Library Pip.Proof.StateLib
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Model.MAL.
Require Import ProofIrrelevance Coq.Program.Equality Arith List Lia Bool.
Import List.ListNotations.
Module Index.
Definition geb (a b : index) : bool := b <=? a.
Definition leb (a b : index) : bool := a <=? b.
Definition ltb (a b : index) : bool := a <? b.
Definition gtb (a b : index) : bool := b <? a.
Definition eqb (a b : index) : bool := a =? b.
Definition succ (n : index): option index:=
let isucc := n + 1 in
match lt_dec isucc tableSize with
| left x ⇒
Some {| i := isucc; Hi := MALInternal.Index.succ_obligation_1 n x |}
| right _ ⇒ None
Program Definition pred (n : index) : option index :=
if gt_dec n 0 then
let ipred := n-1 in
Some (Build_index ipred _ )
else None.
End Index.
Module Page.
Definition eqb (p1 : page) (p2 : page) : bool := (p1 =? p2).
End Page.
Module Level.
Definition gtb (a b : level) : bool := b <? a .
Definition eqb (a b : level) : bool:= a =? b.
Program Definition pred (n : level) : option level :=
if gt_dec n 0 then
let ipred := n-1 in
Some (Build_level ipred _ )
else None.
End Level.
Module VAddr.
Definition eqbList(vaddr1 : vaddr) (vaddr2 : vaddr) : bool :=
beqVAddr vaddr1 vaddr2.
End VAddr.
Require Import ProofIrrelevance Coq.Program.Equality Arith List Lia Bool.
Import List.ListNotations.
Module Index.
Definition geb (a b : index) : bool := b <=? a.
Definition leb (a b : index) : bool := a <=? b.
Definition ltb (a b : index) : bool := a <? b.
Definition gtb (a b : index) : bool := b <? a.
Definition eqb (a b : index) : bool := a =? b.
Definition succ (n : index): option index:=
let isucc := n + 1 in
match lt_dec isucc tableSize with
| left x ⇒
Some {| i := isucc; Hi := MALInternal.Index.succ_obligation_1 n x |}
| right _ ⇒ None
Program Definition pred (n : index) : option index :=
if gt_dec n 0 then
let ipred := n-1 in
Some (Build_index ipred _ )
else None.
End Index.
Module Page.
Definition eqb (p1 : page) (p2 : page) : bool := (p1 =? p2).
End Page.
Module Level.
Definition gtb (a b : level) : bool := b <? a .
Definition eqb (a b : level) : bool:= a =? b.
Program Definition pred (n : level) : option level :=
if gt_dec n 0 then
let ipred := n-1 in
Some (Build_level ipred _ )
else None.
End Level.
Module VAddr.
Definition eqbList(vaddr1 : vaddr) (vaddr2 : vaddr) : bool :=
beqVAddr vaddr1 vaddr2.
End VAddr.
The getCurPartition function returns the current partition descriptor of a given state
The getMaxIndex function returns the last position into a page table
Definition getMaxIndex : option index:=
match gt_dec tableSize 0 with
| left x ⇒
i := tableSize - 1;
Hi := MAL.getMaxIndex_obligation_1 x |}
| right _ ⇒ None
match gt_dec tableSize 0 with
| left x ⇒
i := tableSize - 1;
Hi := MAL.getMaxIndex_obligation_1 x |}
| right _ ⇒ None
The readPhysical function returns the physical page stored into a given
page at a given position in physical memory. The table should contain only Physical pages
(The type PP is already defined into Model.ADT)
Definition readPhysical (paddr : page) (idx : index) memory: option page :=
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PP a) ⇒ Some a
| _ ⇒ None
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PP a) ⇒ Some a
| _ ⇒ None
The getPd function returns the physical page of the page directory of
a given partition
Definition getPd partition memory: option page:=
match Index.succ PDidx with
|None ⇒ None
|Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
match Index.succ PDidx with
|None ⇒ None
|Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
The getFstShadow returns the physical page of the first shadow page of
a given partition
Definition getFstShadow partition memory: option page:=
match Index.succ sh1idx with
|None ⇒ None
|Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
match Index.succ sh1idx with
|None ⇒ None
|Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
The getSndShadow returns the physical page of the second shadow page of
a given partition
Definition getSndShadow partition memory: option page:=
match Index.succ sh2idx with
|None ⇒ None
|Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
match Index.succ sh2idx with
|None ⇒ None
|Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
The getConfigTablesLinkedList returns the physical address of the indirection tables
reverse translation of a given partition
Definition getConfigTablesLinkedList partition memory: option page:=
match Index.succ sh3idx with
|None ⇒ None
|Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
match Index.succ sh3idx with
|None ⇒ None
|Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
The readPDflag function returns the flag value stored into a given table
at a given position in memory. The table should contain only virtual entries
(The type VE is already defined in Model.ADT)
