Library Pip.Proof.InternalLemmas
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.MAL Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Core.Internal.
Require Import Pip.Proof.Isolation Pip.Proof.Consistency Pip.Proof.WeakestPreconditions Pip.Proof.StateLib.
Require Import Pip.Proof.DependentTypeLemmas Pip.Proof.Lib.
Require Import PropagatedProperties Invariants.
Require Import List Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance Lia Classical_Prop Compare_dec EqNat Lt Minus.
Import List.ListNotations.
Lemma inclGetIndirectionsAuxLe root s n m :
n ≤ m →
incl (getIndirectionsAux root s n) (getIndirectionsAux root s m).
Lemma getIndirectionStop1 s indirection x idxind va l:
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = false → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
lookup indirection idxind (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE x) →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va l = idxind →
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va l 1 s = Some (pa x).
Lemma inNotInList :
∀ (l : list page) (a : page), In a l ∨ ¬ In a l.
Lemma getIndirectionStopS :
∀ stop (s : state) (nbL : level) nextind pd va indirection,
stop + 1 ≤ nbL → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection→
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) 1 s = Some (pa nextind) →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (pa nextind).
Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
Transparent StateLib.getIndirection.
Lemma getIndirectionProp :
∀ stop s nextind idxind indirection pd va (nbL : level),
stop +1 ≤ nbL → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.Level.eqb (CLevel (nbL - stop)) fstLevel = false →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) = idxind →
lookup indirection idxind (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE nextind)→
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (pa nextind).
Lemma getIndirectionStopS1 :
∀ stop (s : state) (nbL : level) nextind pd va indirection,
stop + 1 ≤ nbL → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection→
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) 1 s = Some (nextind) →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (nextind).
Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
Transparent StateLib.getIndirection.
Lemma getIndirectionRetNotDefaultLtNbLevel:
∀ (stop2 stop1 : nat) (nbL : level) (pd table1 table2 : page) (va : vaddr) (s : state),
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pd) = false →
stop1 ≤ stop2 →
getIndirection pd va nbL stop1 s = Some table1 →
getIndirection pd va nbL stop2 s = Some table2 →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage table2) = false →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage table1) = false.
Lemma fstIndirectionContainsValue_nbLevel_1 indirection idxroot s idx va l currentPart :
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) →
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot s → In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = true →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot indirection s →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel →
isVE indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = sh1idx ∨
isVA indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = sh2idx ∨
isPE indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = PDidx.
Require Import Pip.Proof.Isolation Pip.Proof.Consistency Pip.Proof.WeakestPreconditions Pip.Proof.StateLib.
Require Import Pip.Proof.DependentTypeLemmas Pip.Proof.Lib.
Require Import PropagatedProperties Invariants.
Require Import List Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance Lia Classical_Prop Compare_dec EqNat Lt Minus.
Import List.ListNotations.
Lemma inclGetIndirectionsAuxLe root s n m :
n ≤ m →
incl (getIndirectionsAux root s n) (getIndirectionsAux root s m).
Lemma getIndirectionStop1 s indirection x idxind va l:
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = false → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
lookup indirection idxind (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE x) →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va l = idxind →
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va l 1 s = Some (pa x).
Lemma inNotInList :
∀ (l : list page) (a : page), In a l ∨ ¬ In a l.
Lemma getIndirectionStopS :
∀ stop (s : state) (nbL : level) nextind pd va indirection,
stop + 1 ≤ nbL → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection→
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) 1 s = Some (pa nextind) →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (pa nextind).
Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
Transparent StateLib.getIndirection.
Lemma getIndirectionProp :
∀ stop s nextind idxind indirection pd va (nbL : level),
stop +1 ≤ nbL → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.Level.eqb (CLevel (nbL - stop)) fstLevel = false →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) = idxind →
lookup indirection idxind (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE nextind)→
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (pa nextind).
Lemma getIndirectionStopS1 :
∀ stop (s : state) (nbL : level) nextind pd va indirection,
stop + 1 ≤ nbL → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection→
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) 1 s = Some (nextind) →
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (nextind).
Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
Transparent StateLib.getIndirection.
Lemma getIndirectionRetNotDefaultLtNbLevel:
∀ (stop2 stop1 : nat) (nbL : level) (pd table1 table2 : page) (va : vaddr) (s : state),
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pd) = false →
stop1 ≤ stop2 →
getIndirection pd va nbL stop1 s = Some table1 →
getIndirection pd va nbL stop2 s = Some table2 →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage table2) = false →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage table1) = false.
Lemma fstIndirectionContainsValue_nbLevel_1 indirection idxroot s idx va l currentPart :
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) →
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot s → In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = true →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot indirection s →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx → indirection ≠ defaultPage →
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel →
isVE indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = sh1idx ∨
isVA indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = sh2idx ∨
isPE indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = PDidx.
va into the list of all Vaddr
Lemma lastIndirectionContainsValueRec idxroot s l rootind indirection va idx currentPart:
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = true →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot s →
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx )->
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot rootind s →
rootind ≠ defaultPage →
(∃ (nbL : level) (stop : nat),
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel ∧ stop ≤ nbL ∧
getIndirection rootind va nbL stop s = Some indirection ∧
indirection ≠ defaultPage ∧ l = CLevel (nbL - stop) ) →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx →
isVE indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = sh1idx ∨
isVA indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = sh2idx ∨
isPE indirection idx s ∧ idxroot = PDidx.
va into the list of all Vaddr
Lemma fstIndirectionContainsPENbLevelGT1 idxroot s l currentpd va idxind currentPart :
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) →
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = false →
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot currentpd s →
currentpd ≠ defaultPage →
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va l = idxind →
isPE currentpd idxind s.
va into the list of all Vaddr
Lemma middleIndirectionsContainsPE idxroot s l rootind indirection va idxind currentPart:
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx )->
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = false →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot s →
rootind ≠ defaultPage →
(∃ (nbL : level) (stop : nat),
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel ∧ stop ≤ nbL ∧
getIndirection rootind va nbL stop s = Some indirection ∧
indirection ≠ defaultPage ∧ l = CLevel (nbL - stop) ) →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot rootind s →
isPE indirection idxind s.
va into the list of all Vaddr
Lemma getIndirectionStopLevelGT s va p (l: nat) (level : level) (l0 : nat) p0:
l0 > level → l = level →
getIndirection p va level l s = Some p0 →
getIndirection p va level l0 s = Some p0.
