Library Pip.Proof.invariants.WritePhyEntryPrepare
This file contains the invariant of writePhyEntry. We prove that this instruction preserves the isolation propertyRequire Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Model.MAL.
Require Import Pip.Core.Services.
Require Import Pip.Proof.Consistency Pip.Proof.DependentTypeLemmas Pip.Proof.InternalLemmas
Pip.Proof.InternalLemmas2 Pip.Proof.Isolation Pip.Proof.StateLib Pip.Proof.WeakestPreconditions.
Require Import Invariants Lib GetTableAddr MapMMUPage PropagatedProperties WriteAccessible .
Import Arith Bool Classical_Prop Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance Lia List.
Definition nextIndirectionsOR (indirection nextIndirection phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr: page) idxroot:=
(indirection = phyPDChild ∧ nextIndirection = phyMMUaddr ∧ idxroot = PDidx) ∨
(indirection = phySh1Child∧ nextIndirection = phySh1addr ∧ idxroot = sh1idx ) ∨
(indirection = phySh2Child∧ nextIndirection = phySh2addr ∧ idxroot = sh2idx).
Lemma getIndirectionMapMMUPage11' s a (phyVaChild ptVaChildpd pd:page) e r w entry nbL stop1 a1 (li : level):
(∀ (stop : nat) (tbl : page) ,
getIndirection pd a nbL stop s = Some tbl → (defaultPage =? tbl) = false →
tbl ≠ ptVaChildpd ∨ ( tbl = ptVaChildpd ∧ (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr a (CLevel (nbL-stop)) ≠ StateLib.getIndexOfAddr a1 li))) →
lookup ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr a1 li) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
pd ≠ defaultPage →
getIndirection pd a nbL stop1 s =
getIndirection pd a nbL stop1
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr a1 li)
(PE {| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := true; user := true; pa := phyVaChild |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.
Lemma getIndirectionMapMMUPage11xx s a (phyVaChild ptVaChildpd pd:page) e r w entry nbL stop1 a1 (li : level):
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr a1 li)
(PE {| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := true; user := true; pa := phyVaChild |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
(∀ (stop : nat) (tbl : page) ,
getIndirection pd a nbL stop s' = Some tbl → (defaultPage =? tbl) = false →
tbl ≠ ptVaChildpd ∨ ( tbl = ptVaChildpd ∧ (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr a (CLevel (nbL-stop)) ≠ StateLib.getIndexOfAddr a1 li))) →
lookup ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr a1 li) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
pd ≠ defaultPage →
getIndirection pd a nbL stop1 s =
getIndirection pd a nbL stop1 s'.
Lemma getIndirectionAddIndirectionEq stop :
∀ s pd indirection phyMMUaddr e w r va entry idx level,
lookup indirection idx
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
¬ In indirection (getIndirectionsAux pd s stop) →
getIndirection pd va level stop {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection idx
{| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := true; user := true; pa := phyMMUaddr |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} =getIndirection pd va level stop s.
Lemma readPhyEntryAddIndirectionSameTable indirection idx pg r w e p s:
StateLib.readPhyEntry indirection idx
(add indirection idx
(PE {| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := p; user := true; pa := pg |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex) = Some pg.
Lemma isWellFormedMMUTablesAddIndirection nextIndirection indirection idx entry s r w e:
lookup indirection idx
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
nextIndirection ≠ indirection →
isWellFormedMMUTables nextIndirection s →
isWellFormedMMUTables nextIndirection {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection idx
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := nextIndirection |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.
Lemma isWellFormedFstShadowTablesAddIndirection nextIndirection indirection entry vaToPrepare l lpred s e w r:
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
nextIndirection ≠ indirection →
isWellFormedFstShadow lpred nextIndirection s →
isWellFormedFstShadow lpred nextIndirection
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
(PE {| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := true; user := true; pa := nextIndirection |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.
Lemma isWellFormedSndShadowTablesAddIndirection nextIndirection indirection entry vaToPrepare l lpred s e w r:
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
nextIndirection ≠ indirection →
isWellFormedSndShadow lpred nextIndirection s →
isWellFormedSndShadow lpred nextIndirection
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
(PE {| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := true; user := true; pa := nextIndirection |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.
