Library Pip.Proof.InternalLemmas


This file contains several internal lemmas to help prove invariants
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.MAL Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Core.Internal.

Require Import Pip.Proof.Isolation Pip.Proof.Consistency Pip.Proof.WeakestPreconditions Pip.Proof.StateLib.
Require Import Pip.Proof.DependentTypeLemmas Pip.Proof.Lib.
Require Import PropagatedProperties Invariants.

Require Import List Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance Lia Classical_Prop Compare_dec EqNat Lt Minus.

Import List.ListNotations.
Lemma inclGetIndirectionsAuxLe root s n m :
n m
incl (getIndirectionsAux root s n) (getIndirectionsAux root s m).

Lemma getIndirectionStop1 s indirection x idxind va l:
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = false indirection defaultPage
lookup indirection idxind (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE x)
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va l = idxind
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va l 1 s = Some (pa x).

Lemma inNotInList :
(l : list page) (a : page), In a l ¬ In a l.

Lemma getIndirectionStopS :
stop (s : state) (nbL : level) nextind pd va indirection,
stop + 1 nbL indirection defaultPage
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) 1 s = Some (pa nextind)
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (pa nextind).
    Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
          Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
          Transparent StateLib.getIndirection.
Lemma getIndirectionProp :
stop s nextind idxind indirection pd va (nbL : level),
stop +1 nbL indirection defaultPage
StateLib.Level.eqb (CLevel (nbL - stop)) fstLevel = false
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) = idxind
lookup indirection idxind (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE nextind)
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (pa nextind).

Lemma getIndirectionStopS1 :
stop (s : state) (nbL : level) nextind pd va indirection,
stop + 1 nbL indirection defaultPage
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL stop s = Some indirection
StateLib.getIndirection indirection va (CLevel (nbL - stop)) 1 s = Some (nextind)
StateLib.getIndirection pd va nbL (stop + 1) s = Some (nextind).
    Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
          Opaque StateLib.getIndirection.
          Transparent StateLib.getIndirection.
 Lemma getIndirectionRetNotDefaultLtNbLevel:
  (stop2 stop1 : nat) (nbL : level) (pd table1 table2 : page) (va : vaddr) (s : state),
 (Nat.eqb defaultPage pd) = false
 stop1 stop2
 getIndirection pd va nbL stop1 s = Some table1
 getIndirection pd va nbL stop2 s = Some table2
 (Nat.eqb defaultPage table2) = false
 (Nat.eqb defaultPage table1) = false.
Lemma fstIndirectionContainsValue_nbLevel_1 indirection idxroot s idx va l currentPart :
(idxroot = PDidx idxroot = sh1idx idxroot = sh2idx)
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot s In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel = true
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot indirection s
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx indirection defaultPage
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel
isVE indirection idx s idxroot = sh1idx
isVA indirection idx s idxroot = sh2idx
isPE indirection idx s idxroot = PDidx.
va into the list of all Vaddr
va into the list of all Vaddr
va into the list of all Vaddr
va into the list of all Vaddr

Lemma getIndirectionStopLevelGT s va p (l: nat) (level : level) (l0 : nat) p0:
l0 > level l = level
getIndirection p va level l s = Some p0
getIndirection p va level l0 s = Some p0.

Lemma getIndirectionStopLevelGT2 s va p (l: nat) (level : level) (l0 : nat) p0:
l0 > level l = level
getIndirection p va level l0 s = Some p0
getIndirection p va level l s = Some p0.

Lemma getIndirectionRetDefaultLtNbLevel l1 l0 (nbL :level) p va s:
l0 > 0
l0 < l1
l0 < nbL
getIndirection p va nbL l0 s = Some defaultPage
getIndirection p va nbL l1 s = Some defaultPage.

Lemma getIndirectionNbLevelEq (l1 l0 : nat) (nbL :level) p va s:
l0 > 0
l1 = nbL
l0 nbL
getIndirection p va nbL l0 s = Some defaultPage
getIndirection p va nbL l1 s = Some defaultPage.

Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrue' n va1 va2 (nbL predNbL : level) :
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset n va1 va2 nbL = true
predNbL nbL
nbL < n
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va1 predNbL = StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va2 predNbL .

Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrue2 :
(n : nat) (va1 va2 : vaddr) (nbL predNbL : level),
n nbLevel
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset n va1 va2 nbL = true
nbL < n
predNbL nbL
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset n va1 va2 predNbL = true.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrue va1 va2 (nbL predNbL : level):
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true
nbL < nbLevel
predNbL nbL
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 predNbL = true.

Lemma getIndirectionEq (nbL : level) va1 va2 pd stop s:
nbL < nbLevel
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true
getIndirection pd va1 nbL stop s =
getIndirection pd va2 nbL stop s .

Lemma Index_eq_i (i1 i2 : index) : (ADT.i i1) = (ADT.i i2) i1 = i2.

Lemma AllIndicesAll : idx : index, In idx getAllIndices.

Lemma VAddrEqVA (v1 v2: vaddr) : v1 = v2 v1 = v2.

Lemma AllVAddrAll : v : vaddr, In v getAllVAddr.
 Lemma lengthRemoveLast(A :Type) :
      l : list A, n, length l = S n length (removelast l) = n.
     Opaque removelast.
     Transparent removelast.
Lemma AllVAddrWithOffset0 :
va, va1, In va1 getAllVAddrWithOffset0
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va va1 ( CLevel (nbLevel -1) ) = true.

Lemma noDupAllVaddr : NoDup getAllVAddr.

Lemma filterOptionInIff l elt :
List.In elt (filterOption l) List.In (SomePage elt) l.

Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetEqFalse (nbL alevel : level):
va1 va2,
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel
alevel nbL
false = StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 alevel
va1 va2.

Lemma getMappedPageEq pd va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true
getMappedPage pd s va1 = getMappedPage pd s va2.

Lemma checkChildEq partition va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true
checkChild partition nbL s va1 = checkChild partition nbL s va2.

Lemma getPDFlagEq sh1 va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true
getPDFlag sh1 va1 s = getPDFlag sh1 va2 s.

Lemma getVirtualAddressSh1Eq sh1 va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true
getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va1 = getVirtualAddressSh1 sh1 s va2.

Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrans :
vaChild va1 a level,
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel vaChild va1
          level = true
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel a va1 level =
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel vaChild a level = false.
Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetPermut va1 va2 level1 :
  StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 level1 =
  StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va2 va1 level1.

Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetEqTrue descChild nbL :
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel descChild descChild nbL = true.
Lemma twoMappedPagesAreDifferent phy1 phy2 v1 v2 p nbL s:
getMappedPage p s v1 = SomePage phy1
getMappedPage p s v2 = SomePage phy2
NoDup (filterOption (map (getMappedPage p s) getAllVAddrWithOffset0))
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel v1 v2 nbL = false
phy1 phy2.

Lemma eqMappedPagesEqVaddrs phy1 v1 v2 p s:
getMappedPage p s v1 = SomePage phy1
 In v1 getAllVAddrWithOffset0
 getMappedPage p s v2 = SomePage phy1
In v2 getAllVAddrWithOffset0
NoDup (filterOption (map (getMappedPage p s) getAllVAddrWithOffset0))
v1 = v2.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageEq pd va1 va2 nbL s :
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 nbL = true
getAccessibleMappedPage pd s va1 = getAccessibleMappedPage pd s va2.

Lemma physicalPageIsAccessible (currentPart : page) (ptPDChild : page)
phyPDChild pdChild idxPDChild accessiblePDChild nbL presentPDChild
currentPD s:
 (Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false
accessiblePDChild = true
presentPDChild = true
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idxPDChild
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel
( idx : index,
        StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx
        isPE ptPDChild idx s getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx currentPart pdChild s)
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild idxPDChild presentPDChild s
entryUserFlag ptPDChild idxPDChild accessiblePDChild s
isEntryPage ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) phyPDChild s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In phyPDChild (getAccessibleMappedPages currentPart s).