Lemma getIndirectionStopLevelGT2 s va p (l: nat) (level : level) (l0 : nat) p0:
l0 > level → l = level →
getIndirection p va level l0 s = Some p0 →
getIndirection p va level l s = Some p0.
Lemma getIndirectionRetDefaultLtNbLevel l1 l0 (nbL :level) p va s:
l0 > 0 →
l0 < l1 →
l0 < nbL →
getIndirection p va nbL l0 s = Some defaultPage →
getIndirection p va nbL l1 s = Some defaultPage.
Lemma getIndirectionNbLevelEq (l1 l0 : nat) (nbL :level) p va s:
l0 > 0 →
l1 = nbL →
l0 ≤ nbL →
getIndirection p va nbL l0 s = Some defaultPage →
getIndirection p va nbL l1 s = Some defaultPage.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrue' n va1 va2 (nbL predNbL : level) :
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset n va1 va2 nbL = true →
predNbL ≤ nbL →
nbL < n →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va1 predNbL = StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va2 predNbL .
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrue2 :
∀ (n : nat) (va1 va2 : vaddr) (nbL predNbL : level),
n ≤ nbLevel →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset n va1 va2 nbL = true →
nbL < n →
predNbL ≤ nbL →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset n va1 va2 predNbL = true.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrue va1 va2 (nbL predNbL : level):
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true →
nbL < nbLevel →
predNbL ≤ nbL →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 predNbL = true.
Lemma getIndirectionEq (nbL : level) va1 va2 pd stop s:
nbL < nbLevel →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true →
getIndirection pd va1 nbL stop s =
getIndirection pd va2 nbL stop s .
Lemma Index_eq_i (i1 i2 : index) : (ADT.i i1) = (ADT.i i2) → i1 = i2.
Lemma AllIndicesAll : ∀ idx : index, In idx getAllIndices.
Lemma VAddrEqVA (v1 v2: vaddr) : v1 = v2 → v1 = v2.
Lemma AllVAddrAll : ∀ v : vaddr, In v getAllVAddr.
Lemma lengthRemoveLast(A :Type) :
∀ l : list A, ∀ n, length l = S n →length (removelast l) = n.
Opaque removelast.
Transparent removelast.
Lemma AllVAddrWithOffset0 :
∀ va, ∃ va1, In va1 getAllVAddrWithOffset0 ∧
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va va1 ( CLevel (nbLevel -1) ) = true.
Lemma noDupAllVaddr : NoDup getAllVAddr.
Lemma filterOptionInIff l elt :
List.In elt (filterOption l) ↔ List.In (SomePage elt) l.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetEqFalse (nbL alevel : level):
∀ va1 va2,
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel →
alevel ≤ nbL →
false = StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 alevel →
va1 ≠ va2.
Lemma getMappedPageEq pd va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true →
getMappedPage pd s va1 = getMappedPage pd s va2.
Lemma checkChildEq partition va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true →
checkChild partition nbL s va1 = checkChild partition nbL s va2.
Lemma getPDFlagEq sh1 va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true →
getPDFlag sh1 va1 s = getPDFlag sh1 va2 s.
Lemma getVirtualAddressSh1Eq sh1 va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true →
getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va1 = getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va2.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrans :
∀ vaChild va1 a level,
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel vaChild va1
level = true →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel a va1 level =
false →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel vaChild a level = false.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetPermut va1 va2 level1 :
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 level1 =
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va2 va1 level1.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetEqTrue descChild nbL :
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel descChild descChild nbL = true.
Lemma twoMappedPagesAreDifferent phy1 phy2 v1 v2 p nbL s:
getMappedPage p s v1 = SomePage phy1 →
getMappedPage p s v2 = SomePage phy2→
NoDup (filterOption (map (getMappedPage p s) getAllVAddrWithOffset0)) →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel v1 v2 nbL = false →
phy1 ≠ phy2.
Lemma eqMappedPagesEqVaddrs phy1 v1 v2 p s:
getMappedPage p s v1 = SomePage phy1 →
In v1 getAllVAddrWithOffset0 →
getMappedPage p s v2 = SomePage phy1→
In v2 getAllVAddrWithOffset0 →
NoDup (filterOption (map (getMappedPage p s) getAllVAddrWithOffset0)) →
v1 = v2.
Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageEq pd va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true →
getAccessibleMappedPage pd s va1 = getAccessibleMappedPage pd s va2.
Lemma physicalPageIsAccessible (currentPart : page) (ptPDChild : page)
phyPDChild pdChild idxPDChild accessiblePDChild nbL presentPDChild
currentPD s:
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false →
accessiblePDChild = true →
presentPDChild = true →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idxPDChild →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s →
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptPDChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx currentPart pdChild s) →
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild idxPDChild presentPDChild s →
entryUserFlag ptPDChild idxPDChild accessiblePDChild s →
isEntryPage ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) phyPDChild s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In phyPDChild (getAccessibleMappedPages currentPart s).
Lemma getIndirectionFstStep s root va (level1 : level) stop table :
level1 > 0 → stop > 0 → root ≠ defaultPage → table ≠ defaultPage →
getIndirection root va level1 stop s = Some table →
∃ pred page1,page1 ≠ defaultPage ∧ Some pred = StateLib.Level.pred level1 ∧
StateLib.readPhyEntry root (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va level1) (memory s) = Some page1 ∧
getIndirection page1 va pred (stop -1) s = Some table.
Lemma readPhyEntryInGetTablePages s root:
∀ n : nat,
n ≤ tableSize →
∀ (idx : nat) (page1 : page),
idx < n →
page1 ≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.readPhyEntry root (CIndex idx) (memory s) = Some page1 →
In page1 (getTablePages root n s).
Lemma getIndirectionInGetIndirections1 (stop : nat) s:
(stop+1) ≤ nbLevel →
∀ (va : vaddr) (level1 : level) (table root : page) ,
getIndirection root va level1 stop s = Some table →
table ≠ defaultPage →
root ≠ defaultPage → In table (getIndirectionsAux root s (stop+1)).
Lemma getIndirectionInGetIndirections (n : nat) s:
n > 0 →
n ≤ nbLevel →
∀ (va : vaddr) (level1 : level) (table root : page) (stop : nat),
getIndirection root va level1 stop s = Some table →
table ≠ defaultPage →
level1 ≤ CLevel (n - 1) → root ≠ defaultPage → In table (getIndirectionsAux root s n).
Lemma AllPagesAll :
∀ p : page, In p getAllPages.