Lemma getIndirectionAddIndirectionCheckVaddrsFalse vapg l indirection vaToPrepare nextIndirection p pg entry partition s r e w:
let s' := {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := nextIndirection |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
getIndirection indirection vapg l (nbLevel - 1) s' = Some p →
(defaultPage =? p) = false →
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
Some (PE entry) →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx indirection s →
indirection ≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.readPhyEntry indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) = Some defaultPage →
(defaultPage =? nextIndirection) = false →
isWellFormedMMUTables nextIndirection s →
nextIndirection ≠ indirection →
pg ≠ defaultPage →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
StateLib.readPresent p (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vapg fstLevel) (memory s') = Some true →
StateLib.readPhyEntry p (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vapg fstLevel) (memory s') = Some pg →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
getIndirection indirection vapg l (nbLevel - 1) s =
getIndirection indirection vapg l (nbLevel - 1) s'.
Lemma getMappedPageSomeAddIndirectionSamePartSSI1 s (indirection nextIndirection :page) vaToPrepare entry vavalue pd pg partition l
r w e:
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
configTablesAreDifferent s →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s →
StateLib.readPhyEntry indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) = Some defaultPage →
(defaultPage =? nextIndirection) = false →
indirectionDescription s partition indirection PDidx vaToPrepare l →
getMappedPage pd s vavalue = SomePage pg →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel →
getMappedPage pd {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := nextIndirection |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} vavalue = SomePage pg.
ici il faut montrer que indMMUToPrepare = tbl
Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageAddIndirectionSh1Sh2 nbLgen pd s vapg indirection vaToPrepare partition
idxroot l r w e nextIndirection root entry:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
{| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := true; user := true; pa := nextIndirection |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
Some nbLgen = StateLib.getNbLevel →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
Some (PE entry) →
In indirection (getIndirections root s) →
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot root s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s→
noDupConfigPagesList s →
getAccessibleMappedPage pd s vapg = getAccessibleMappedPage pd s' vapg.
Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageSomeAddIndirectionSamePartSSI1 s (indirection nextIndirection :page) vaToPrepare entry vavalue pd pg partition l lpred r w e
idxroot rootx
phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr :
nextIndirectionsOR indirection nextIndirection phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr idxroot →
isWellFormedFstShadow lpred phySh1addr s →
StateLib.Level.pred l = Some lpred →
or3 idxroot →
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot rootx s →
In indirection (getIndirections rootx s) →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
configTablesAreDifferent s →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s →
StateLib.readPhyEntry indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) = Some defaultPage →
(defaultPage =? nextIndirection) = false →
indirectionDescription s partition indirection idxroot vaToPrepare l →
getAccessibleMappedPage pd s vavalue = SomePage pg →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel →
getAccessibleMappedPage pd {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := nextIndirection |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} vavalue = SomePage pg.
ici il faut montrer que indMMUToPrepare = tbl
Lemma getMappedPageAddIndirectionSh1Sh2 nbLgen pd s vapg indirection vaToPrepare partition
idxroot l r w e nextIndirection root entry:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
{| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := true; user := true; pa := nextIndirection |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
Some nbLgen = StateLib.getNbLevel →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
Some (PE entry) →
In indirection (getIndirections root s) →
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot root s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s→
noDupConfigPagesList s →
getMappedPage pd s vapg = getMappedPage pd s' vapg.
Lemma getMappedPagesAuxAddIndirectionSSI1 s indirection nextIndirection entry nbLgen valist pd pg vaToPrepare partition l r w e root idxroot
phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr:
or3 idxroot →
nextIndirectionsOR indirection nextIndirection phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr idxroot →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
Some nbLgen = StateLib.getNbLevel →
indirectionDescription s partition indirection idxroot vaToPrepare l →
StateLib.readPhyEntry indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) = Some defaultPage →
isWellFormedMMUTables phyMMUaddr s →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot root s →
In indirection (getIndirections root s) →
In pg (getMappedPagesAux pd valist s) →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
configTablesAreDifferent s →
(defaultPage =? nextIndirection) = false →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s →
nextIndirection ≠ indirection →
In pg (getMappedPagesAux pd valist {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := nextIndirection |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}).