Lemma getIndirectionFstStep s root va (level1 : level) stop table :
level1 > 0 stop > 0 root defaultPage table defaultPage
getIndirection root va level1 stop s = Some table
pred page1,page1 defaultPage Some pred = StateLib.Level.pred level1
  StateLib.readPhyEntry root (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va level1) (memory s) = Some page1
 getIndirection page1 va pred (stop -1) s = Some table.

Lemma readPhyEntryInGetTablePages s root:
n : nat,
n tableSize
(idx : nat) (page1 : page),
idx < n
page1 defaultPage
StateLib.readPhyEntry root (CIndex idx) (memory s) = Some page1
In page1 (getTablePages root n s).

Lemma getIndirectionInGetIndirections1 (stop : nat) s:
(stop+1) nbLevel
(va : vaddr) (level1 : level) (table root : page) ,
getIndirection root va level1 stop s = Some table
table defaultPage
root defaultPage In table (getIndirectionsAux root s (stop+1)).

Lemma getIndirectionInGetIndirections (n : nat) s:
n > 0
n nbLevel
(va : vaddr) (level1 : level) (table root : page) (stop : nat),
getIndirection root va level1 stop s = Some table
table defaultPage
level1 CLevel (n - 1) root defaultPage In table (getIndirectionsAux root s n).

Lemma AllPagesAll :
p : page, In p getAllPages.

Lemma lengthNoDupPartitions :
listPartitions : list page, NoDup listPartitions
length listPartitions nbPage.

Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetParent partition pd s :
nextEntryIsPP partition PPRidx pd s
StateLib.getParent partition (memory s) = Some pd.

Lemma nbPartition s:
noDupPartitionTree s
length (getPartitions multiplexer s) < (nbPage+1).

Lemma childrenPartitionInPartitionList s phyVA parent:
noDupPartitionTree s
In parent (getPartitions multiplexer s )
In phyVA (getChildren parent s)
In phyVA (getPartitions multiplexer s).

Lemma nbPageLL fstLL s:
NoDup(getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1))
length (getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1)) <(nbPage + 1).

Lemma inGetLLPages s:
fstLL LLChildphy lastLLTable,
NoDup(getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1))
In LLChildphy (getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1))
In lastLLTable (getLLPages LLChildphy s (nbPage + 1))
In lastLLTable (getLLPages fstLL s (nbPage + 1)).

Lemma verticalSharingRec n s :
NoDup (getPartitions multiplexer s)
noCycleInPartitionTree s
isParent s
verticalSharing s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partition, currentPart partition
In partition (getPartitionAux currentPart s (n + 1))
incl (getMappedPages partition s) (getMappedPages currentPart s).

   Lemma verticalSharingRec2 :
(n : nat) (s : state), NoDup (getPartitions multiplexer s) noCycleInPartitionTree s
isParent s
verticalSharing s
currentPart : page,
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partition : page,
currentPart partition
In partition (getPartitionAux currentPart s (n + 1))
incl (getUsedPages partition s) (getMappedPages currentPart s).
           Lemma toApplyVerticalSharingRec s:
           consistency s
           verticalSharing s
            currentPart child1 closestAnc,
           currentPart child1
            In child1 (getChildren closestAnc s)
            In closestAnc (getPartitions multiplexer s)
             In currentPart (getPartitionAux child1 s nbPage)
            incl (getMappedPages currentPart s) (getMappedPages child1 s).

  Lemma verticalSharing2 child parent s :
  incl (getUsedPages child s) (getMappedPages parent s)
  incl (getMappedPages child s) (getMappedPages parent s).

Lemma getPartitionAuxMinus1 s :
NoDup (getPartitions multiplexer s)
isParent s
n child parent ancestor,
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s)
StateLib.getParent child (memory s) = Some parent
In child (flat_map (fun p : pagegetPartitionAux p s n) (getChildren ancestor s))
In parent (getPartitionAux ancestor s n).

