromSh2 idxvaChild in
access to the first shadow page of the current page directory to mark the entry that correspond to the virtual address vaInCurrentPartition as underived
mark page as not derived
        perform null := getDefaultVAddr in
Set the page as not present for the child

The deletePartition PIP service

The deletePartition function removes a child partition and puts all its used pages back in parent (the current partition)
descChild The partition descriptor of the child
Definition deletePartition (descChild : vaddr) :=
Get the current partition
Get the number of levels
check whether pd is a pd or not
  perform check := checkChild currentPart nbL descChild in
Get the physical address of the child partition
Get the physical address of the second shadow page of the child
Get the list of virtual addresses of mapped pages
Set mapped pages as underived
Get the configuration pages list of the child
Set indirection pages as accessible and underived
unmark child partition
Set accesible and underived: the virtual addresses used as descChild , pdChild, phySh1Child, phySh2Child, phyConfigPagesList
Add PD to the list of indirection tables
    ret true
  else ret false.

The collect PIP service

This service removes the empty configuration tables which are not required anymore and gives it back to the parent
  • The collectRec is the recursive function of collect
    timeout fixes how many times the function should be called before the program terminates
    phyPDChild the physical address of the child page directory
    phySh1Child the physical address of the child first shadow
    phySh2Child the physical address of the child second shadow
phyConfigPagesList the physical address of the child configuration tables list
vaToCollect the virtual address to collect associated configuration tables
currentLevel a level number of the MMU
Get indirection table address, last nbL
Get table size
Is page table empty ?
Yep : collect this !
Get shadow 1 table
Get shadow 2 table
Parse the shadow 3 and Get virtual addresses
Now unmap this page table, get nbL - 1
Get parent table
shadow 1 parent
shadow 2 parent
Get address index in parent table
null address
Clear table entries
Update page properties We should have the VAddr in our parent context : for table, shadow 1 and shadow 2, find entry and update properties
Get virtual addresses indexes in last indirection table
Get page table and shadow tables
Update properties now : user uccess
Get the first shadow of the current partition
Get page table and shadow tables
Update properties now : derivation
Link returning pages
Recursive call on parent table
firstVAd := linkList lst false
ret true

  • The collect function fixes the collectAux required parameters values
    descChild The virtual address of partition descriptor of the child
    vaToCollect The virtual address to collect (remove only empty configuration tables that correspond to this virtual address)
Definition collect (descChild : vaddr) (vaToCollect : vaddr) :=
  perform iskernel := checkKernelMap vaToCollect in
  if negb iskernel
Get the current partition
Get the phyPDChild of the current partition
Get the MMU levels number
    perform nbL := getNbLevel in
Check if the given virtual address corresponds to a partition descriptor of a child partition
    perform check := checkChild currentPart nbL descChild in
Get the physical address of the child partition descriptor
Get the page directory of the child
      perform phyPDChild := getPd phyDescChild in
Get the first shadow of the child
      perform phySh1Child := getFstShadow phyDescChild in
Get the second shadow of the child
      perform phySh2Child := getSndShadow phyDescChild in
Get the config tables list shadow of the child
Call collectAux with required parameters
      collectAux phyPDChild phySh1Child phySh2Child phyConfigPagesList vaToCollect nbL defAddr
    else ret false
  else ret false.

Definition switchContextCont (targetPartDesc : page)
                             (targetPageDir : page)
                             (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                             (targetContext : contextAddr)
                             : LLI yield_checks :=

  setInterruptMask flagsOnYield ;;
  updateCurPartAndActivate targetPartDesc targetPageDir ;;
  perform flagsOnWake := getInterruptMaskFromCtx targetContext in
  setInterruptMask flagsOnWake ;;
  perform rootPartition := getMultiplexer in
  perform targetIsRoot := Page.eqb rootPartition targetPartDesc in
  perform targetReqNoInterrupt := noInterruptRequest flagsOnWake in
  if (targetIsRoot && targetReqNoInterrupt)
    loadContext targetContext false
    loadContext targetContext true
  ) ;;
  ret SUCCESS.

Definition saveSourceContextCont (targetPartDesc : page)
                                 (targetPageDir : page)
                                 (sourcePageDir : page)
                                 (sourceContextSaveVAddr : vaddr)
                                 (nbL : level)
                                 (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                                 (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
                                 (sourceInterruptedContext : contextAddr)
                                 (targetContext : contextAddr)
                                     : LLI yield_checks :=
  perform sourceCtxLastMMUPage := getTableAddr sourcePageDir sourceContextSaveVAddr nbL in
  perform sourceCtxLastMMUPageIsNull := comparePageToNull sourceCtxLastMMUPage in
  if sourceCtxLastMMUPageIsNull then

  perform idxSourceCtxInLastMMUPage := getIndexOfAddr sourceContextSaveVAddr fstLevel in
  perform sourceCtxPageIsPresent := readPresent sourceCtxLastMMUPage idxSourceCtxInLastMMUPage in
  if negb sourceCtxPageIsPresent then