Lemma isPresentNotDefaultIffMapMMUPage s phyVaChild ptVaChildpd idxvaChild r w e
lookup ptVaChildpd idxvaChild (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
phyVaChild ≠ defaultPage →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
isPresentNotDefaultIff {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add ptVaChildpd idxvaChild
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := phyVaChild |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.
Lemma getIndirectionMapMMUPage11Stoplt:
∀ (stop1 : nat) (s : state) (a : vaddr) (phyVaChild ptVaChildpd pd : page) (e r w : bool) (idxvaChild : index)
(entry : Pentry) (level : level) ,
(∀ (stop : nat) (tbl : page),
getIndirection pd a level stop s = Some tbl → (defaultPage =? tbl) = false → stop1> stop → tbl ≠ ptVaChildpd) →
lookup ptVaChildpd idxvaChild (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
pd ≠ defaultPage →
getIndirection pd a level stop1 s =
getIndirection pd a level stop1
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add ptVaChildpd idxvaChild
(PE {| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := true; user := true; pa := phyVaChild |})
(memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.
Lemma getMappedPageSomeAddIndirectionSSI2 s indirection nextIndirection vapg entry nbLgen pd pg indMMUToPrepare vaToPrepare partition l r w e root idxroot
phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr:
or3 idxroot →
nextIndirectionsOR indirection nextIndirection phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr idxroot →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
Some nbLgen = StateLib.getNbLevel →
indirectionDescription s partition indirection idxroot vaToPrepare l →
isEntryPage indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) indMMUToPrepare s →
(defaultPage =? indMMUToPrepare) = true →
isWellFormedMMUTables phyMMUaddr s →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
indirectionDescription s partition indirection idxroot vaToPrepare l →
getMappedPage pd {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := nextIndirection |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} vapg = SomePage pg →
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot root s →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
configTablesAreDifferent s →
(defaultPage =? nextIndirection) = false →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s →
nextIndirection ≠ indirection →
getMappedPage pd s vapg = SomePage pg.
Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageSomeAddIndirectionSSI2 s indirection nextIndirection
vapg entry nbLgen pd pg vaToPrepare partition l r w e root idxroot
phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr:
or3 idxroot →
nextIndirectionsOR indirection nextIndirection phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr idxroot →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
Some nbLgen = StateLib.getNbLevel →
indirectionDescription s partition indirection idxroot vaToPrepare l →
StateLib.readPhyEntry indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) = Some defaultPage →
isWellFormedMMUTables phyMMUaddr s →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
getAccessibleMappedPage pd {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := nextIndirection |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} vapg = SomePage pg →
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot root s →
In indirection (getIndirections root s) →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
configTablesAreDifferent s →
(defaultPage =? nextIndirection) = false →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s →
nextIndirection ≠ indirection →
getAccessibleMappedPage pd s vapg = SomePage pg.
Lemma getMappedPagesAuxAddIndirectionSSI2 s indirection nextIndirection entry nbLgen valist pd pg vaToPrepare partition l r w e idxroot root
phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr:
or3 idxroot →
nextIndirectionsOR indirection nextIndirection phyPDChild phyMMUaddr phySh1Child phySh1addr phySh2Child phySh2addr idxroot →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
lookup indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
Some nbLgen = StateLib.getNbLevel →
indirectionDescription s partition indirection idxroot vaToPrepare l →
StateLib.readPhyEntry indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) (memory s) = Some defaultPage →
isWellFormedMMUTables phyMMUaddr s →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
In pg (getMappedPagesAux pd valist {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add indirection (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l)
read := r;
write := w;
exec := e;
present := true;
user := true;
pa := nextIndirection |}) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}) →
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot root s →
In indirection (getIndirections root s) →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →