Library Pip.Proof.WeakestPreconditions


In this file we formalize and prove the weakest precondition of the MAL and MALInternal functions
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.MAL Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Model.IAL.
Require Import Pip.Proof.StateLib.
Require Import Lia List Compare_dec.
Lemma ret (A : Type) (a : A) (P : A state Prop) : {{ P a }} ret a {{ P }}.

Lemma bind (A B : Type) (m : LLI A) (f : A LLI B) (P : state Prop)( Q : A state Prop) (R : B state Prop) :
  ( a, {{ Q a }} f a {{ R }}) {{ P }} m {{ Q }} {{ P }} perform x := m in f x {{ R }}.

Lemma put (s : state) (P : unit state Prop) : {{ fun _P tt s }} put s {{ P }}.

Lemma get (P : state state Prop) : {{ fun sP s s }} get {{ P }}.

Lemma undefined (A : Type)(a : nat) (P : A state Prop) : {{ fun sFalse }} undefined a{{ P }}.

Lemma weaken (A : Type) (m : LLI A) (P Q : state Prop) (R : A state Prop) :
  {{ Q }} m {{ R }} ( s, P s Q s) {{ P }} m {{ R }}.
Lemma strengthen (A : Type) (m : LLI A) (P: state Prop) (Q R: A state Prop) :
  {{ P }} m {{ R }} ( s a, R a s Q a s) {{ P }} m {{ Q }}.

Lemma bindRev (A B : Type) (m : LLI A) (f : A LLI B) (P : state Prop)( Q : A state Prop) (R : B state Prop) :
  {{ P }} m {{ Q }} ( a, {{ Q a }} f a {{ R }}) {{ P }} perform x := m in f x {{ R }}.

Lemma modify f (P : unit state Prop) : {{ fun sP tt (f s) }} modify f {{ P }}.

Lemma getCurPartition (P: page state Prop) :
{{wp P MAL.getCurPartition}} MAL.getCurPartition {{P}}.

Lemma getPDidx (P: index state Prop) :
{{ wp P getPDidx }} getPDidx {{ P }}.

Lemma getSh1idx (P: index state Prop) :
{{ wp P getSh1idx }} getSh1idx {{ P }}.
Lemma getSh2idx (P: index state Prop) :
{{ wp P getSh2idx }} getSh2idx {{ P }}.

Lemma getSh3idx (P: index state Prop) :
{{ wp P getSh3idx }} getSh3idx {{ P }}.

Lemma getPPRidx (P: index state Prop) :
{{ wp P getPPRidx }} getPPRidx {{ P }}.

Lemma getPRidx (P: index state Prop) :
{{ wp P getPRidx }} getPRidx {{ P }}.

Lemma getKidx (P : index state Prop) :
{{ wp P getKidx}} getKidx {{P}}.

Module Index.
Lemma eqb index1 index2 (P : bool state Prop):
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.Index.eqb index1 index2) s }}
  MALInternal.Index.eqb index1 index2 {{ fun sP s}}.

Lemma gtb index1 index2 (P : bool state Prop):
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.Index.gtb index1 index2) s }}
  MALInternal.Index.gtb index1 index2 {{ fun sP s}}.

Lemma ltb index1 index2 (P : bool state Prop):
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.Index.ltb index1 index2) s }}
  MALInternal.Index.ltb index1 index2 {{ fun sP s}}.

Lemma leb index1 index2 (P : bool state Prop):
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.Index.leb index1 index2) s }}
  MALInternal.Index.leb index1 index2 {{ fun sP s}}.

Lemma geb index1 index2 (P : bool state Prop):
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.Index.geb index1 index2) s }}
  MALInternal.Index.geb index1 index2 {{ fun sP s}}.

Lemma succ (idx : index) (P: index state Prop) :
{{fun sidx < (tableSize -1) l : idx + 1 < tableSize ,
    P {| i := idx + 1; Hi := MALInternal.Index.succ_obligation_1 idx l |} s}} MALInternal.Index.succ idx {{ P }}.
Lemma pred (idx : index) (P: index state Prop) :
{{ fun s : stateidx > 0 Hi : idx - 1 < tableSize,
                   P {| i := idx -1; Hi := Hi |} s }} MALInternal.Index.pred idx {{ P }}.
End Index.

Module Level.
Lemma pred (level1 : level) (P: level state Prop) :
{{ fun s : statelevel1 > 0 Hl : level1 - 1 < nbLevel,
                   P {| l := level1 -1; Hl := Hl |} s }} MALInternal.Level.pred level1 {{ P }}.

Lemma gtb level1 level2 (P : bool state Prop):
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.Level.gtb level1 level2) s }}
  MALInternal.Level.gtb level1 level2 {{ fun sP s}}.

Lemma eqb level1 level2 (P : bool state Prop):
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.Level.eqb level1 level2) s }}
  MALInternal.Level.eqb level1 level2 {{ fun sP s}}.
End Level.

Module Page.
Lemma eqb page1 page2 (P : bool state Prop):
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.Page.eqb page1 page2) s }}
  MALInternal.Page.eqb page1 page2 {{ fun sP s}}.
End Page.

Module VAddr.
Lemma eqbList(vaddr1 : vaddr) (vaddr2 : vaddr) (P : bool state Prop) :
{{ fun s : stateP (StateLib.VAddr.eqbList vaddr1 vaddr2) s }}
  MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList vaddr1 vaddr2 {{ fun sP s}}.
End VAddr.

