Library Pip.Model.MAL
Memory Abstraction Layer : is the interface exposed to services to read and write data into physical memory
Require Export Pip.Model.MALInternal.
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Model.MMU.
Require Import Arith Bool NPeano List Lia.
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Model.MMU.
Require Import Arith Bool NPeano List Lia.
Memory access : read and write functions for each data type "vaddr", "page",
"index", "Count", "level", "bool" (control flags)
Definition readVirtual (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI vaddr:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VA a) ⇒ ret a
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 3
| None ⇒ undefined 2
Definition readPhysical (paddr : page) ( idx : index) : LLI page:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PP a) ⇒ ret a
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 5
| None ⇒ undefined 4
Definition readVirEntry (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI vaddr :=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE a) ⇒ ret a.(va)
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 7
| None ⇒ undefined 6
Definition readPhyEntry (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI page :=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ ret a.(pa)
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 9
| None ⇒ undefined 8
Definition writeVirtual (paddr : page) (idx : index) (va : vaddr) : LLI unit:=
modify (fun s ⇒ {| currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (VA va) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} ).
Definition writePhysical (paddr : page) (idx : index) (addr : page) : LLI unit:=
modify (fun s ⇒ {| currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (PP addr) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} ).
Definition writeVirEntry (paddr : page) (idx : index)(addr : vaddr) :=
let newEntry := {| pd := false ; va := addr |} in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (VE newEntry) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} ).
Definition writePhyEntry (paddr : page) (idx : index)(addr : page) (p u r w e: bool) :=
modify (fun s ⇒ {| currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (PE {| read := r; write := w ; exec := e; present := p ; user := u ; pa := addr|}) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} ).
This function is a model of the real function that will map the kernel into a partition's virtual memory
Note that the model inserts a dummy physical entry that is totally neutral to the model (its 'present' flag
is set to false).
This function's model is in contradiction with the real world, where the actual flags written may not be the
same as below, and the page mapped may also not be the same (or may not even exist).
The kernel model explicitly omits memory that is not available to the root partition.
As such, the kernel's stack, code and the root partition configuration pages are out of the scope of the proof.
Because the preconfigured kernel MMU page is a part of the root partition configuration pages, the page is not
inside the model, and we cannot talk about it. Furthermore, even if we *could* talk about it, it would break a
fundamental property (partitionIsolation) saying that pages mapped in a partition are not shared with its
siblings (that property remains true if we only consider the memory that is available to the root partition).
Nonetheless, the kernel expects its kernel/boot environment memory to be located at a specific place in memory,
to be able to check if it is not overwriting its own code/stack/setup configuration.
Thus, this function has args so that the kernel provides the expected location in the MMU table.
Definition mapKernel (paddr : page) (idx : index) :=
modify (fun s ⇒
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory :=
add paddr idx (
PE {|
read := false;
write := false;
exec := false;
present := false;
user := false;
pa := defaultPage
s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex
Definition readAccessible (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI bool:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ ret a.(user)
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 12
| None ⇒ undefined 11
Definition writeAccessible (paddr : page) (idx : index) (flag : bool) : LLI unit:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ let newEntry := {| read := a.(read) ; write := a.(write) ; exec := a.(exec); present := a.(present); user:= flag;
pa := a.(pa) |} in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (PE newEntry) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex |} )
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 14
| None ⇒ undefined 13
Definition writePresent (paddr : page) (idx : index) (flag : bool) : LLI unit:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ let newEntry := {| read := a.(read) ; write := a.(write) ; exec := a.(exec); present := flag; user:= a.(user);
pa := a.(pa) |} in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (PE newEntry) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} )
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 16
| None ⇒ undefined 15
Definition readPresent (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI bool:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ ret a.(present)
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 18
| None ⇒ undefined 17
Definition writePDflag (paddr : page) (idx : index) (flag : bool) : LLI unit:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE a) ⇒ let newEntry := {| pd := flag; va := a.(va) |} in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (VE newEntry) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} )
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 20
| None ⇒ undefined 19
Definition readPDflag (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI bool:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE a) ⇒ ret a.(pd)
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 21
| None ⇒ undefined 22
Definition writeIndex (paddr : page) (idx : index) (count : index) : LLI unit:=
perform s := get in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (I count) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} ).
Definition readIndex (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI index:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (I e) ⇒ ret e
| Some (VA _) ⇒ undefined 240
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 24
| None ⇒ undefined 23
Definition checkRights (r w e : bool):=
if (r && w && e)
ret true
else ret (true || w).