Lemma lengthNoDupPartitions :
∀ listPartitions : list page, NoDup listPartitions →
length listPartitions ≤ nbPage.
Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetParent partition pd s :
nextEntryIsPP partition PPRidx pd s ↔
StateLib.getParent partition (memory s) = Some pd.
Lemma nbPartition s:
noDupPartitionTree s →
length (getPartitions multiplexer s) < (nbPage+1).
Lemma childrenPartitionInPartitionList s phyVA parent:
noDupPartitionTree s →
In parent (getPartitions multiplexer s ) →
In phyVA (getChildren parent s) →
In phyVA (getPartitions multiplexer s).
Lemma nbPageLL fstLL s:
NoDup(getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1)) →
length (getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1)) <(nbPage + 1).
Lemma inGetLLPages s:
∀ fstLL LLChildphy lastLLTable,
NoDup(getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1)) →
In LLChildphy (getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1)) →
In lastLLTable (getLLPages LLChildphy s (nbPage + 1)) →
In lastLLTable (getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1)).
Lemma verticalSharingRec n s :
NoDup (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
noCycleInPartitionTree s →
isParent s →
verticalSharing s →
∀ currentPart,
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
∀ partition, currentPart≠ partition →
In partition (getPartitionAux currentPart s (n + 1)) →
incl (getMappedPages partition s) (getMappedPages currentPart s).
Lemma verticalSharingRec2 :
∀ (n : nat) (s : state), NoDup (getPartitions multiplexer s) → noCycleInPartitionTree s →
isParent s →
verticalSharing s →
∀ currentPart : page,
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
∀ partition : page,
currentPart ≠ partition →
In partition (getPartitionAux currentPart s (n + 1)) →
incl (getUsedPages partition s) (getMappedPages currentPart s).
Lemma toApplyVerticalSharingRec s:
consistency s →
verticalSharing s →
∀ currentPart child1 closestAnc,
currentPart ≠ child1 →
In child1 (getChildren closestAnc s) →
In closestAnc (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In currentPart (getPartitionAux child1 s nbPage) →
incl (getMappedPages currentPart s) (getMappedPages child1 s).
Lemma verticalSharing2 child parent s :
incl (getUsedPages child s) (getMappedPages parent s) →
incl (getMappedPages child s) (getMappedPages parent s).
Lemma getPartitionAuxMinus1 s :
NoDup (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isParent s →
∀ n child parent ancestor,
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
StateLib.getParent child (memory s) = Some parent →
In child (flat_map (fun p : page ⇒ getPartitionAux p s n) (getChildren ancestor s)) →
In parent (getPartitionAux ancestor s n).
Lemma isAncestorTrans2 ancestor descParent currentPart s:
noDupPartitionTree s →
multiplexerWithoutParent s →
isParent s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
StateLib.getParent descParent (memory s) = Some ancestor →
In descParent (getAncestors currentPart s) →
In ancestor (getAncestors currentPart s).
Lemma getAncestorsProp1 s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
parentInPartitionList s →
∀ ancestor parent child ,
In parent (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In ancestor (getAncestors child s) →
parent ≠ ancestor →
StateLib.getParent child (memory s) = Some parent →
In ancestor (getAncestors parent s).
Lemma isAncestorTrans3 s :
noDupPartitionTree s →
multiplexerWithoutParent s →
noCycleInPartitionTree s →
isParent s →
isChild s →
parentInPartitionList s →
∀ ancestor child x,
In x (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In child (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In ancestor (getAncestors child s) →
In x (getChildren child s) →
In ancestor (getAncestors x s).
Lemma noCycleInPartitionTree2 s :
noDupPartitionTree s →
multiplexerWithoutParent s →
isChild s →
parentInPartitionList s →
noCycleInPartitionTree s →
isParent s →
∀ n parent child,
In parent (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In child (getChildren parent s) →
¬ In parent (getPartitionAux child s n).
Lemma accessiblePageIsNotPartitionDescriptor
phyPDChild pdChild idxPDChild accessiblePDChild currentPart nbL presentPDChild
currentPD (ptPDChild : page) s:
partitionsIsolation s →
kernelDataIsolation s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false →
accessiblePDChild = true →
presentPDChild = true →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idxPDChild →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s →
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptPDChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx currentPart pdChild s) →
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild idxPDChild presentPDChild s →
entryUserFlag ptPDChild idxPDChild accessiblePDChild s →
isEntryPage ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) phyPDChild s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In phyPDChild (getPartitionAux multiplexer s (nbPage + 1)).
Lemma getPdNextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd1 s →
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd2 →
pd1 = pd2.
Lemma getSh1NextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh1idx pd1 s →
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some pd2 →
pd1 = pd2.
Lemma getSh2NextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh2idx pd1 s →
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some pd2 →
pd1 = pd2.
Lemma getListNextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh3idx pd1 s →
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some pd2 →
pd1 = pd2.
Lemma getParentNextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition PPRidx pd1 s →
StateLib.getParent partition (memory s) = Some pd2 →
pd1 = pd2.
Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetPd partition pd s :
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s ↔
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd.
Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetFstShadow partition sh1 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh1idx sh1 s ↔
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1.
Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetSndShadow partition sh2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh2idx sh2 s ↔
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2.
Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetConfigList partition list s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh3idx list s →
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some list.
Lemma accessibleMappedPagesInMappedPages partition s :
incl (getAccessibleMappedPages partition s) (getMappedPages partition s).
Lemma inGetIndirectionsAuxLt pd s stop table bound:
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s bound) →
stop ≤ bound - 1 →
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s stop).
Lemma notConfigTableNotPdconfigTableLt partition pd table s stop :
stop < nbLevel - 1 →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s) →
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd →
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s (S stop)).
Lemma inGetIndirectionsAuxInConfigPagesPD partition pd table s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel)→
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd →
In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s).
Lemma notConfigTableNotPdconfigTable partition pd table s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s) →
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd →
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel).
Lemma notConfigTableNotSh1configTableLt partition sh1 table s stop :
stop < nbLevel - 1 →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s) →
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1 →
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux sh1 s (S stop)).
Lemma inGetIndirectionsAuxInConfigPagesSh1 partition pd table s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel)→
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some pd →
In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s).
Lemma notConfigTableNotSh1configTable partition sh1 table s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s) →
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1 →
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux sh1 s nbLevel).
Lemma notConfigTableNotSh2configTableLt partition sh2 table s stop :
stop < nbLevel - 1 →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s) →
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2 →
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux sh2 s (S stop)).