Lemma isAncestorTrans2 ancestor descParent currentPart s:
noDupPartitionTree s
multiplexerWithoutParent s
isParent s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
StateLib.getParent descParent (memory s) = Some ancestor
In descParent (getAncestors currentPart s)
In ancestor (getAncestors currentPart s).

Lemma getAncestorsProp1 s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
parentInPartitionList s
ancestor parent child ,
In parent (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In ancestor (getAncestors child s)
parent ancestor
StateLib.getParent child (memory s) = Some parent
In ancestor (getAncestors parent s).

Lemma isAncestorTrans3 s :
noDupPartitionTree s
multiplexerWithoutParent s
noCycleInPartitionTree s
isParent s
isChild s
parentInPartitionList s
ancestor child x,
In x (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In child (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In ancestor (getAncestors child s)
In x (getChildren child s)

In ancestor (getAncestors x s).

Lemma noCycleInPartitionTree2 s :
noDupPartitionTree s
multiplexerWithoutParent s
isChild s
parentInPartitionList s
noCycleInPartitionTree s
isParent s
n parent child,
In parent (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In child (getChildren parent s)
¬ In parent (getPartitionAux child s n).

Lemma accessiblePageIsNotPartitionDescriptor
phyPDChild pdChild idxPDChild accessiblePDChild currentPart nbL presentPDChild
currentPD (ptPDChild : page) s:
partitionsIsolation s
kernelDataIsolation s
 (Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false
accessiblePDChild = true
presentPDChild = true
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idxPDChild
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel
( idx : index,
        StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx
        isPE ptPDChild idx s getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx currentPart pdChild s)
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild idxPDChild presentPDChild s
entryUserFlag ptPDChild idxPDChild accessiblePDChild s
isEntryPage ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) phyPDChild s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
¬ In phyPDChild (getPartitionAux multiplexer s (nbPage + 1)).

Lemma getPdNextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd1 s
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd2
pd1 = pd2.

Lemma getSh1NextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh1idx pd1 s
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some pd2
pd1 = pd2.

Lemma getSh2NextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh2idx pd1 s
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some pd2
pd1 = pd2.

Lemma getListNextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh3idx pd1 s
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some pd2
pd1 = pd2.

Lemma getParentNextEntryIsPPEq partition pd1 pd2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition PPRidx pd1 s
StateLib.getParent partition (memory s) = Some pd2
pd1 = pd2.

Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetPd partition pd s :
nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx pd s
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd.

Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetFstShadow partition sh1 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh1idx sh1 s
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1.

Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetSndShadow partition sh2 s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh2idx sh2 s
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2.

Lemma nextEntryIsPPgetConfigList partition list s :
nextEntryIsPP partition sh3idx list s
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some list.

Lemma accessibleMappedPagesInMappedPages partition s :
incl (getAccessibleMappedPages partition s) (getMappedPages partition s).

Lemma inGetIndirectionsAuxLt pd s stop table bound:
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s bound)
stop bound - 1
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s stop).

Lemma notConfigTableNotPdconfigTableLt partition pd table s stop :
stop < nbLevel - 1
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s)
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s (S stop)).
Lemma inGetIndirectionsAuxInConfigPagesPD partition pd table s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel)
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd
In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s).

Lemma notConfigTableNotPdconfigTable partition pd table s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s)
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel).

Lemma notConfigTableNotSh1configTableLt partition sh1 table s stop :
stop < nbLevel - 1
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s)
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux sh1 s (S stop)).

Lemma inGetIndirectionsAuxInConfigPagesSh1 partition pd table s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel)
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some pd
In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s).
Lemma notConfigTableNotSh1configTable partition sh1 table s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s)
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux sh1 s nbLevel).

Lemma notConfigTableNotSh2configTableLt partition sh2 table s stop :
stop < nbLevel - 1
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s)
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux sh2 s (S stop)).

