Library Pip.Proof.invariants.updateCurPartition


This file contains the invariant of Activate some associated lemmas
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Model.MAL Pip.Core.Services.

Require Import Pip.Proof.Isolation Pip.Proof.Consistency Pip.Proof.WeakestPreconditions
               Pip.Proof.StateLib Pip.Proof.DependentTypeLemmas Pip.Proof.InternalLemmas.
Require Import Invariants.

Require Import Lia Bool Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance List Classical_Prop Compare_dec EqNat.
Import List.ListNotations.

Lemma getTablePagesUpdateCurrentPartition s rootStructure phyVA:
getTablePages rootStructure tableSize s =
getTablePages rootStructure tableSize {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getIndirectionsUpdateCurrentPartition phyVA rootStructure s:
getIndirections rootStructure s =
getIndirections rootStructure {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getIndirectionUpdateCurrentPartition p a l phyVA s:
getIndirection p a l (nbLevel - 1) s =
getIndirection p a l (nbLevel - 1) {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |} .

Lemma getIndirectionUpdateCurrentPartition1 p a l phyVA stop s:
getIndirection p a l stop s =
getIndirection p a l stop {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |} .

Lemma getMappedPageUpdateCurrentPartition phyVA p s a :
 getMappedPage p s a =
 getMappedPage p {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |} a.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageUpdateCurrentPartition phyVA p s a :
 getAccessibleMappedPage p s a =
 getAccessibleMappedPage p {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |} a.

Lemma getMappedPagesAuxUpdateCurrentPartition p l s phyVA :
getMappedPagesAux p l s = getMappedPagesAux p l {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPagesAuxUpdateCurrentPartition p l s phyVA :
getAccessibleMappedPagesAux p l s = getAccessibleMappedPagesAux p l {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getMappedPagesUpdateCurrentPartition phyVA partition s:
getMappedPages partition s =
getMappedPages partition {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPagesUpdateCurrentPartition phyVA partition s:
getAccessibleMappedPages partition s =
getAccessibleMappedPages partition {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getLLPagesUpdateCurrentPartition s:
phyVA p2 : page,
getLLPages p2 s (nbPage+1) =
getLLPages p2 {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |} (nbPage+1).

Lemma getconfigPagesUpdateCurrentDescriptor partition phyVA s:
getConfigPages partition s =
getConfigPages partition {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getUsedPagesUpdateCurrentDescriptor s phyVA child1:
getUsedPages child1 s =
getUsedPages child1 {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getPdsVAddrUpdateCurrentPartition phyVA parent lvl l s :
getPdsVAddr parent lvl l s =
getPdsVAddr parent lvl l{| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getChildrenUpdateCurrentDescriptor parent phyVA s :
getChildren parent s =
getChildren parent {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getPartitionsUpdateCurrentDescriptor s phyVA partition :
getPartitions partition s =
getPartitions partition {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRootUpdateCurrentDescriptor idxroot phyVA s :
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot s
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma lengthNoDupPartitions :
listPartitions : list page, NoDup listPartitions
length listPartitions nbPage.

Lemma getPdsVAddrCheckChild partition descChild nbL s:
true = checkChild partition nbL s descChild
In descChild getAllVAddrWithOffset0
List.In descChild (getPdsVAddr partition nbL getAllVAddrWithOffset0 s).

Lemma VAisChild phyVA partition nbL pd descChild (ptpd : page) s:
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptpd) = false
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s
true = checkChild partition nbL s descChild
getTableAddrRoot ptpd PDidx partition descChild s
isEntryPage ptpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) phyVA s
entryPresentFlag ptpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) true s
List.In phyVA (getChildren partition s).

Lemma getPDFlagUpdateCurrentPartition sh1 va phyVA s:
getPDFlag sh1 va {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |} =
 getPDFlag sh1 va s.

Lemma accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptorUpdateCurrentDescriptor phyVA s:
accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptor s
accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptor {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getVirtualAddressSh2UpdateCurrentPartition sh2 phyVA va s :
getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |} va =
     getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va.