Definition readPDflag (paddr : page) (idx : index) memory : option bool:=
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE a) ⇒ Some a.(pd)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE a) ⇒ Some a.(pd)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
The getNbLevel function returns the number of translation levels of the MMU
Definition getNbLevel : option level:=
match gt_dec nbLevel 0 with
| left x ⇒
Some {| l := nbLevel - 1; Hl := MAL.getNbLevel_obligation_1 x |}
| right _ ⇒ None
match gt_dec nbLevel 0 with
| left x ⇒
Some {| l := nbLevel - 1; Hl := MAL.getNbLevel_obligation_1 x |}
| right _ ⇒ None
The readPresent function returns the flag value stored into a given table
at a given position in memory. The table should contain only Physical entries
(The type PE is already defined in Model.ADT)
Definition readPresent (paddr : page) (idx : index) memory : option bool:=
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ Some a.(present)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ Some a.(present)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
The readAccessible function returns the flag value stored into a given table
at a given position in memory. The table should contain only Physical entries
(The type PE is already defined in Model.ADT)
Definition readAccessible (paddr : page) (idx : index) memory : option bool:=
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ Some a.(user)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
Definition getIndexOfAddr (va : vaddr) (l : level) : index:=
nth ((length va) - (l + 2)) va defaultIndex .
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ Some a.(user)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
Definition getIndexOfAddr (va : vaddr) (l : level) : index:=
nth ((length va) - (l + 2)) va defaultIndex .
The checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset function compares two given virtual addresses
without taking into account the last index
Fixpoint checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset (timeout : nat) (va1 va2 : vaddr) (l : level) :=
match timeout with
|0 ⇒ true
|S timeout1 ⇒
let idx1 := getIndexOfAddr va1 l in
let idx2 := getIndexOfAddr va2 l in
if Level.eqb l fstLevel
(idx1 =? idx2)
match Level.pred l with
| Some levelpred ⇒ if idx1 =? idx2
then checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset timeout1 va1 va2 levelpred
else false
| _ ⇒ true
match timeout with
|0 ⇒ true
|S timeout1 ⇒
let idx1 := getIndexOfAddr va1 l in
let idx2 := getIndexOfAddr va2 l in
if Level.eqb l fstLevel
(idx1 =? idx2)
match Level.pred l with
| Some levelpred ⇒ if idx1 =? idx2
then checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset timeout1 va1 va2 levelpred
else false
| _ ⇒ true
The readPhyEntry function returns the physical page stored into a given table
at a given position in memory. The table should contain only Physical entries
(The type PE is already defined in Model.ADT)
Definition readPhyEntry(paddr : page) (idx : index) memory: option page :=
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ Some a.(pa)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ Some a.(pa)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
The readIndex function returns the index stored into a given table
at a given position in memory. The table should contain only indices
(The type I is already defined in Model.ADT)
Definition readIndex (paddr : page) (idx : index) memory : option index :=
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (I indexValue) ⇒ Some indexValue
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (I indexValue) ⇒ Some indexValue
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
The readVirtual function returns the virtual address strored into a given table
at a given position in memory. The table should contain a virtual address at this position
(The type VA is already defined in Model.ADT)
Definition readVirtual (paddr : page) (idx : index) memory : option vaddr :=
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VA addr) ⇒ Some addr
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VA addr) ⇒ Some addr
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
The readVirEntry function returns the virtual address strored into a given table
at a given position in memory. The table should contain a VEntry at this position
(The type VEntry is already defined in Model.ADT)
Definition readVirEntry (paddr : page) (idx : index) memory : option vaddr :=
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE addr) ⇒ Some (va addr)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
let entry := lookup paddr idx memory beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE addr) ⇒ Some (va addr)
| Some _ ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