Lemma readPhyEntry table idx (P : page state Prop) :
{{fun s entry, lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry)
             P entry.(pa) s }} MAL.readPhyEntry table idx {{P}}.
Lemma readVirEntry table idx (P : vaddr state Prop) :
{{fun s entry, lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some ( VE entry)
             P entry.(va) s }} MAL.readVirEntry table idx {{P}}.

Lemma readVirtual table idx (P : vaddr state Prop) :
{{fun s entry : vaddr, lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some ( VA entry)
             P entry s }} MAL.readVirtual table idx {{P}}.

Lemma readVirtualUser table idx (P : vaddr state Prop) :
{{fun smatch lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some ( VA a) ⇒ P a s
| _P defaultVAddr s
end }} MAL.readVirtualUser table idx {{P}}.

Lemma writePhyEntry table idx (addr : page) (p u r w e : bool) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt {|
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx
              (PE {| read := r; write := w; exec := e; present := p; user := u; pa := addr |})
              (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} }} writePhyEntry table idx addr p u r w e {{P}}.

Lemma writeVirtual table idx (addr : vaddr) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt {|
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (VA addr) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} }} writeVirtual table idx addr {{P}}.

Lemma writeVirEntry table idx (addr : vaddr) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt {|
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (VE {| pd := false; va := addr |} ) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} }} writeVirEntry table idx addr {{P}}.

Lemma writePhysical table idx (addr : page) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt {|
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx
              (PP addr )
              (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} }} writePhysical table idx addr {{P}}.

Lemma writeIndex table idx (indexValue : index) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt {|
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx
              (I indexValue )
              (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} }} writeIndex table idx indexValue {{P}}.

Lemma writeAccessible (table : page) (idx : index) (flag : bool) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun s entry , lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry)
P tt {|
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx
              (PE {| read := entry.(read); write :=entry.(write); exec := entry.(exec);
                     present := entry.(present); user := flag; pa := entry.(pa) |})
              (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} }} writeAccessible table idx flag {{P}}.

Lemma readPhysical table idx (P : page state Prop) :
{{fun s p1, lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP p1)
             P p1 s }} MAL.readPhysical table idx {{P}}.

Lemma readPresent table idx (P : bool state Prop) :
{{fun s entry, lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry)
             P entry.(present) s }} MAL.readPresent table idx {{P}}.
   Lemma writePDflag table idx (flag: bool) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun s v , lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (VE v)
P tt {|
         currentPartition := currentPartition s;
         memory := add table idx (VE {| pd := flag; va := va v |})
                     (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} }} writePDflag table idx flag {{P}}.

Lemma readAccessible table idx (P : bool state Prop) :
{{fun s entry, lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry)
             P entry.(user) s }} MAL.readAccessible table idx {{P}}.

Lemma getNbLevel (P : level state Prop) :
{{fun snbLevel > 0 ( H, P {|
           l := nbLevel -1;
           Hl := MAL.getNbLevel_obligation_1 H
           |} s) }}

Lemma getIndexOfAddr (va : vaddr) (level1 : level) (P: index state Prop) :
{{ fun sP (nth (length va - (level1+ 2)) va defaultIndex) s }}
   MAL.getIndexOfAddr va level1

Lemma getMultiplexer (P : page state Prop) :
{{ wp P getMultiplexer}} getMultiplexer {{P}}.

Lemma readPDflag table idx (P : bool state Prop) :
{{fun s entry, lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some (VE entry)
             P entry.(pd) s }} MAL.readPDflag table idx {{P}}.
Lemma readIndex table idx (P : index state Prop) :
{{fun s ivalue : index, lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex = Some ( I ivalue)
             P ivalue s }} MAL.readIndex table idx {{P}}.

Lemma updateCurPartition (partitionDescriptor : page) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt {|
  currentPartition := partitionDescriptor;
  memory := memory s |} }}updateCurPartition partitionDescriptor {{P}}.

Lemma checkIndexPropertyLTB (userIndex : userValue) (P : bool state Prop) :
{{fun sP (Nat.ltb userIndex tableSize) s }} checkIndexPropertyLTB userIndex {{P}}.

Lemma updateMMURoot (MMURoot : page) (P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt s }}
updateMMURoot MMURoot
{{ P }}.

Lemma userValueToIndex (userIndex : userValue) (P : index state Prop) :
{{fun suserIndex < tableSize P (CIndex userIndex) s}}
  userValueToIndex userIndex

Lemma readInterruptMask (calleeVidt : page) (P : interruptMask state Prop) :
{{ fun sP int_mask_d s}}
readInterruptMask calleeVidt

Lemma isInterruptMasked (interruptMask : interruptMask) (targetInterrupt : index) (P : bool state Prop) :
{{fun sP false s}}
isInterruptMasked interruptMask targetInterrupt

Lemma getNthVAddrFrom (va : vaddr) (n : nat) (P : vaddr state Prop):
{{fun sP (getNthVAddrFromAux va n) s}}
IAL.getNthVAddrFrom va n

Lemma firstVAddrGreaterThanSecond (first second : vaddr) (P : bool state Prop):
{{fun sP (firstVAddrGreaterThanSecondAux first second (IAL.firstVAddrGreaterThanSecond_obligation_1 first second)) s}}
firstVAddrGreaterThanSecond first second

Lemma writeContext (callingContextAddr : contextAddr) (contextSaveAddr : vaddr) (flagsOnWake : interruptMask)
(P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt s}}
writeContext callingContextAddr contextSaveAddr flagsOnWake

Lemma setInterruptMask (mask : interruptMask)
(P : unit state Prop) :
{{fun sP tt s}}
setInterruptMask mask