Lemma isAccessibleMappedPageInParentUpdateCurrentPartition
 partition va accessiblePage s parent:
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent partition va accessiblePage
{| currentPartition := parent; memory := memory s |} =
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent partition va accessiblePage s.

Lemma noCycleInPartitionTreeUpdateCurrentPartition
parent s :
noCycleInPartitionTree s
{| currentPartition := parent; memory := memory s |} .

Lemma configTablesAreDifferentUpdateCurrentPartition
parent s :
configTablesAreDifferent s configTablesAreDifferent
{| currentPartition := parent; memory := memory s |} .

Lemma isChildUpdateCurrentPartition phyVA s :
isChild s
isChild {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma getVirtualAddressSh1UpdateCurrentPartition sh1 phyVA va s :
getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va =
getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |} va.

Lemma isDerivedUpdateCurrentPartition parent va phyVA s :
isDerived parent va s =
isDerived parent va {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma physicalPageNotDerivedUpdateCurrentPartition phyVA s :
physicalPageNotDerived s
physicalPageNotDerived {| currentPartition := phyVA; memory := memory s |}.

Lemma updateCurPartitionToChild descChild vaNotNulll currPart
root isMultiplexer nbL ptpd lastIndex phyVA pd:
{{ fun s : state((((((((((((partitionsIsolation s kernelDataIsolation s verticalSharing s consistency s)
              beqVAddr defaultVAddr descChild = vaNotNulll) currPart = currentPartition s)
            root = multiplexer) isMultiplexer = StateLib.Page.eqb currPart root)
          Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel)
         true = StateLib.checkChild currPart nbL s descChild)
        nextEntryIsPP currPart PDidx pd s)
       (getTableAddrRoot' ptpd PDidx currPart descChild s ptpd = defaultPage
        getTableAddrRoot ptpd PDidx currPart descChild s
        ptpd defaultPage
        ( idx : index,
         StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx isPE ptpd idx s)))
      (Nat.eqb defaultPage ptpd) = false)
     StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = lastIndex)
    isEntryPage ptpd lastIndex phyVA s) entryPresentFlag ptpd lastIndex true s }} MAL.updateCurPartition phyVA {{ fun _ (s : state) ⇒
                       partitionsIsolation s kernelDataIsolation s verticalSharing s consistency s }}.
Lemma updateCurPartitionToParent parent currPart root descChild :
{{ fun s : state
   (((((partitionsIsolation s kernelDataIsolation s verticalSharing s consistency s) beqVAddr defaultVAddr descChild = true)
      currPart = currentPartition s) root = multiplexer) false = StateLib.Page.eqb currPart root)
   nextEntryIsPP currPart PPRidx parent s }}
  MAL.updateCurPartition parent {{ fun _ spartitionsIsolation s kernelDataIsolation s verticalSharing s consistency s }}.

Lemma getIndirectionActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (va : vaddr) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
(stop : nat) (pageDir : page) (l : level),
getIndirection pageDir va l stop s = getIndirection pageDir va l stop s'.

Lemma getMappedPagesActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (somePartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
getMappedPages somePartition s = getMappedPages somePartition s'.

Lemma getLLPagesActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
(somePage : page),
getLLPages somePage s (nbPage + 1) = getLLPages somePage s' (nbPage + 1).

Lemma getTablePagesActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
(somePage : page),
getTablePages somePage tableSize s = getTablePages somePage tableSize s'.

Lemma getIndirectionsActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
somePage, getIndirections somePage s = getIndirections somePage s'.

Lemma getConfigPagesActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (somePartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
getConfigPages somePartition s = getConfigPages somePartition s'.

Lemma getUsedPagesActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (somePartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
getUsedPages somePartition s =
getUsedPages somePartition s'.

Lemma getPdActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
(partDesc : page),
StateLib.getPd partDesc (memory s) = StateLib.getPd partDesc (memory s').

Lemma getChildrenActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
(partDesc : page),
getChildren partDesc s = getChildren partDesc s'.

Lemma partitionTreeRemains (newCurrentPartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
(root : page),
getPartitions root s = getPartitions root s'.

