Library Pip.Model.Hardware


This file contains the monad state and Hoare logic formalization. + State monad formalization :

The type constructor "LLI"

Two operations : "bind" to compose a sequence of monadic functions

and "ret" to create monadic values. + We use state monad to simulate side effects like state updates so we define the following functions:

"get" to get back the current state

"put" to update the current state

+ The state contains mainly the physical memory. In our Hardware model, physical memory is an associaton list that keeps only relevent data. Its key is a the physical address and the value is the data to store into physical memory. + Hoare logic formalization : " P m Q "

"m" is a monadic function

"P" is the precondition of the function "m", it is an unary predicate

which depends on the state

"Q" is the postcondition of the function "m", it is a binary predicate

which depends on the new state and the return value We define some lemmas like "weaken" and "bindWP" to facilitate Hoare logic and monad manipulation.
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality Arith.
Record Pentry : Type:=
{read :bool;
 write : bool ;
 exec : bool;
 present : bool;
 user : bool;
 pa : page

Record Ventry : Type:=
 pd : bool;
 va : vaddr

Definition unsafe := nat.

Inductive value : Type :=
|PE : Pentry value
|VE : Ventry value
|PP : page value
|VA : vaddr value
|I : index value
|U : userValue value.

Record state : Type := {
 currentPartition : page;
 memory : list (paddr × value)

Inductive yield_checks : Type :=

Inductive result (A : Type) : Type :=
| val : A result A

| undef : nat state result A.

Definition LLI (A :Type) : Type := state result (A × state).

Definition ret {A : Type} (a : A) : LLI A :=
  fun sval (a , s) .

Definition bind {A B : Type} (m : LLI A)(f : A LLI B) : LLI B :=
fun smatch m s with
    | val (a, s')f a s'

    | undef a s'undef a s'

Definition put (s : state) : LLI unit :=
  fun _val (tt, s).

Definition get : LLI state :=
  fun sval (s, s).

Definition undefined {A : Type} (code : nat ): LLI A :=
  fun sundef code s.

Definition runvalue {A : Type} (m : LLI A) (s : state) : option A :=
match m s with
   |undef _ _None
   | val (a, _)Some a

Definition runstate {A : Type} (m : LLI A) (s : state) : option state :=
match m s with
   |undef _ _None
   | val (_, s')Some s'

Notation "'perform' x ':=' m 'in' e" := (bind m (fun xe))
  (at level 60, x name, m at level 200, e at level 60, format "'[v' '[' 'perform' x ':=' m 'in' ']' '/' '[' e ']' ']'") : state_scope.

Notation "m1 ;; m2" := (bind m1 (fun _m2)) (at level 60, right associativity) : state_scope.

Open Scope state_scope.

Definition modify (f : state state) : LLI unit :=
  perform s := get in put (f s).

Definition hoareTriple {A : Type} (P : state Prop) (m : LLI A) (Q : A state Prop) : Prop :=
   s, P s match m s with
    | val (a, s')Q a s'

    | undef _ _False

Notation "{{ P }} m {{ Q }}" := (hoareTriple P m Q)
  (at level 90, format "'[' '[' {{ P }} ']' '/ ' '[' m ']' '[' {{ Q }} ']' ']'") : state_scope.

Lemma conjProp (A : Type ) (P R : state Prop) (Q : A state Prop) m :

{{ P }} m {{ Q}} {{R}} m {{fun _R}} {{fun sP s R s}} m {{fun a sQ a s R s}}.

Definition wp {A : Type} (P : A state Prop) (m : LLI A) :=
  fun smatch m s with val (a, s')P a s' | ErrFalse end.

Lemma wpIsPrecondition {A : Type} (P : A state Prop) (m : LLI A) :
  {{ wp P m }} m {{ P }}.

Lemma wpIsWeakestPrecondition
  (A : Type) (P : A state Prop) (Q : state Prop) (m : LLI A) :
  {{ Q }} m {{ P }} s, Q s (wp P m) s.
Lemma assoc (A B C : Type)(m : LLI A)(f : A LLI B)(g : B LLI C) :
  perform y :=
    perform x := m in
    f x in
  g y =
  perform x := m in
  perform y := f x in
  g y.

Lemma postAnd :
   (A : Type) (P : state Prop) (Q R : A state Prop) (m : LLI A),
  {{ P }} m {{ Q }} {{ P }} m {{ R }} {{ P }} m {{ fun a sQ a s R a s }}.

Lemma preOr :
   (A : Type) (P Q : state Prop) (R : A state Prop) (m : LLI A),
  {{ P }} m {{ R }} {{ Q }} m {{ R }} {{ fun sP s Q s }} m {{ R }}.

Lemma preAndPost :
  (A : Type) (P1 Q1 : state Prop) (P2 : A state Prop) (m : LLI A),
{{P1}} m {{P2}}
{{fun sP1 s Q1 s}} m {{fun aQ1 }}
{{fun sP1 s Q1 s}} m {{fun a sP2 a s Q1 s}}.

Lemma andAssocHT :
  (A : Type) (P1 P2 P3 : state Prop) (R : A state Prop) (m : LLI A),
{{ fun s(P1 s P2 s) P3 s}} m {{ R}} {{ fun sP1 s P2 s P3 s }} m {{ R}}.

Lemma permutHT :
(A : Type) (P1 P2 P3 : state Prop) (R : A state Prop) (m : LLI A),
{{ fun sP1 s P2 s P3 s}} m {{ R}} {{ fun sP1 s P3 s P2 s }} m {{ R}}.

Lemma permutHT1 :
(A : Type) (P1 P2 P3 : state Prop) (R : A state Prop) (m : LLI A),
{{ fun sP1 s P2 s P3 s}} m {{ R}} {{ fun sP3 s P1 s P2 s P3 s}} m {{ R}}.

Lemma preAnd:
  (A : Type) (P1 Q : state Prop) (P2 : A state Prop) (m : LLI A),
{{P1}} m {{P2}} {{fun sP1 s Q s}} m {{P2}}.

Lemma conjPrePost :
(A : Type) (P1 Q1 : state Prop) (P2 Q2 : A state Prop) (m : LLI A),
{{P1}} m {{P2}}
{{Q1}} m {{Q2}}
{{fun sP1 s Q1 s}} m {{fun a sP2 a s Q2 a s}}.