The getDefaultPage function returns the value of the default page
The getIndirection function returns the configuration table entry that corresponds
to the given level and virtual address
Fixpoint getIndirection (pd : page) (va : vaddr) (currentlevel : level) (stop : nat) s :=
match stop with
|0 ⇒ Some pd
|S stop1 ⇒
if (Level.eqb currentlevel fstLevel)
then Some pd
let idx := getIndexOfAddr va currentlevel in
match readPhyEntry pd idx s.(memory) with
| Some addr ⇒ if defaultPage =? addr
then Some defaultPage
match Level.pred currentlevel with
|Some p ⇒ getIndirection addr va p stop1 s
|None ⇒ None
|None ⇒ None
Inductive optionPage : Type:=
|SomePage : page → optionPage
|SomeDefault : optionPage
|NonePage : optionPage
match stop with
|0 ⇒ Some pd
|S stop1 ⇒
if (Level.eqb currentlevel fstLevel)
then Some pd
let idx := getIndexOfAddr va currentlevel in
match readPhyEntry pd idx s.(memory) with
| Some addr ⇒ if defaultPage =? addr
then Some defaultPage
match Level.pred currentlevel with
|Some p ⇒ getIndirection addr va p stop1 s
|None ⇒ None
|None ⇒ None
Inductive optionPage : Type:=
|SomePage : page → optionPage
|SomeDefault : optionPage
|NonePage : optionPage
The getMappedPage function returns the physical page stored into a leaf node,
which corresponds to a given virtual address, if the present flag is equal to true
Definition getMappedPage pd s va: optionPage :=
match getNbLevel with
|None ⇒ NonePage
|Some level ⇒ let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getIndirection pd va level (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒ if defaultPage =? tbl
then NonePage
else match (readPresent tbl idxVA s.(memory)) with
| Some false ⇒ SomeDefault
|Some true ⇒ match readPhyEntry tbl idxVA s.(memory) with
| Some a ⇒ SomePage a
| _ ⇒ NonePage
|_ ⇒ NonePage
| _ ⇒ NonePage
match getNbLevel with
|None ⇒ NonePage
|Some level ⇒ let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getIndirection pd va level (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒ if defaultPage =? tbl
then NonePage
else match (readPresent tbl idxVA s.(memory)) with
| Some false ⇒ SomeDefault
|Some true ⇒ match readPhyEntry tbl idxVA s.(memory) with
| Some a ⇒ SomePage a
| _ ⇒ NonePage
|_ ⇒ NonePage
| _ ⇒ NonePage
The getVirtualAddressSh2 function returns the virtual address stored into the
second shadow structure which corresponds to a given virtual address
Definition getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va: option vaddr :=
match getNbLevel with
|None ⇒ None
|Some level ⇒ let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getIndirection sh2 va level (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒ if defaultPage =? tbl
then None
else readVirtual tbl idxVA s.(memory)
| _ ⇒ None
match getNbLevel with
|None ⇒ None
|Some level ⇒ let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getIndirection sh2 va level (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒ if defaultPage =? tbl
then None
else readVirtual tbl idxVA s.(memory)
| _ ⇒ None
The getVirtualAddressSh2 function returns the virtual address stored into the
Definition getVAInParent partition s va: option vaddr :=
match getSndShadow partition (memory s) with
|Some sh2 ⇒ match getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va with
| Some vainparent ⇒ if (VAddr.eqbList defaultVAddr vainparent)
then None
else Some vainparent
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
match getSndShadow partition (memory s) with
|Some sh2 ⇒ match getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va with
| Some vainparent ⇒ if (VAddr.eqbList defaultVAddr vainparent)
then None
else Some vainparent
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
The getVirtualAddressSh1 function returns the virtual address stored into the first
shadow structure which corresponds to a given virtual address
Definition getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va: option vaddr :=
match getNbLevel with
|None ⇒ None
|Some level ⇒ let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getIndirection sh1 va level (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒ if defaultPage =? tbl
then None
else readVirEntry tbl idxVA s.(memory)
| _ ⇒ None
match getNbLevel with
|None ⇒ None
|Some level ⇒ let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getIndirection sh1 va level (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒ if defaultPage =? tbl
then None
else readVirEntry tbl idxVA s.(memory)
| _ ⇒ None
The getAccessibleMappedPage function returns the physical page stored into a leaf node,
which corresponds to a given virtual address, if the present and user flags are equal to true
Definition getAccessibleMappedPage pd s va: optionPage :=
match getNbLevel with
|None ⇒ NonePage