Lemma inGetIndirectionsAuxInConfigPagesSh2 partition pd table s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel)→
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some pd →
In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s).
Lemma notConfigTableNotSh2configTable partition sh2 table s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s) →
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2 →
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux sh2 s nbLevel).
Lemma notConfigTableNotListconfigTable partition sh3 table s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s) →
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some sh3 →
¬ In table (getLLPages sh3 s (nbPage + 1)).
Lemma pdSh1Sh2ListExistsNotNull (s: state):
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
∀ partition, In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(∃ pd , StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd ∧ pd ≠ defaultPage) ∧
(∃ sh1, StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1 ∧ sh1 ≠ defaultPage) ∧
(∃ sh2, StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2 ∧ sh2 ≠ defaultPage) ∧
(∃ list, StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some list ∧ list ≠ defaultPage).
Lemma isConfigTable descChild ptRefChild descParent s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In descParent (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptRefChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild PDidx descParent descChild s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false →
In ptRefChild (getConfigPages descParent s).
Lemma isConfigTableSh2WithVA descChild ptRefChild descParent s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In descParent (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx →
isVA ptRefChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild sh2idx descParent descChild s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false →
In ptRefChild (getConfigPages descParent s).
Lemma isConfigTableSh2 descChild ptRefChild descParent s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In descParent (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild sh2idx descParent descChild s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false →
In ptRefChild (getConfigPages descParent s).
Lemma isConfigTableSh1WithVE descChild ptRefChild descParent s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
In descParent (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx →
isVE ptRefChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild sh1idx descParent descChild s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false →
In ptRefChild (getConfigPages descParent s).
Lemma mappedPageIsNotPTable (table1 table2 currentPart root : page)
F idxroot va idx1 (s : state):
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) →
(∀ partition : page,
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
partition = table2 ∨ In table2 (getConfigPagesAux partition s) → False) →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot root s →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx1 →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx →
F table1 idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot table1 idxroot currentPart va s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage table1) = false →
table2 ≠ table1.
Lemma entryPresentFlagReadPresent s table idx flag:
entryPresentFlag table idx flag s →
StateLib.readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some flag.
Lemma entryPresentFlagReadPresent' s table idx flag:
entryPresentFlag table idx flag s ↔
StateLib.readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some flag.
Lemma entryUserFlagReadAccessible s table idx flag:
entryUserFlag table idx flag s ↔
StateLib.readAccessible table idx (memory s) = Some flag.
Lemma isEntryPageLookupEq table idx entry phy s:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
isEntryPage table idx phy s →
pa entry = phy.
Lemma isEntryPageReadPhyEntry table idx entry s:
isEntryPage table idx (pa entry) s →
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) = Some (pa entry).
Lemma isEntryPageReadPhyEntry1 table idx p s:
isEntryPage table idx p s →
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) = Some p.
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPage pdChild currentPD (ptPDChild : page) entry s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false →
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s →
entryUserFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s →
lookup ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
Some (PE entry) →
nextEntryIsPP (currentPartition s) PDidx currentPD s →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptPDChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx (currentPartition s) pdChild s ) →
getAccessibleMappedPage currentPD s pdChild = SomePage (pa entry).
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPage2 partition pdChild currentPD (ptPDChild : page) phypage s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false →
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s →
entryUserFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s →
isEntryPage ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) phypage s →
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx currentPD s →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptPDChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx partition pdChild s ) →
getAccessibleMappedPage currentPD s pdChild = SomePage phypage.
Lemma getPDFlagReadPDflag currentShadow1 pdChild (ptPDChildSh1 : page)
idxPDChild currentPart s:
(Nat.eqb ptPDChildSh1 defaultPage) = false →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart sh1idx currentShadow1 s →
getPDFlag currentShadow1 pdChild s = false →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idxPDChild →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx →
isVE ptPDChildSh1 idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot ptPDChildSh1 sh1idx currentPart pdChild s) →
StateLib.readPDflag ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild (memory s) = Some false ∨
StateLib.readPDflag ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild (memory s) = None .
Lemma isVaInParent s va descParent (ptsh2 : page) vaInAncestor sh2 :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx →
isVA ptsh2 idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s) →
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s →
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s →
getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va = Some vaInAncestor.
Lemma disjointUsedPagesDisjointMappedPages partition1 partition2 s:
disjoint (getUsedPages partition1 s) (getUsedPages partition2 s) →
disjoint (getMappedPages partition1 s) (getMappedPages partition2 s).
Lemma inGetMappedPagesGetIndirection descParent entry vaInDescParent pdDesc (pt : page) nbL1 s:
entryPresentFlag pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInDescParent fstLevel) true s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pt) = false →
Some nbL1 = StateLib.getNbLevel →
nextEntryIsPP descParent PDidx pdDesc s →
getIndirection pdDesc vaInDescParent nbL1 (nbL1 + 1) s = Some pt →
isEntryPage pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInDescParent fstLevel) (pa entry) s →
In (pa entry) (getMappedPages descParent s).
Lemma getMappedPageGetIndirection ancestor phypage newVA pdAncestor
(ptAncestor : page) L s:
StateLib.readPresent ptAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr newVA fstLevel)
(memory s) = Some true →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptAncestor) = false →
Some L = StateLib.getNbLevel →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
getIndirection pdAncestor newVA L (nbLevel - 1) s = Some ptAncestor →
StateLib.readPhyEntry ptAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr newVA fstLevel)
(memory s) = Some phypage →
getMappedPage pdAncestor s newVA = SomePage phypage.
Lemma getMappedPageGetTableRoot ptvaInAncestor ancestor phypage pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
( ∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
isEntryPage ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel)
phypage s →
entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
getMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = SomePage phypage.
Lemma getVirtualAddressSh2GetTableRoot:
∀ (ptsh2 descParent sh2 : page)
(vaInAncestor va: vaddr) (s : state) L,
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx →
isVA ptsh2 idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false →
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s →
StateLib.getSndShadow descParent (memory s) = Some sh2 →
Some L = StateLib.getNbLevel →
getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va = Some vaInAncestor.
Lemma getMappedPageNotAccessible
ptvaInAncestor ancestor phypage pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
( ∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
isEntryPage ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel)
phypage s →
entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s →
entryUserFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) false s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
getAccessibleMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = NonePage.
Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageNotPresent
ptvaInAncestor ancestor pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
( ∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) false s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
getAccessibleMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = NonePage.
Lemma getMappedPageNotPresent
ptvaInAncestor ancestor pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
( ∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) false s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
getMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = SomeDefault.