modify (fun s ⇒
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory :=
add paddr idx (
PE {|
read := false;
write := false;
exec := false;
present := false;
user := false;
pa := defaultPage
s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex
Definition readAccessible (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI bool:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ ret a.(user)
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 12
| None ⇒ undefined 11
Definition writeAccessible (paddr : page) (idx : index) (flag : bool) : LLI unit:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ let newEntry := {| read := a.(read) ; write := a.(write) ; exec := a.(exec); present := a.(present); user:= flag;
pa := a.(pa) |} in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (PE newEntry) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex |} )
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 14
| None ⇒ undefined 13
Definition writePresent (paddr : page) (idx : index) (flag : bool) : LLI unit:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ let newEntry := {| read := a.(read) ; write := a.(write) ; exec := a.(exec); present := flag; user:= a.(user);
pa := a.(pa) |} in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (PE newEntry) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} )
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 16
| None ⇒ undefined 15
Definition readPresent (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI bool:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (PE a) ⇒ ret a.(present)
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 18
| None ⇒ undefined 17
Definition writePDflag (paddr : page) (idx : index) (flag : bool) : LLI unit:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE a) ⇒ let newEntry := {| pd := flag; va := a.(va) |} in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (VE newEntry) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} )
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 20
| None ⇒ undefined 19
Definition readPDflag (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI bool:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VE a) ⇒ ret a.(pd)
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 21
| None ⇒ undefined 22
Definition writeIndex (paddr : page) (idx : index) (count : index) : LLI unit:=
perform s := get in
modify (fun s ⇒ {|
currentPartition := s.(currentPartition);
memory := add paddr idx (I count) s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex|} ).
Definition readIndex (paddr : page) (idx : index) : LLI index:=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (I e) ⇒ ret e
| Some (VA _) ⇒ undefined 240
| Some _ ⇒ undefined 24
| None ⇒ undefined 23
Definition checkRights (r w e : bool):=
if (r && w && e)
ret true
else ret (true || w).
The 'getMaxIndex' function returns the physical page size (minus 1)
Program Definition getMaxIndex : LLI index:=
if gt_dec tableSize 0
ret (Build_index (tableSize - 1) _)
else undefined 36.
if gt_dec tableSize 0
ret (Build_index (tableSize - 1) _)
else undefined 36.
The 'maxFreeLL' function returns the maximum number of entrie (phy/vaddr) into LL table
Program Definition maxFreeLL : LLI index :=
ret (Build_index ((Coq.Init.Nat.div2 tableSize) - 2) _).
ret (Build_index ((Coq.Init.Nat.div2 tableSize) - 2) _).
The 'getIndexOfAddr' function returns the index of va that corresponds to l
Definition getIndexOfAddr (va : vaddr) (l : level) : LLI index:=
ret ( nth ((length va) - (l + 2)) va defaultIndex ).
ret ( nth ((length va) - (l + 2)) va defaultIndex ).
The 'getNbLevel' function returns the number of levels of the MMU
Program Definition getNbLevel : LLI level:=
if gt_dec nbLevel 0
ret (Build_level (nbLevel -1) _ ) else undefined 35.
Definition prepareType (val1 : bool) (val2 : vaddr) : LLI boolvaddr :=
ret (Build_boolvaddr val1 val2).
if gt_dec nbLevel 0
ret (Build_level (nbLevel -1) _ ) else undefined 35.
Definition prepareType (val1 : bool) (val2 : vaddr) : LLI boolvaddr :=
ret (Build_boolvaddr val1 val2).
The 'getCurPartition' function returns the current Partition from the current state
The 'updateCurPartition' function update the current Partition
Definition updateCurPartition (phyPartition : page) : LLI unit :=
modify (fun s ⇒ {| currentPartition := phyPartition;
memory := s.(memory)|} ).
modify (fun s ⇒ {| currentPartition := phyPartition;
memory := s.(memory)|} ).
The 'getPd' function returns the page directory of a given partition
Definition getPd partition :=
perform idxPD := getPDidx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxPD in
readPhysical partition idx.
Definition readVirtualUser paddr idx : LLI vaddr :=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VA a) ⇒ ret a
| Some _ ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| None ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
perform idxPD := getPDidx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxPD in
readPhysical partition idx.
Definition readVirtualUser paddr idx : LLI vaddr :=
perform s := get in
let entry := lookup paddr idx s.(memory) beqPage beqIndex in
match entry with
| Some (VA a) ⇒ ret a
| Some _ ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| None ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
The 'fetchVirtual' function translates the given virtual address to physical address in the
current partition and read the value stored into the physical address. This value is a
virtual address
Definition fetchVirtual ( va : vaddr) (idx : index) : LLI vaddr:=
perform currentPartition := getCurPartition in
perform currentPD := getPd currentPartition in
perform nbL := getNbLevel in
perform optionphyPage := translate currentPD va nbL in
match optionphyPage with
| None ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| Some phyPage ⇒ readVirtualUser phyPage idx
perform currentPartition := getCurPartition in
perform currentPD := getPd currentPartition in
perform nbL := getNbLevel in
perform optionphyPage := translate currentPD va nbL in
match optionphyPage with
| None ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| Some phyPage ⇒ readVirtualUser phyPage idx
The 'storeVirtual' function translates the given virtual address to physical address in the
current partition and stores a value into the physical address.
Definition storeVirtual (va : vaddr) (idx : index) (vaToStore : vaddr) : LLI unit:=
perform currentPartition := getCurPartition in
perform currentPD := getPd currentPartition in
perform nbL := getNbLevel in
perform optionphyPage := translate currentPD va nbL in
match optionphyPage with
| None ⇒ ret tt
| Some phyPage ⇒ writeVirtual phyPage idx vaToStore
perform currentPartition := getCurPartition in
perform currentPD := getPd currentPartition in
perform nbL := getNbLevel in
perform optionphyPage := translate currentPD va nbL in
match optionphyPage with
| None ⇒ ret tt
| Some phyPage ⇒ writeVirtual phyPage idx vaToStore