Lemma InPartDescGetChildrenActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
(partDesc childPartDesc : page),
In childPartDesc (getChildren partDesc s) = In childPartDesc (getChildren partDesc s').

Lemma partitionsInPartitionTreeActivate (newCurrentPartition : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := newCurrentPartition; memory := memory s |} in
(partDesc : page),
In partDesc (getPartitions multiplexer s) = In partDesc (getPartitions multiplexer s').

Lemma partitionsIsolationActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
partitionsIsolation s partitionsIsolation s'.

Lemma kernelDataIsolationActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
kernelDataIsolation s kernelDataIsolation s'.

Lemma verticalSharingActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
verticalSharing s verticalSharing s'.

Lemma nextEntryIsPPActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
(partition entry : page) (idxroot : index),
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot entry s =
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot entry s'.

Lemma isVAActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
(p : page) (idx : index),
isVA p idx s = isVA p idx s'.

Lemma isVEActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
(p : page) (idx : index),
isVE p idx s = isVE p idx s'.

Lemma isPEActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
(p : page) (idx : index),
isPE p idx s = isPE p idx s'.

Lemma getAncestorsActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
(partition : page),
getAncestors partition s = getAncestors partition s'.

Lemma partitionDescriptorEntryActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
partitionDescriptorEntry s partitionDescriptorEntry s'.

Lemma dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRootActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
idx : index,
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idx s dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idx s'.

Lemma currentPartitionInPartitionsListActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
currentPartitionInPartitionsList s In partDesc (getPartitions multiplexer s)
currentPartitionInPartitionsList s'.

Lemma noDupMappedPagesListActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
noDupMappedPagesList s noDupMappedPagesList s'.

Lemma noDupConfigPagesListActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
noDupConfigPagesList s noDupConfigPagesList s'.

Lemma parentInPartitionListActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
parentInPartitionList s parentInPartitionList s'.

Lemma accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptorActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptor s accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptor s'.

Lemma accessibleChildPageIsAccessibleIntoParentActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
accessibleChildPageIsAccessibleIntoParent s accessibleChildPageIsAccessibleIntoParent s'.

Lemma noCycleInPartitionTreeActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
noCycleInPartitionTree s noCycleInPartitionTree s'.

Lemma configTablesAreDifferentActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
configTablesAreDifferent s configTablesAreDifferent s'.

Lemma isChildActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
isChild s isChild s'.

Lemma physicalPageNotDerivedActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
physicalPageNotDerived s physicalPageNotDerived s'.

Lemma isParentActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
isParent s isParent s'.

Lemma noDupPartitionTreeActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
noDupPartitionTree s noDupPartitionTree s'.

Lemma wellFormedFstShadowActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
wellFormedFstShadow s wellFormedFstShadow s'.

Lemma wellFormedSndShadowActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
wellFormedSndShadow s wellFormedSndShadow s'.

Lemma wellFormedShadowsActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
(idx : index),
wellFormedShadows idx s wellFormedShadows idx s'.

Lemma wellFormedFstShadowIfNoneActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
wellFormedFstShadowIfNone s wellFormedFstShadowIfNone s'.

Lemma wellFormedFstShadowIfDefaultValuesActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
wellFormedFstShadowIfDefaultValues s wellFormedFstShadowIfDefaultValues s'.

Lemma consistencyActivate (partDesc : page) (s : state) :
let s' := {| currentPartition := partDesc; memory := memory s |} in
consistency s In partDesc (getPartitions multiplexer s) partDesc defaultPage consistency s'.

Lemma updateCurPartitionToPartition (partDesc : page) :
{{fun spartitionsIsolation s
           kernelDataIsolation s
           verticalSharing s
           consistency s

           In partDesc (getPartitions multiplexer s)
           partDesc defaultPage
MAL.updateCurPartition partDesc
{{fun _ s'partitionsIsolation s'
            kernelDataIsolation s'
            verticalSharing s'
            consistency s'