Lemma inGetMappedPagesGetTableRoot va pt descParent phypage pdParent s :
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx →
isPE pt idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot pt PDidx descParent va s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pt) = false →
isEntryPage pt(StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) phypage s →
entryPresentFlag pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) true s →
nextEntryIsPP descParent PDidx pdParent s →
In phypage (getMappedPages descParent s).
Lemma pageDecOrNot :
∀ p1 p2 : page, p1 = p2 ∨ p1≠p2.
Lemma isAncestorTrans ancestor descParent currentPart s:
parentInPartitionList s →
noCycleInPartitionTree s→
isParent s →
noDupPartitionTree s →
multiplexerWithoutParent s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
StateLib.getParent descParent (memory s) = Some ancestor →
isAncestor currentPart descParent s →
isAncestor currentPart ancestor s.
Lemma parentIsAncestor partition ancestor s:
nextEntryIsPP partition PPRidx ancestor s →
In ancestor (getAncestors partition s).
Lemma phyPageNotDefault table idx phyPage s :
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
entryPresentFlag table idx true s →
isEntryPage table idx phyPage s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage phyPage) = false.
Lemma phyPageIsPresent table idx entry s :
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage (pa entry)) = false →
present entry = true.
Lemma accessiblePAgeIsMapped pd s va accessiblePage :
getAccessibleMappedPage pd s va = SomePage accessiblePage →
getMappedPage pd s va = SomePage accessiblePage.
Import List.ListNotations.
Lemma getIndirectionsOnlyPD pd s:
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.readPhyEntry pd idx (memory s) = Some defaultPage ∧
StateLib.readPresent pd idx (memory s) = Some false) →
getIndirections pd s = [pd].
Lemma getIndirectionsOnlySh1 sh1 level s:
Some level =StateLib.getNbLevel →
isWellFormedFstShadow level sh1 s →
getIndirections sh1 s = [sh1].
Lemma getIndirectionsOnlySh2 sh2 level s:
Some level =StateLib.getNbLevel →
isWellFormedSndShadow level sh2 s →
getIndirections sh2 s = [sh2].
Lemma getLLPagesOnlyRoot root s:
initConfigPagesListPostCondition root s →
getLLPages root s (nbPage+1) =
Require Import Coq.Sorting.Permutation.
Lemma getIndirectionGetTableRoot (s : state) currentShadow1 currentPart ptRefChildFromSh1 descChild
nbL :
StateLib.getFstShadow currentPart (memory s) = Some currentShadow1 →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx →
isVE ptRefChildFromSh1 idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot ptRefChildFromSh1 sh1idx currentPart descChild s)
getIndirection currentShadow1 descChild nbL (nbLevel - 1) s = Some ptRefChildFromSh1.
Lemma getIndirectionGetTableRoot1 (s : state) pd currentPart pt va
nbL :
StateLib.getPd currentPart (memory s) = Some pd →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx →
isPE pt idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot pt PDidx currentPart va s)
getIndirection pd va nbL (nbLevel - 1) s = Some pt.
Lemma readPhyEntryInGetIndirectionsAux s root n:
∀ page1,page1 ≠ defaultPage →
In page1 (getTablePages root tableSize s) →
n> 1 →
In page1 (getIndirectionsAux root s n) .
Lemma nodupLevelMinus1 root s (n0 : nat) idx:
∀ p , p≠ defaultPage →
StateLib.readPhyEntry root idx (memory s) = Some p →
NoDup (getIndirectionsAux root s n0 ) →
n0 ≤ nbLevel →
NoDup (getIndirectionsAux p s (n0 - 1)).
Lemma inclGetIndirectionsAuxMinus1 n root idx p s:
StateLib.readPhyEntry root idx (memory s) = Some p →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p) = false →
n> 1 →
incl (getIndirectionsAux p s (n - 1)) (getIndirectionsAux root s n).
Lemma notInFlatMapNotInGetIndirection k l ( p0: page) s x:
In p0 l →
¬ In x (flat_map (fun p : page ⇒ getIndirectionsAux p s k) l) →
¬ In x (getIndirectionsAux p0 s k).
Lemma disjointGetIndirectionsAuxMiddle n (p p0 : page) root (idx1 idx2 : index) s:
p0 ≠ p →
n > 1 →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p) = false →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p0) = false →
NoDup (getIndirectionsAux root s n) →
StateLib.readPhyEntry root idx1 (memory s) = Some p0 →
StateLib.readPhyEntry root idx2 (memory s) = Some p →
disjoint (getIndirectionsAux p s (n - 1)) (getIndirectionsAux p0 s (n - 1)).
Lemma getIndirectionInGetIndirectionAuxMinus1 table (p: page) s n va1 pred n1 (level1 : level):
level1> 0 →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p) = false →
level1 ≤ CLevel (n -1) →
StateLib.Level.pred level1 = Some pred →
table ≠ defaultPage →
n ≤ nbLevel →
n > 1 →
getIndirection p va1 pred n1 s = Some table →
In table (getIndirectionsAux p s (n - 1)).
Lemma getTablePagesNoDup root (p p0 : page) idx1 idx2 s:
idx1 < tableSize → idx2 < tableSize →
NoDup (getTablePages root tableSize s) →
StateLib.readPhyEntry root (CIndex idx1) (memory s) = Some p0 →
StateLib.readPhyEntry root (CIndex idx2) (memory s) = Some p →
(Nat.eqb idx1 idx2) = false →
(Nat.eqb p defaultPage) = false →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p0) = false →
p0 ≠ p.
Lemma getTablePagesNoDupFlatMap s n k root:
n > 0 →
(flat_map (fun p : page ⇒ getIndirectionsAux p s n)
(getTablePages root k s)) →
NoDup (getTablePages root k s).
Lemma getIndirectionGetTableRoot2 (s : state) sh2 currentPart pt va
nbL :
StateLib.getSndShadow currentPart (memory s) = Some sh2 →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx →
isVA pt idx s ∧
getTableAddrRoot pt sh2idx currentPart va s)
getIndirection sh2 va nbL (nbLevel - 1) s = Some pt.