|Some level ⇒let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getIndirection pd va level (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒ if defaultPage =? tbl
then NonePage
else match (readPresent tbl idxVA s.(memory)),
(readAccessible tbl idxVA s.(memory)) with
|Some true, Some true ⇒ match readPhyEntry tbl idxVA s.(memory) with
| Some a ⇒ SomePage a
| _ ⇒ NonePage
| _, _ ⇒ NonePage
| _ ⇒ NonePage
match getNbLevel with
|None ⇒ NonePage
|Some level ⇒let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getIndirection pd va level (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒ if defaultPage =? tbl
then NonePage
else match (readPresent tbl idxVA s.(memory)),
(readAccessible tbl idxVA s.(memory)) with
|Some true, Some true ⇒ match readPhyEntry tbl idxVA s.(memory) with
| Some a ⇒ SomePage a
| _ ⇒ NonePage
| _, _ ⇒ NonePage
| _ ⇒ NonePage
The geTrdShadows returns physical pages used to keep informations about
configuration pages
Fixpoint getLLPages (sh3 : page) s bound :=
match bound with
|0 ⇒ []
|S bound1 ⇒ match getMaxIndex with
|None ⇒ []
|Some maxindex ⇒ match readPhysical sh3 maxindex s.(memory) with
|None ⇒ [sh3]
|Some addr ⇒ if addr =? defaultPage then [sh3] else sh3 :: getLLPages addr s bound1
match bound with
|0 ⇒ []
|S bound1 ⇒ match getMaxIndex with
|None ⇒ []
|Some maxindex ⇒ match readPhysical sh3 maxindex s.(memory) with
|None ⇒ [sh3]
|Some addr ⇒ if addr =? defaultPage then [sh3] else sh3 :: getLLPages addr s bound1
The checkChild function returns true if the given virtual address corresponds
to a child of the given partition
Definition checkChild partition level (s:state) va : bool :=
let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getFstShadow partition s.(memory) with
| Some sh1 ⇒
match getIndirection sh1 va level (nbLevel -1) s with
|Some tbl ⇒ if tbl =? defaultPage
then false
else match readPDflag tbl idxVA s.(memory) with
|Some true ⇒ true
|_ ⇒ false
|None ⇒ false
| _ ⇒ false
let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getFstShadow partition s.(memory) with
| Some sh1 ⇒
match getIndirection sh1 va level (nbLevel -1) s with
|Some tbl ⇒ if tbl =? defaultPage
then false
else match readPDflag tbl idxVA s.(memory) with
|Some true ⇒ true
|_ ⇒ false
|None ⇒ false
| _ ⇒ false
The getTablePages function returns the list of physical pages stored into
a given configuration table from a given index
Fixpoint getTablePages (table : page ) (idx : nat) s : list page :=
match idx with
| 0 ⇒ []
|S idx1 ⇒ match lookup table (CIndex idx1) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PE entry) ⇒ if (pa entry =? defaultPage ) then getTablePages table idx1 s
else getTablePages table idx1 s ++ [pa entry]
| _ ⇒ getTablePages table idx1 s
Fixpoint getIndirectionsAux (pa : page) (s : state) level {struct level} : list page :=
match level with
| O ⇒ []
| S level1 ⇒ pa :: flat_map (fun p ⇒ getIndirectionsAux p s level1)
(getTablePages pa tableSize s)
match idx with
| 0 ⇒ []
|S idx1 ⇒ match lookup table (CIndex idx1) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PE entry) ⇒ if (pa entry =? defaultPage ) then getTablePages table idx1 s
else getTablePages table idx1 s ++ [pa entry]
| _ ⇒ getTablePages table idx1 s
Fixpoint getIndirectionsAux (pa : page) (s : state) level {struct level} : list page :=
match level with
| O ⇒ []
| S level1 ⇒ pa :: flat_map (fun p ⇒ getIndirectionsAux p s level1)
(getTablePages pa tableSize s)
The getIndirectionsAux function returns the list of physical pages
used into a configuration tables tree
Definition getIndirections pd s : list page :=
getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel.
Fixpoint getAllIndicesAux (pos count: nat) : list index :=
match count with
| 0 ⇒ []
| S count1 ⇒ match lt_dec pos tableSize with
| left pf ⇒ Build_index pos pf :: getAllIndicesAux (S pos) count1
| _ ⇒ []
getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel.
Fixpoint getAllIndicesAux (pos count: nat) : list index :=
match count with
| 0 ⇒ []
| S count1 ⇒ match lt_dec pos tableSize with
| left pf ⇒ Build_index pos pf :: getAllIndicesAux (S pos) count1
| _ ⇒ []
The getAllIndicesAux function returns the list of all indices
Definition getAllIndices := getAllIndicesAux 0 tableSize.
Fixpoint getAllVAddrAux (levels: nat) : list (list index) :=
match levels with
| 0 ⇒ [[]]
| S levels1 ⇒ let alls := getAllVAddrAux levels1 in
flat_map (fun (idx : index) ⇒ map (cons idx) alls) getAllIndices
Fixpoint getAllVAddrAux (levels: nat) : list (list index) :=
match levels with
| 0 ⇒ [[]]
| S levels1 ⇒ let alls := getAllVAddrAux levels1 in
flat_map (fun (idx : index) ⇒ map (cons idx) alls) getAllIndices
The getAllVAddr function returns the list of all virtual addresses
Definition getAllVAddr :=map CVaddr (getAllVAddrAux (S nbLevel)).
Definition checkOffset0 (va : vaddr) :bool :=
if ( nth nbLevel va defaultIndex =? CIndex 0 ) then true else false .
