Library Pip.Proof.Consistency


This file contains the formalization of the consistency properties : for each one we summarize the description of its definition

The dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot property defines the type of different values

stored into the page directory structure, the first shadow structure and the second shadow structure. Configuation tables of the last level must contain :
  • Physical entries (the type PEntry is already definded in Model.ADT) for the page directory data structure
  • Virtual entries (the type VEntry is already definded in Model.ADT ) for the first shadow data structure
  • Virtual addresses (the type vaddr is already definded in Model.ADT) for the second shadow data structure
The other tables contain Physical entries idxroot should be PDidx, sh1idx or sh2idx. (1)
Definition dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot (idxroot : index) (s : state) :=
(partition : page),
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
entry, nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot entry s
va : vaddr,
True level stop , Some level = getNbLevel
indirection idx, getIndirection entry va level stop s = Some indirection
( indirection = defaultPage
(( ( stop < level isPE indirection idx s )\/
   ( stop level ( (isVE indirection idx s idxroot = sh1idx)
                       (isVA indirection idx s idxroot = sh2idx)
                       (isPE indirection idx s idxroot = PDidx) ) ))
  indirection defaultPage)) .

Definition wellFormedFstShadow (s : state) :=
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
va pg pd sh1,
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1
getMappedPage pd s va= SomePage pg
vainparent, getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va = Some vainparent.

Definition wellFormedSndShadow (s : state) :=
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partition multiplexer
va pg pd sh2,
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2
getMappedPage pd s va= SomePage pg
vainparent, getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va = Some vainparent
beqVAddr defaultVAddr vainparent = false .

Definition wellFormedShadows (idxroot : index) (s : state) :=
(partition : page),
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
pdroot ,
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pdroot
structroot, nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot structroot s
nbL stop , Some nbL = getNbLevel
indirection1 va b,
getIndirection pdroot va nbL stop s = Some indirection1
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indirection1) = b
( indirection2,
getIndirection structroot va nbL stop s = Some indirection2
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indirection2) = b).

The currentPartitionInPartitionsList property specifies that the

current partition must be into the list of partitions retrieved from the first created partition (multiplexer) (2)

The currentPartitionIsNotDefaultPage t property specifies that the

current partition is not a default physical page (2)

The parentInPartitionList property specifies that the parent of a given

partition should be into the list of partitions retrieved from the first created partition (multiplexer) (3)

The partitionDescriptorEntry defines some properties of the partition descriptor.

  • A partition descriptor is a table containing virtual addresses and physical pages.
  • Indecie PDidx, sh1idx, sh2idx, PPRidx and PRidx should be less than ("tableSize" - 1) and contain virtual addresses.
  • The successors of these indices contain physical pages which should not be equal to "defaultPage".

The multiplexerWithoutParent specifies that the multiplexer is the root of

the partition tree

The noDupMappedPagesList requires that mapped pages of a single partition

are different (5)

The noDupConfigPagesList requires that configuation tables of

a single partition are different (6)

The accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptor requires that accessible virtual

addresses are not marked as partition descriptor into the first shadow configuation structure (7)

The accessibleChildPageIsAccessibleIntoParent requires that all accessible physical

pages into a given partition should be accessible into its parent (8)

The noCycleInPartitionTree requires that a partition and

its ancestors are different (9)

The configTablesAreDifferent requires that configuation tables of different

partitions are disjoint (10)

The isChild specifies that a given partition should be a child of the

physical page stored as parent into the associated partition descriptor (11)

The isParent specifies that if we take any child into the children list of any

partition into the partition list so this partition should be the parent of this child (..)

The isPresentNotDefaultIff specifies that if the present flag of a physical

entry is equal to false so the associated physical page must be equal to the default value (12)

The physicalPageNotDerived specifies that if a given physical

page is marked as not derived in a parent so it is not mapped in any child (13)
Consistency : Linked list properties
Definition LLconfiguration1 s:=
part fstLL LLtable,
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP part sh3idx fstLL s
In LLtable (getLLPages part s nbPage)
isI LLtable (CIndex 1) s.

Definition LLconfiguration2 s:=
part fstLL LLtable maxidx,
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP part sh3idx fstLL s
In LLtable (getLLPages part s nbPage)
StateLib.getMaxIndex = Some maxidx
isPP LLtable maxidx s.

Definition LLconfiguration3 s:=
part fstLL LLtable,
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP part sh3idx fstLL s
In LLtable (getLLPages part s (nbPage+1))
isI LLtable (CIndex 0) s.

Definition LLconfiguration4 s:=
part fstLL LLtable,
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP part sh3idx fstLL s
In LLtable (getLLPages part s (nbPage+1))
FFI nextFFI,
StateLib.readIndex LLtable (CIndex 0) (memory s)= Some FFI
isVA LLtable FFI s FFI < tableSize - 1
StateLib.Index.succ FFI = Some nextFFI
isI LLtable nextFFI s.

Definition LLconfiguration5 s:=
part fstLL ,
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP part sh3idx fstLL s
NoDup (getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1)).

Definition LLconfiguration5' s:=
partition LL LLtable FFI nextFFI,
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some LL
In LLtable (getLLPages LL s (nbPage + 1))
isIndexValue LLtable (CIndex 0) FFI s
StateLib.Index.succ FFI = Some nextFFI
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some nextFFI
nextFFI CIndex 1.

Conjunction of all consistency properties