Lemma pageTablesOrIndicesAreDifferent (root1 root2 table1 table2 : page )
(va1 va2 : vaddr) (level1 : level) (stop : nat) s:
root1 ≠ defaultPage → root2 ≠ defaultPage →
NoDup (getIndirections root1 s) →
NoDup (getIndirections root2 s) →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset stop va1 va2 level1 = false →
( (level1 = CLevel (nbLevel -1) ∧ root1 = root2) ∨ (level1 < CLevel (nbLevel -1) /\(
(disjoint (getIndirections root1 s) (getIndirections root2 s)∧ root1 ≠ root2) ∨ root1 = root2 )) )->
table1 ≠ defaultPage →
table2 ≠ defaultPage →
getIndirection root1 va1 level1 stop s = Some table1→
getIndirection root2 va2 level1 stop s = Some table2 →
table1 ≠ table2 ∨ StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va1 fstLevel ≠ StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va2 fstLevel.
Lemma noDupConfigPagesListNoDupGetIndirections s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
∀ (partition : page),
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
NoDup (getConfigPages partition s) →
∀ root idxroot, (idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) →
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot root s→
NoDup (getIndirections root s).
Lemma toApplyPageTablesOrIndicesAreDifferent idx1 idx2 va1 va2 (table1 table2 : page)
currentPart root idxroot level1 F s:
(idxroot = PDidx ∨ idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage table1) = false → (Nat.eqb defaultPage table2) = false →
false = StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 level1 →
currentPart = currentPartition s →
consistency s →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va1 fstLevel = idx1 →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va2 fstLevel = idx2 →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va1 fstLevel = idx →
F table1 idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot table1 idxroot currentPart va1 s) →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va2 fstLevel = idx →
F table2 idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot table2 idxroot currentPart va2 s) →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot root s →
Some level1 = StateLib.getNbLevel →
table1 ≠ table2 ∨ idx1 ≠ idx2.
Lemma getMappedPagesAuxConsSome :
∀ pd va phyVa listva s,
getMappedPage pd s va = SomePage phyVa →
(getMappedPagesAux pd (va :: listva) s) =
phyVa :: (getMappedPagesAux pd listva) s.
Lemma getMappedPagesAuxConsNone :
∀ pd va listva s,
getMappedPage pd s va = NonePage →
(getMappedPagesAux pd (va :: listva) s) =(getMappedPagesAux pd listva) s.
Lemma getMappedPagesAuxConsDefault :
∀ pd va listva s,
getMappedPage pd s va = SomeDefault →
(getMappedPagesAux pd (va :: listva) s) =(getMappedPagesAux pd listva) s.
Lemma childIsMappedPage partition child s :
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In child (getChildren partition s) →
In child (getMappedPages partition s).
Lemma ancestorInPartitionTree s:
parentInPartitionList s →
isChild s →
∀ partition ancestor ,
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In ancestor (getAncestors partition s) →
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s).
Lemma getPartitionAuxSn s :
isChild s →
∀ n child parent ancestor,
In child (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
StateLib.getParent child (memory s) = Some parent →
In parent (getPartitionAux ancestor s n) →
In child (flat_map (fun p : page ⇒ getPartitionAux p s n) (getChildren ancestor s)).
Lemma getPartitionAuxSbound s bound :
∀ partition1 partition2, In partition1 (getPartitionAux partition2 s bound) →
In partition1 (getPartitionAux partition2 s (bound+1)).
Lemma idxSh2idxSh1notEq : sh2idx ≠ sh1idx.
Lemma idxPDidxSh1notEq :
PDidx ≠ sh1idx.
Lemma rootStructNotNull root part s idxroot:
idxroot = PDidx ∨
idxroot = sh1idx ∨
idxroot = sh2idx ∨ idxroot = sh3idx ∨ idxroot = PPRidx ∨ idxroot = PRidx →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
nextEntryIsPP part idxroot root s →
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
root ≠ defaultPage.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrue1 s phyDescChild vaChild va level:
In va (getPdsVAddr phyDescChild level getAllVAddr s) →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel vaChild va level = true →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level →
In vaChild (getPdsVAddr phyDescChild level getAllVAddr s).
Lemma pdPartNotNull phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
pdChildphy ≠ defaultPage.
Lemma sh1PartNotNull phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild sh1idx pdChildphy s →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
pdChildphy ≠ defaultPage.
Lemma sh2PartNotNull phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild sh2idx pdChildphy s →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
pdChildphy ≠ defaultPage.
Lemma getConfigTablesRootNotNone phyDescChild s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList phyDescChild (memory s) = None → False.
Lemma sh2PartNotNone phyDescChild s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
StateLib.getSndShadow phyDescChild (memory s) = None → False.
Lemma sh1PartNotNone phyDescChild s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
StateLib.getFstShadow phyDescChild (memory s) = None → False.
Lemma configNotDefault s stop:
∀ pd ,
pd≠ defaultPage →
(stop+1) ≤ nbLevel →
¬ In defaultPage (getIndirectionsAux pd s stop).
Lemma getIndirectionInGetIndirections2 (stop : nat) s prevtable
(va : vaddr) (level1 : level) (table root : page) :
(stop+1) ≤ nbLevel →
getIndirection root va level1 (stop-1) s = Some prevtable →
StateLib.readPhyEntry prevtable ( StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va (CLevel (level1 - (stop-1))))
(memory s) = Some table →
NoDup (getIndirectionsAux root s (stop+1)) →
table ≠ defaultPage →
root ≠ defaultPage →
stop ≤ level1 →
prevtable ≠ defaultPage →
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux root s stop).
Lemma indirectionNotInPreviousMMULevel s ptVaChildpd idxvaChild phyVaChild
pdChildphy currentPart
presentvaChild vaChild phyDescChild level entry:
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
configTablesAreDifferent s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In phyVaChild (getAccessibleMappedPages currentPart s) →
lookup ptVaChildpd idxvaChild (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level →
negb presentvaChild = true →
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isPE ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptVaChildpd PDidx phyDescChild vaChild s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptVaChildpd) = false →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel = idxvaChild →
entryPresentFlag ptVaChildpd idxvaChild presentvaChild s →
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s →
pdChildphy ≠ defaultPage →
getIndirection pdChildphy vaChild level (nbLevel - 1) s =
Some ptVaChildpd →
nbLevel -1 > 0 →
¬ In ptVaChildpd (getIndirectionsAux pdChildphy s (nbLevel - 1)).
Lemma vaNotDerived currentPart shadow1 (ptSh1ChildFromSh1 : page) s :
consistency s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptSh1ChildFromSh1) = false →
(∃ va : vaddr,
isEntryVA ptSh1ChildFromSh1 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel) va s ∧
beqVAddr defaultVAddr va = true) →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel = idx →
isVE ptSh1ChildFromSh1 idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptSh1ChildFromSh1 sh1idx currentPart shadow1 s) →
¬ isDerived currentPart shadow1 s .
Lemma phyNotDerived currentPart phySh1Child currentPD shadow1 (ptSh1Child : page)s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptSh1Child) = false →
¬ isDerived currentPart shadow1 s →
consistency s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptSh1Child idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptSh1Child PDidx currentPart shadow1 s) →
isEntryPage ptSh1Child (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel) phySh1Child s →
entryPresentFlag ptSh1Child (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel) true s →
∀ child : page,
In child (getChildren currentPart s) → ¬ In phySh1Child (getMappedPages child s).
Lemma noDupAllVAddrWithOffset0 :
NoDup getAllVAddrWithOffset0.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetFalseEqOffset nbL a descChild:
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL →
a ≠ descChild →
checkOffset0 descChild = true →
checkOffset0 a = true →
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel a descChild nbL = false.
Lemma getPDFlagGetPdsVAddr' sh1Childphy vaChild phyDescChild level s:
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild sh1idx sh1Childphy s →
getPDFlag sh1Childphy vaChild s = false →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level →
StateLib.getFstShadow phyDescChild (memory s) = Some sh1Childphy →
¬ In vaChild (getPdsVAddr phyDescChild level getAllVAddr s).
Lemma isEntryPageReadPhyEntry2 table idx entry s:
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) = Some (pa entry) →
isEntryPage table idx (pa entry) s.
Lemma isPresentNotDefaultIffTrue (s :state):
∀ (table : page) (idx : index) ,
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
StateLib.readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some true →
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) ≠ Some defaultPage.
moins d'hypothèses
Lemma indirectionNotInPreviousMMULevel1 s ptVaChildpd idxvaChild
vaChild phyDescChild level entry:
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
configTablesAreDifferent s →
True →
True →
lookup ptVaChildpd idxvaChild (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level →
True →
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isPE ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptVaChildpd PDidx phyDescChild vaChild s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptVaChildpd) = false →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel = idxvaChild →
entryPresentFlag ptVaChildpd idxvaChild true s →
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s →
pdChildphy ≠ defaultPage →
getIndirection pdChildphy vaChild level (nbLevel - 1) s =
Some ptVaChildpd →
nbLevel -1 > 0 →
¬ In ptVaChildpd (getIndirectionsAux pdChildphy s (nbLevel - 1)).
Lemma beqVAddrTrue a :
beqVAddr a a= true.
Lemma eqListTrueEq :
∀ a b,
eqList a b beqIndex= true → a=b.
Lemma beqVAddrTrueEq :
∀ a b,
beqVAddr a b = true → a=b.
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPageGetTableRoot (phypage :page) entry sh2 descParent ptsh2 va pdAncestor ancestor (vaInAncestor :vaddr) ptvaInAncestor s:
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s →
isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s →
nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
isPE ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va phypage s = true →
lookup ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
Some (PE entry) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false →
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s →
phypage = pa entry.
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPage' part pdChild currentPD (ptPDChild : page) entry s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false →
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s →
entryUserFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s →
lookup ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
Some (PE entry) →
nextEntryIsPP part PDidx currentPD s →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptPDChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx part pdChild s ) →
getAccessibleMappedPage currentPD s pdChild = SomePage (pa entry).
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPageInParentTruePresentAccessible s (va vaInAncestor:vaddr)
ptvaInAncestor entry descParent L sh2 (ptsh2 ancestor pdAncestor: page):
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va (pa entry) s = true →
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s→
isPE ptvaInAncestor ( StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
Some L = StateLib.getNbLevel →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false →
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s →
isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s →
nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s
∧ entryUserFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s.
Lemma pdPartNotNull' phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pdChildphy) = false.
Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageInAncestor descParent va entry pdAncestor s vaInAncestor sh2 ptsh2 ancestor:
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va (pa entry) s = true →
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s →
isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s →
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false →
nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
getAccessibleMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = SomePage (pa entry) .
vaChild phyDescChild level entry:
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
isPresentNotDefaultIff s →
noDupConfigPagesList s →
configTablesAreDifferent s →
True →
True →
lookup ptVaChildpd idxvaChild (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry) →
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level →
True →
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isPE ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptVaChildpd PDidx phyDescChild vaChild s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptVaChildpd) = false →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel = idxvaChild →
entryPresentFlag ptVaChildpd idxvaChild true s →
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s →
pdChildphy ≠ defaultPage →
getIndirection pdChildphy vaChild level (nbLevel - 1) s =
Some ptVaChildpd →
nbLevel -1 > 0 →
¬ In ptVaChildpd (getIndirectionsAux pdChildphy s (nbLevel - 1)).
Lemma beqVAddrTrue a :
beqVAddr a a= true.
Lemma eqListTrueEq :
∀ a b,
eqList a b beqIndex= true → a=b.
Lemma beqVAddrTrueEq :
∀ a b,
beqVAddr a b = true → a=b.
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPageGetTableRoot (phypage :page) entry sh2 descParent ptsh2 va pdAncestor ancestor (vaInAncestor :vaddr) ptvaInAncestor s:
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s →
isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s →
nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
isPE ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va phypage s = true →
lookup ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
Some (PE entry) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false →
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s →
phypage = pa entry.
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPage' part pdChild currentPD (ptPDChild : page) entry s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false →
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s →
entryUserFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s →
lookup ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
Some (PE entry) →
nextEntryIsPP part PDidx currentPD s →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptPDChild idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx part pdChild s ) →
getAccessibleMappedPage currentPD s pdChild = SomePage (pa entry).
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPageInParentTruePresentAccessible s (va vaInAncestor:vaddr)
ptvaInAncestor entry descParent L sh2 (ptsh2 ancestor pdAncestor: page):
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va (pa entry) s = true →
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s→
isPE ptvaInAncestor ( StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
Some L = StateLib.getNbLevel →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false →
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s →
isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s →
nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s
∧ entryUserFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s.
Lemma pdPartNotNull' phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pdChildphy) = false.
Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageInAncestor descParent va entry pdAncestor s vaInAncestor sh2 ptsh2 ancestor:
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va (pa entry) s = true →
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s →
isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s →
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false →
nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
getAccessibleMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = SomePage (pa entry) .
Here we use the property already present into the precondition :
Lemma parentMultNone descParent s:
true = StateLib.Page.eqb descParent multiplexer →
consistency s →
StateLib.getParent descParent (memory s) = None.