Definition getAllVAddrWithOffset0 :=filter checkOffset0 getAllVAddr.
Definition checkOffset0 (va : vaddr) :bool :=
if ( nth nbLevel va defaultIndex =? CIndex 0 ) then true else false .
Definition getAllVAddrWithOffset0 :=filter checkOffset0 getAllVAddr.
The getPdsVAddr function returns the list of virtual addresses used as
partition descriptor into a given partition
Definition getPdsVAddr partition l1 (vaList : list vaddr) s :=
filter (checkChild partition l1 s) vaList.
filter (checkChild partition l1 s) vaList.
The getMappedPagesOption function Return all physical pages marked as
present into a partition
Definition getMappedPagesOption (pd : page) (vaList : list vaddr) s : list optionPage :=
map (getMappedPage pd s) vaList.
map (getMappedPage pd s) vaList.
The getAccessibleMappedPagesOption function Return all physical pages
marked as present and accessible into a partition
Definition getAccessibleMappedPagesOption (pd : page) (vaList : list vaddr) s : list optionPage :=
map (getAccessibleMappedPage pd s) vaList.
map (getAccessibleMappedPage pd s) vaList.
The filterOption function Remove option type from list
Fixpoint filterOption (l : list (optionPage)) :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ []
| SomePage a :: l1 ⇒ a:: filterOption l1
| _ :: l1 ⇒ filterOption l1
match l with
| [] ⇒ []
| SomePage a :: l1 ⇒ a:: filterOption l1
| _ :: l1 ⇒ filterOption l1
The getMappedPagesAux function removes option type from mapped pages list
Definition getMappedPagesAux (pd :page) (vaList : list vaddr) s : list page :=
filterOption (getMappedPagesOption pd vaList s).
filterOption (getMappedPagesOption pd vaList s).
The getAccessibleMappedPagesAux function removes option type from
accessible mapped pages list
Definition getAccessibleMappedPagesAux (pd :page) (vaList : list vaddr) s : list page :=
filterOption (getAccessibleMappedPagesOption pd vaList s).
filterOption (getAccessibleMappedPagesOption pd vaList s).
The getConfigPagesAux function returns all configuration pages of a
given partition
Definition getConfigPagesAux (partition : page) (s : state) : list page :=
match getPd partition s.(memory),
getFstShadow partition s.(memory),
getSndShadow partition s.(memory),
getConfigTablesLinkedList partition s.(memory) with
| Some pd , Some sh1, Some sh2 , Some sh3 ⇒ (getIndirections pd s)++
(getIndirections sh1 s)++
(getIndirections sh2 s )++
(getLLPages sh3 s (nbPage+1))
|_,_,_,_ ⇒ []
Definition getConfigPages (partition : page) (s : state) :=
partition :: (getConfigPagesAux partition s).
match getPd partition s.(memory),
getFstShadow partition s.(memory),
getSndShadow partition s.(memory),
getConfigTablesLinkedList partition s.(memory) with
| Some pd , Some sh1, Some sh2 , Some sh3 ⇒ (getIndirections pd s)++
(getIndirections sh1 s)++
(getIndirections sh2 s )++
(getLLPages sh3 s (nbPage+1))
|_,_,_,_ ⇒ []
Definition getConfigPages (partition : page) (s : state) :=
partition :: (getConfigPagesAux partition s).
The getMappedPages function Returns all present pages of a given partition
Definition getMappedPages (partition : page) s : list page :=
match getPd partition s.(memory) with
|None ⇒ []
|Some pd ⇒ let vaList := getAllVAddrWithOffset0 in getMappedPagesAux pd vaList s
match getPd partition s.(memory) with
|None ⇒ []
|Some pd ⇒ let vaList := getAllVAddrWithOffset0 in getMappedPagesAux pd vaList s
The getAccessibleMappedPages function Returns all present and
accessible pages of a given partition
Definition getAccessibleMappedPages (partition : page) s : list page :=
match getPd partition s.(memory) with
|None ⇒ []
|Some pd ⇒ let vaList := getAllVAddrWithOffset0 in getAccessibleMappedPagesAux pd vaList s
match getPd partition s.(memory) with
|None ⇒ []
|Some pd ⇒ let vaList := getAllVAddrWithOffset0 in getAccessibleMappedPagesAux pd vaList s
The getUsedPages function Returns all used pages (present and config pages)
of a given partition including the partition descriptor itself
Definition getUsedPages (partition: page) s : list page :=
getConfigPages partition s ++ getMappedPages partition s.
Lemma eqPageDec : ∀ n m : page, {n = m} + {n ≠ m}.
getConfigPages partition s ++ getMappedPages partition s.