  perform sourceCtxPageIsAccessible := readAccessible sourceCtxLastMMUPage idxSourceCtxInLastMMUPage in
  if negb sourceCtxPageIsAccessible then

  perform sourceContextEndSaveVAddr := getNthVAddrFrom sourceContextSaveVAddr contextSizeMinusOne in
  perform endAddrOverflow := firstVAddrGreaterThanSecond sourceContextSaveVAddr sourceContextEndSaveVAddr in
  if endAddrOverflow then

  perform sourceCtxEndLastMMUPage := getTableAddr sourcePageDir sourceContextEndSaveVAddr nbL in
  perform sourceCtxEndLastMMUPageisNull := comparePageToNull sourceCtxEndLastMMUPage in
  if sourceCtxEndLastMMUPageisNull then

  perform idxSourceCtxEndInLastMMUPage := getIndexOfAddr sourceContextEndSaveVAddr fstLevel in
  perform sourceCtxEndPageIsPresent := readPresent sourceCtxEndLastMMUPage idxSourceCtxEndInLastMMUPage in
  if negb sourceCtxEndPageIsPresent then

  perform sourceCtxEndPageIsAccessible := readAccessible sourceCtxEndLastMMUPage idxSourceCtxEndInLastMMUPage in
  if negb sourceCtxEndPageIsAccessible then

  writeContext sourceInterruptedContext sourceContextSaveVAddr flagsOnWake ;;
  switchContextCont targetPartDesc targetPageDir flagsOnYield targetContext.

Definition getTargetContextCont (targetPartDesc : page)
                                                        (targetPageDir : page)
                                                        (targetVidt : page)
                                                        (sourcePageDir : page)
                                (sourceContextSaveVaddr : vaddr)
                                                        (targetInterrupt : index)
                                                        (nbL : level)
                                                        (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                                                        (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
                                                        (sourceInterruptedContext : contextAddr)
                                : LLI yield_checks :=
  perform targetContextVAddr := readVirtualUser targetVidt targetInterrupt in
  perform targetContextLastMMUPage := getTableAddr targetPageDir targetContextVAddr nbL in
  perform targetContextLastMMUPageisNull := comparePageToNull targetContextLastMMUPage in
  if targetContextLastMMUPageisNull then

  perform idxTargetContextPageInLastMMUPage := getIndexOfAddr targetContextVAddr fstLevel in

  perform targetContextPageIsPresent := readPresent targetContextLastMMUPage idxTargetContextPageInLastMMUPage in
  if negb targetContextPageIsPresent then
  perform targetContextPageIsAccessible := readAccessible targetContextLastMMUPage idxTargetContextPageInLastMMUPage in
  if negb targetContextPageIsAccessible then

  perform targetContextEndVAddr := getNthVAddrFrom targetContextVAddr contextSizeMinusOne in
  perform targetContextEndVAddrOverflow := firstVAddrGreaterThanSecond targetContextVAddr targetContextEndVAddr in
  if targetContextEndVAddrOverflow then

  perform targetContextEndLastMMUPage := getTableAddr targetPageDir targetContextEndVAddr nbL in
  perform targetContextEndLastMMUPageisNull := comparePageToNull targetContextEndLastMMUPage in
  if targetContextEndLastMMUPageisNull then

  perform idxTargetContextEndPageInLastMMUPage := getIndexOfAddr targetContextEndVAddr fstLevel in
  perform targetContextEndPageIsPresent := readPresent targetContextEndLastMMUPage idxTargetContextEndPageInLastMMUPage in
  if negb targetContextEndPageIsPresent then

  perform targetContextEndPageIsAccessible := readAccessible targetContextEndLastMMUPage idxTargetContextEndPageInLastMMUPage in
  if negb targetContextEndPageIsAccessible then

  perform targetContext := vaddrToContextAddr targetContextVAddr in

  perform sourceContextSaveVaddrIsNull := compareVAddrToNull sourceContextSaveVaddr in
  if (sourceContextSaveVaddrIsNull)
    switchContextCont targetPartDesc
    saveSourceContextCont targetPartDesc

Definition getTargetVidtCont (targetPartDesc : page)
                                                     (sourcePageDir : page)
                                                     (vidtVAddr : vaddr)
                                                     (sourceContextSaveVAddr : vaddr)
                                                     (targetInterrupt : index)
                                                     (nbL : level)
                                                     (idxVidtInLastMMUPage : index)
                                                     (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                                                     (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
                                                     (sourceInterruptedContext : contextAddr)
                             : LLI yield_checks :=
  perform targetPageDir := getPd targetPartDesc in

  perform targetVidtLastMMUPage := getTableAddr targetPageDir vidtVAddr nbL in
  perform targetVidtLastMMUPageisNull := comparePageToNull targetVidtLastMMUPage in
  if targetVidtLastMMUPageisNull then

  perform targetVidtIsPresent := readPresent targetVidtLastMMUPage idxVidtInLastMMUPage in
  if negb targetVidtIsPresent then

  perform targetVidtIsAccessible := readAccessible targetVidtLastMMUPage idxVidtInLastMMUPage in
  if negb targetVidtIsAccessible then

  perform targetVidt := readPhyEntry targetVidtLastMMUPage idxVidtInLastMMUPage in
  getTargetContextCont targetPartDesc

Definition getSourceVidtCont (targetPartDesc : page)
                                                     (sourcePageDir : page)
                                                     (targetInterrupt : index)
                                                     (sourceContextSaveIndex : index)
                                                     (nbL : level)
                                                     (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                                                     (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
                                                     (sourceInterruptedContext : contextAddr)
                             : LLI yield_checks :=
  perform vidtVAddr := getVidtVAddr in
  perform idxVidtInLastMMUPage := getIndexOfAddr vidtVAddr fstLevel in

  perform sourceVidtLastMMUPage := getTableAddr sourcePageDir vidtVAddr nbL in
  perform sourceVidtLastMMUPageisNull := comparePageToNull sourceVidtLastMMUPage in
  if sourceVidtLastMMUPageisNull then

  perform sourceVidtIsPresent := readPresent sourceVidtLastMMUPage idxVidtInLastMMUPage in
  if negb sourceVidtIsPresent then

  perform sourceVidtIsAccessible := readAccessible sourceVidtLastMMUPage idxVidtInLastMMUPage in
  if negb sourceVidtIsAccessible then

  perform sourceVidt := readPhyEntry sourceVidtLastMMUPage idxVidtInLastMMUPage in

  perform sourceContextSaveVAddr := readVirtualUser sourceVidt sourceContextSaveIndex in
  getTargetVidtCont targetPartDesc

Definition getParentPartDescCont (sourcePartDesc : page)
                                                         (sourcePageDir : page)
                                                         (targetInterrupt : index)
                                                         (sourceContextSaveIndex : index)
                                                         (nbL : level)
                                                         (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                                                         (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
                                                         (sourceInterruptedContext : contextAddr)
                                 : LLI yield_checks :=

  perform rootPartition := getMultiplexer in
  perform sourcePartitionIsRoot := Page.eqb rootPartition sourcePartDesc in
  if sourcePartitionIsRoot then


  perform targetPartDesc := getParent sourcePartDesc in
  getSourceVidtCont targetPartDesc

Definition getChildPartDescCont (sourcePartDesc : page)
                                                        (sourcePageDir : page)
                                                        (targetPartDescVAddr : vaddr)
                                                        (targetInterrupt : index)
                                                        (sourceContextSaveIndex : index)
                                                        (nbL : level)
                                                        (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                                                        (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
                                                        (sourceInterruptedContext : contextAddr)
                                : LLI yield_checks :=
  perform childLastMMUTable := getTableAddr sourcePageDir targetPartDescVAddr nbL in
  perform childLastMMUTableIsNull := comparePageToNull childLastMMUTable in
  if childLastMMUTableIsNull then
  perform idxChildPartDesc := getIndexOfAddr targetPartDescVAddr fstLevel in
  perform childPartDescIsPresent := readPresent childLastMMUTable idxChildPartDesc in
  if negb childPartDescIsPresent then

  perform validChild := checkChild sourcePartDesc nbL targetPartDescVAddr in
  if negb validChild then

  perform targetPartDesc := readPhyEntry childLastMMUTable idxChildPartDesc in
  getSourceVidtCont targetPartDesc

Definition checkCtxSaveIdxCont (targetPartDescVAddr : vaddr)
                                                       (targetInterrupt : index)
                                                       (userSourceContextSaveIndex : userValue)
                                                       (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                                                       (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
                                                       (sourceInterruptedContext : contextAddr)
                               : LLI yield_checks :=

  perform sourceContextSaveIndexIsValid := checkIndexPropertyLTB userSourceContextSaveIndex in
  if negb sourceContextSaveIndexIsValid then

  perform sourceContextSaveIndex := userValueToIndex userSourceContextSaveIndex in

  perform sourcePartDesc := getCurPartition in
  perform sourcePageDir := getPd sourcePartDesc in
  perform nbL := getNbLevel in

  perform targetPartDescVAddrIsDefault := compareVAddrToNull targetPartDescVAddr in
  if targetPartDescVAddrIsDefault then
    getParentPartDescCont sourcePartDesc
    getChildPartDescCont sourcePartDesc

Definition checkIntLevelCont (targetPartDescVAddr : vaddr)
                                                     (userTargetInterrupt : userValue)
                                                     (userSourceContextSaveIndex : userValue)
                                                     (flagsOnYield : interruptMask)
                                                     (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
                                                     (sourceInterruptedContext : contextAddr)
                 : LLI yield_checks :=

  perform userTargetInterruptIsValidIndex := checkIndexPropertyLTB userTargetInterrupt in
  if negb userTargetInterruptIsValidIndex then

  perform targetInterrupt := userValueToIndex userTargetInterrupt in

  checkCtxSaveIdxCont targetPartDescVAddr