Lemma childAncestorConfigTablesAreDifferent s (child parent ancestor :page)(ptchild ptAncestor: page)
(vaInchild vaInAncestor: vaddr):
isAncestor child parent s →
consistency s →
In child (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP parent PPRidx ancestor s →
isPE ptchild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInchild fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptchild PDidx child vaInchild s→
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptchild) = false →
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
isPE ptAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptAncestor) = false →
ptchild ≠ ptAncestor.
Lemma structIndirectionIsnotnull (indSh2ToPrepare indMMUToPrepare phySh2Child descChildphy phyPDChild : page)
(vaToPrepare: vaddr) (l levelpred: level) idxroot s:
(idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) →
consistency s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indMMUToPrepare) = false →
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phyPDChild PDidx vaToPrepare l →
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phySh2Child idxroot vaToPrepare l →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel →
isEntryPage phyPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) indMMUToPrepare s →
StateLib.Level.pred l = Some levelpred →
isEntryPage phySh2Child (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) indSh2ToPrepare s →
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel →
In descChildphy (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indSh2ToPrepare) = false.
Lemma structIndirectionIsnotnullMiddle (indSh2ToPrepare indMMUToPrepare phySh2Child descChildphy phyPDChild : page)
(vaToPrepare: vaddr) (l levelpred: level) (stopl : nat) idxroot s:
(idxroot = sh1idx ∨ idxroot = sh2idx) →
consistency s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indMMUToPrepare) = false →
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phyPDChild PDidx vaToPrepare (CLevel (l - stopl)) →
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phySh2Child idxroot vaToPrepare (CLevel (l - stopl)) →
false = StateLib.Level.eqb (CLevel (l - stopl)) fstLevel →
isEntryPage phyPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare (CLevel (l - stopl))) indMMUToPrepare s →
StateLib.Level.pred (CLevel (l - stopl)) = Some levelpred →
isEntryPage phySh2Child (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare (CLevel (l - stopl))) indSh2ToPrepare s →
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel →
stopl ≤ l →
In descChildphy (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indSh2ToPrepare) = false.
Lemma proveInitPEntryTablePreconditionToPropagatePrepareProperties s userPage (pt:page) vaValue part nbL pdPart :
consistency s →
kernelDataIsolation s →
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pt) = false →
nextEntryIsPP part PDidx pdPart s →
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel →
isPE pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaValue fstLevel) s ∧ getTableAddrRoot pt PDidx part vaValue s →
entryPresentFlag pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaValue fstLevel) true s →
entryUserFlag pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaValue fstLevel) true s →
isEntryPage pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaValue fstLevel) userPage s →
initPEntryTablePreconditionToPropagatePrepareProperties s userPage.
Lemma isPartitionFalseProof idxRefChild
(currentShadow1 currentPart currentPD phyDescChild ptRefChild ptRefChildFromSh1:page) (descChild :vaddr) idx s :
consistency s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart sh1idx currentShadow1 s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false →
entryPresentFlag ptRefChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) true s →
entryUserFlag ptRefChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) true s →
isEntryPage ptRefChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) phyDescChild s →
nextEntryIsPP (currentPartition s) PDidx currentPD s →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptRefChild idx s →
getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild PDidx (currentPartition s) descChild s →
(Nat.eqb ptRefChildFromSh1 defaultPage) = false →
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idxRefChild →
isVE ptRefChildFromSh1 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) s →
getTableAddrRoot ptRefChildFromSh1 sh1idx currentPart descChild s →
isPartitionFalse ptRefChildFromSh1 idxRefChild s.
Lemma getMaxIndexNotNone :
StateLib.getMaxIndex ≠ None.
Lemma readPhysicalIsPP' LLtable idx nextLLtable s:
isPP' LLtable idx nextLLtable s ↔
StateLib.readPhysical LLtable idx (memory s) = Some nextLLtable.
Lemma pdPartNotNone phyDescChild s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
partitionDescriptorEntry s →
StateLib.getPd phyDescChild (memory s) = None → False.
Lemma disjointSh2LLstruct tbl newLastLLable sh2 LL partition s:
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2 →
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some LL →
consistency s →
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
In tbl (getIndirections sh2 s) →
In newLastLLable (getLLPages LL s (nbPage + 1)) →
NoDup (getConfigPagesAux partition s) → tbl ≠ newLastLLable.
Lemma index0Ltfalse (idx:index):
idx < CIndex 0 → False.
Lemma InDecOrNot (A:Type) (l:list A ) (elt: A) (P: ∀ p1 p2 : A, p1 = p2 ∨ p1 ≠ p2):
In elt l ∨ ¬In elt l.
Lemma isEntryPageReadPhyEntry2' table idx phy s:
isEntryPage table idx phy s →
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) = Some phy.
Lemma notInGetAccessibleMappedPage ptvaInAncestor ancestor phypage pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
noDupMappedPagesList s →
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
(∀ idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx →
isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s ∧ getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false →
isEntryPage ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) phypage s →
entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s →
entryUserFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) false s →
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s →
¬In phypage (getAccessibleMappedPages ancestor s).
Lemma multiplexerIsAncestor s :
noDupPartitionTree s →
∀ partition, parentInPartitionList s → partitionDescriptorEntry s → isParent s → In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
→ In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
partition ≠ multiplexer →
In multiplexer (getAncestors partition s).
Lemma nextIndirectionNotAccessibleInAnyPartition s nextIndirection
(currentPart currentPD: page) ptMMUvaNextInd (vaNextInd : vaddr) ptSh1VaNextInd:
writeAccessibleRecPreparePostcondition currentPart nextIndirection s →
verticalSharing s →
partitionsIsolation s →
consistency s →
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
getTableAddrRoot ptMMUvaNextInd PDidx currentPart vaNextInd s →
isPE ptMMUvaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) s →
entryUserFlag ptMMUvaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) false s →
entryPresentFlag ptMMUvaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) true s →
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptMMUvaNextInd) = false →
isEntryPage ptMMUvaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) nextIndirection s →
(∃ va : vaddr,
isEntryVA ptSh1VaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) va s ∧
beqVAddr defaultVAddr va = true) →
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptSh1VaNextInd) = false →
getTableAddrRoot ptSh1VaNextInd sh1idx currentPart vaNextInd s →
isVE ptSh1VaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) s →
∀ partition1, In partition1 (getPartitions multiplexer s) →
¬ In nextIndirection (getAccessibleMappedPages partition1 s).
contradict Hparent, Hchild11 and Hchild1