Lemma eqPageDec : ∀ n m : page, {n = m} + {n ≠ m}.
The getChildren function Returns all children of a given partition
Definition getChildren (partition : page) s :=
let vaList := getAllVAddrWithOffset0 in
match getNbLevel, getPd partition s.(memory) with
|Some l1,Some pd ⇒ getMappedPagesAux pd (getPdsVAddr partition l1 vaList s) s
|_, _ ⇒ []
let vaList := getAllVAddrWithOffset0 in
match getNbLevel, getPd partition s.(memory) with
|Some l1,Some pd ⇒ getMappedPagesAux pd (getPdsVAddr partition l1 vaList s) s
|_, _ ⇒ []
The getPartitionsAux function returns all pages marked as descriptor partition
Fixpoint getPartitionAux (partitionRoot : page) (s : state) bound {struct bound} : list page :=
match bound with
| O ⇒ []
| S bound1 ⇒ partitionRoot :: flat_map (fun p ⇒ getPartitionAux p s bound1)
(getChildren partitionRoot s )
match bound with
| O ⇒ []
| S bound1 ⇒ partitionRoot :: flat_map (fun p ⇒ getPartitionAux p s bound1)
(getChildren partitionRoot s )
The getPartitions function fixes the sufficient timeout value to retrieve all partitions
The getParent function returns the parent partition descriptor of a given partition
Definition getParent partition memory :=
match Index.succ PPRidx with
| Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
| _ ⇒ None
match Index.succ PPRidx with
| Some idx ⇒ readPhysical partition idx memory
| _ ⇒ None
The getAncestorsAux function returns the ancestors list of a given partition
Fixpoint getAncestorsAux (partition : page) memory depth : list page :=
match depth with
|0 ⇒ []
| S depth1 ⇒ match getParent partition memory with
| Some parent ⇒ parent :: getAncestorsAux parent memory depth1
| _ ⇒ []
match depth with
|0 ⇒ []
| S depth1 ⇒ match getParent partition memory with
| Some parent ⇒ parent :: getAncestorsAux parent memory depth1
| _ ⇒ []
The getAncestors function fixes the sufficient timeout value to retrieve all ancestors
Propositions The isPE proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given page table is type of PE
Definition isPE table idx s: Prop :=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (PE _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (PE _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
The isVE proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given page table is type of VE
Definition isVE table idx s: Prop :=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (VE _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (VE _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
The isVA proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given page table is type of VA
Definition isVA table idx s: Prop :=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (VA _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (VA _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
The isPP proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given page table is type of PE
Definition isPP table idx s: Prop :=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (PP _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (PP _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
The isPP' proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given page table is type of PP and physical page stored into this entry
is equal to a given physical page pg
Definition isPP' table idx pg s: Prop :=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (PP p) ⇒ p = pg
|_ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (PP p) ⇒ p = pg
|_ ⇒ False
The nextEntryIsPP proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx+1
into the given physical page table is type of PP and physical page stored into
this entry is equal to a given physical page pg
Definition nextEntryIsPP table idxroot tableroot s : Prop:=
match Index.succ idxroot with
| Some idxsucc ⇒ match lookup table idxsucc (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PP table) ⇒ tableroot = table
|_ ⇒ False
| _ ⇒ False
match Index.succ idxroot with
| Some idxsucc ⇒ match lookup table idxsucc (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PP table) ⇒ tableroot = table
|_ ⇒ False
| _ ⇒ False
The entryPresentFlag proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given physical page table is type of PP and the present flag stored into
this entry is equal to a given flag flag
Definition entryPresentFlag table idx flag s:=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PE entry) ⇒ flag = entry.(present)
| _ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PE entry) ⇒ flag = entry.(present)
| _ ⇒ False
The entryPDFlag proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given physical page table is type of VE and the pd flag stored into
this entry is equal to a given flag flag
Definition entryPDFlag table idx flag s:=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VE entry) ⇒ flag = entry.(pd)
| _ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VE entry) ⇒ flag = entry.(pd)
| _ ⇒ False
The entryUserFlag proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given physical page table is type of VE and the user flag stored into
this entry is equal to a given flag flag
Definition entryUserFlag table idx flag s:=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PE entry) ⇒ flag = entry.(user)
| _ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PE entry) ⇒ flag = entry.(user)
| _ ⇒ False
The VEDerivation proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given physical page table is type of VE and the given boolean value
res specifies if the virtual address stored into
this entry is equal or not to the default virtual address
Definition VEDerivation table idx (res : bool) s:=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VE entry) ⇒ ¬ (beqVAddr entry.(va) defaultVAddr) = res
| _ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VE entry) ⇒ ¬ (beqVAddr entry.(va) defaultVAddr) = res
| _ ⇒ False
The isEntryVA proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given physical page table is type of VE and the virtual address
stored into this entry is equal to a given virtual address v1
Definition isEntryVA table idx v1 s:=
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VE entry) ⇒ entry.(va) = v1
| _ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VE entry) ⇒ entry.(va) = v1
| _ ⇒ False
The isVA' proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given physical page table is type of VA and the virtual address
stored into this entry is equal to a given virtual address v1
Definition isVA' table idx v1 s:=
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VA entry) ⇒ entry = v1
| _ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VA entry) ⇒ entry = v1
| _ ⇒ False
The isVAUser specifies the value of v1
Definition isVAUser table idx v1 s:=
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VA entry) ⇒ entry = v1
| _ ⇒ defaultVAddr = v1
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (VA entry) ⇒ entry = v1
| _ ⇒ defaultVAddr = v1
The isEntryPage proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given page table is type of PE and physical page stored into this entry
is equal to a given physical page page1
Definition isEntryPage table idx page1 s:=
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PE entry) ⇒ entry.(pa) = page1
| _ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (PE entry) ⇒ entry.(pa) = page1
| _ ⇒ False
The isIndexValue proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given page table is type of I and the index stored into this memory location
is equal to a given index value vindex
Definition isIndexValue table idx vindex s:=
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (I value) ⇒ value = vindex
| _ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex with
| Some (I value) ⇒ value = vindex
| _ ⇒ False
The isI proposition reutrns True if the entry at position idx
into the given page table is type of I
Definition isI table idx s: Prop :=
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (I _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
match lookup table idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex with
|Some (I _) ⇒ True
|_ ⇒ False
The getTableAddrRoot' proposition returns True if the given physical page table
is a configuration table into different structures (pd, shadow1 or shadow2). This table should be associated to the
given virtual address va
Definition getTableAddrRoot' (table : page) (idxroot : index)
(currentPart : page) (va : vaddr) (s : state) : Prop :=
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) ∧
(∀ tableroot : page,
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot tableroot s →
∃ nbL : level,
Some nbL = getNbLevel ∧
(∃ stop : nat, stop > 0 ∧ stop ≤ nbL ∧ getIndirection tableroot va nbL stop s = Some table)).
(currentPart : page) (va : vaddr) (s : state) : Prop :=
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) ∧
(∀ tableroot : page,
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot tableroot s →
∃ nbL : level,
Some nbL = getNbLevel ∧
(∃ stop : nat, stop > 0 ∧ stop ≤ nbL ∧ getIndirection tableroot va nbL stop s = Some table)).
The getTableAddrRoot proposition returns True if the given physical page table
is the last page table into a structure (pd, shadow1 or shadow2) that corresponds to a given virtual address va
Definition getTableAddrRoot table idxroot currentPart va s : Prop :=
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx)/\
∀ (tableroot : page), nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot tableroot s →
∃ nbL, Some nbL = getNbLevel ∧ ∃ (stop :nat) , stop = nbL+1 ∧
getIndirection tableroot va nbL stop s = Some table .
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx)/\
∀ (tableroot : page), nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot tableroot s →
∃ nbL, Some nbL = getNbLevel ∧ ∃ (stop :nat) , stop = nbL+1 ∧
getIndirection tableroot va nbL stop s = Some table .
The getAllPages returns the list of all physical pages
The getPDFlag checks if the given virtual address corresponds to a partition
Definition getPDFlag sh1 va s :=
let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getNbLevel with
|Some nbL ⇒ match getIndirection sh1 va nbL (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒
if tbl =? defaultPage
then false
match readPDflag tbl idxVA (memory s) with
| Some true ⇒ true
| Some false ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
let idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
match getNbLevel with
|Some nbL ⇒ match getIndirection sh1 va nbL (nbLevel - 1) s with
| Some tbl ⇒
if tbl =? defaultPage
then false
match readPDflag tbl idxVA (memory s) with
| Some true ⇒ true
| Some false ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
The isAccessibleMappedPageInParent function returns true if the given physical
page is accessible in the parent of the given partition
Definition isAccessibleMappedPageInParent partition va accessiblePage s :=
match getSndShadow partition (memory s) with
| Some sh2 ⇒
match getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va with
| Some vaInParent ⇒
match getParent partition (memory s) with
| Some parent ⇒
match getPd parent (memory s) with
| Some pdParent ⇒
match getAccessibleMappedPage pdParent s vaInParent with
| SomePage sameAccessiblePage ⇒ accessiblePage =? sameAccessiblePage
| _ ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
match getSndShadow partition (memory s) with
| Some sh2 ⇒
match getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va with
| Some vaInParent ⇒
match getParent partition (memory s) with
| Some parent ⇒
match getPd parent (memory s) with
| Some pdParent ⇒
match getAccessibleMappedPage pdParent s vaInParent with
| SomePage sameAccessiblePage ⇒ accessiblePage =? sameAccessiblePage
| _ ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
| None ⇒ false
The isPartitionFalse returns true if the partition descriptor flag of a given
entry is equal to false or there is no data stored into this entry
Definition isPartitionFalse ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild s :=
readPDflag ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild (memory s) = Some false ∨
readPDflag ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild (memory s) = None.
readPDflag ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild (memory s) = Some false ∨
readPDflag ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild (memory s) = None.
The isAncestor funtion returns true if the given partitions are equal
or the descParent partition is an ancestor of currentPart
Definition isAncestor currentPart descParent s :=
( currentPart = descParent ∨ In descParent (getAncestors currentPart s)).
Definition isWellFormedFstShadow nbL table s:=
(nbL ≠ fstLevel ∧
(∀ idx, readPhyEntry table idx s.(memory) = Some defaultPage ∧
readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some false )) ∨
(nbL = fstLevel ∧
( ∀ idx : index,
(readVirEntry table idx (memory s) = Some defaultVAddr) ∧
readPDflag table idx (memory s) = Some false) ).
Definition isWellFormedSndShadow nbL table s:=
(nbL ≠ fstLevel ∧ (
∀ idx, readPhyEntry table idx s.(memory) = Some defaultPage ∧
readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some false )) ∨
(nbL = fstLevel ∧ ( ∀ idx : index,
(readVirtual table idx (memory s) = Some defaultVAddr) ) ).
( currentPart = descParent ∨ In descParent (getAncestors currentPart s)).
Definition isWellFormedFstShadow nbL table s:=
(nbL ≠ fstLevel ∧
(∀ idx, readPhyEntry table idx s.(memory) = Some defaultPage ∧
readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some false )) ∨
(nbL = fstLevel ∧
( ∀ idx : index,
(readVirEntry table idx (memory s) = Some defaultVAddr) ∧
readPDflag table idx (memory s) = Some false) ).
Definition isWellFormedSndShadow nbL table s:=
(nbL ≠ fstLevel ∧ (
∀ idx, readPhyEntry table idx s.(memory) = Some defaultPage ∧
readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some false )) ∨
(nbL = fstLevel ∧ ( ∀ idx : index,
(readVirtual table idx (memory s) = Some defaultVAddr) ) ).
The isDerived funtion returns true if a physical page is derived
into the given partition , this physical page is associated to the given
virtual address va
Definition isDerived partition va s :=
match getFstShadow partition (memory s) with
| Some sh1 ⇒
match getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va with
| Some va0 ⇒ beqVAddr defaultVAddr va0 = false
| _ ⇒ False
| None ⇒ False
Lemma pageDec :
∀ x y : page, {x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
Fixpoint closestAncestorAux part1 part2 s bound : option page :=
match bound with
| 0 ⇒ None
| S bound1 ⇒ match getParent part1 (memory s) with
| Some parent ⇒ match in_dec pageDec part2
(getPartitionAux parent s (nbPage+1)) with
| left _ ⇒ Some parent
| _ ⇒ closestAncestorAux parent part2 s bound1
| None ⇒ Some multiplexer
Definition closestAncestor part1 part2 s :=
closestAncestorAux part1 part2 s (nbPage+1).
Ltac symmetrynot :=
match goal with
| [ |- ?x ≠ ?y ] ⇒ unfold not ; let Hk := fresh in intro Hk ; symmetry in Hk ;contradict Hk
match getFstShadow partition (memory s) with
| Some sh1 ⇒
match getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va with
| Some va0 ⇒ beqVAddr defaultVAddr va0 = false
| _ ⇒ False
| None ⇒ False
Lemma pageDec :
∀ x y : page, {x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
Fixpoint closestAncestorAux part1 part2 s bound : option page :=
match bound with
| 0 ⇒ None
| S bound1 ⇒ match getParent part1 (memory s) with
| Some parent ⇒ match in_dec pageDec part2
(getPartitionAux parent s (nbPage+1)) with
| left _ ⇒ Some parent
| _ ⇒ closestAncestorAux parent part2 s bound1
| None ⇒ Some multiplexer
Definition closestAncestor part1 part2 s :=
closestAncestorAux part1 part2 s (nbPage+1).
Ltac symmetrynot :=
match goal with
| [ |- ?x ≠ ?y ] ⇒ unfold not ; let Hk := fresh in intro Hk ; symmetry in Hk ;contradict Hk