Lemma inGetIndirectionsAuxInConfigPagesSh2 partition pd table s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In table (getIndirectionsAux pd s nbLevel)
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some pd
In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s).

Lemma notConfigTableNotSh2configTable partition sh2 table s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s)
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux sh2 s nbLevel).

Lemma notConfigTableNotListconfigTable partition sh3 table s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
¬ In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s)
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some sh3
¬ In table (getLLPages sh3 s (nbPage + 1)).

Lemma pdSh1Sh2ListExistsNotNull (s: state):
partitionDescriptorEntry s
partition, In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
( pd , StateLib.getPd partition (memory s) = Some pd pd defaultPage)
( sh1, StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh1 sh1 defaultPage)
( sh2, StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2 sh2 defaultPage)
( list, StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some list list defaultPage).

Lemma isConfigTable descChild ptRefChild descParent s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In descParent (getPartitions multiplexer s)
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx
isPE ptRefChild idx s getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild PDidx descParent descChild s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false
In ptRefChild (getConfigPages descParent s).

Lemma isConfigTableSh2WithVA descChild ptRefChild descParent s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In descParent (getPartitions multiplexer s)
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx
isVA ptRefChild idx s getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild sh2idx descParent descChild s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false
In ptRefChild (getConfigPages descParent s).

Lemma isConfigTableSh2 descChild ptRefChild descParent s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In descParent (getPartitions multiplexer s)
getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild sh2idx descParent descChild s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false
In ptRefChild (getConfigPages descParent s).
Lemma isConfigTableSh1WithVE descChild ptRefChild descParent s :
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In descParent (getPartitions multiplexer s)
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx
isVE ptRefChild idx s getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild sh1idx descParent descChild s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false
In ptRefChild (getConfigPages descParent s).

Lemma mappedPageIsNotPTable (table1 table2 currentPart root : page)
F idxroot va idx1 (s : state):
 (idxroot = PDidx idxroot = sh1idx idxroot = sh2idx)
( partition : page,
          In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
          partition = table2 In table2 (getConfigPagesAux partition s) False)
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partitionDescriptorEntry s
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot root s
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx1
( idx : index,
        StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx
       F table1 idx s
        getTableAddrRoot table1 idxroot currentPart va s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage table1) = false
table2 table1.

Lemma entryPresentFlagReadPresent s table idx flag:
entryPresentFlag table idx flag s
StateLib.readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some flag.

Lemma entryPresentFlagReadPresent' s table idx flag:
entryPresentFlag table idx flag s
StateLib.readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some flag.

Lemma entryUserFlagReadAccessible s table idx flag:
entryUserFlag table idx flag s
StateLib.readAccessible table idx (memory s) = Some flag.

Lemma isEntryPageLookupEq table idx entry phy s:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry)
isEntryPage table idx phy s
pa entry = phy.

Lemma isEntryPageReadPhyEntry table idx entry s:
isEntryPage table idx (pa entry) s
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) = Some (pa entry).

Lemma isEntryPageReadPhyEntry1 table idx p s:
isEntryPage table idx p s
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) = Some p.
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPage pdChild currentPD (ptPDChild : page) entry s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s
entryUserFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s
lookup ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
    Some (PE entry)
 nextEntryIsPP (currentPartition s) PDidx currentPD s
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx
isPE ptPDChild idx s getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx (currentPartition s) pdChild s )
getAccessibleMappedPage currentPD s pdChild = SomePage (pa entry).
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPage2 partition pdChild currentPD (ptPDChild : page) phypage s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s
entryUserFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s
isEntryPage ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) phypage s
 nextEntryIsPP partition PDidx currentPD s
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx
isPE ptPDChild idx s getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx partition pdChild s )
getAccessibleMappedPage currentPD s pdChild = SomePage phypage.

Lemma getPDFlagReadPDflag currentShadow1 pdChild (ptPDChildSh1 : page)
idxPDChild currentPart s:
(Nat.eqb ptPDChildSh1 defaultPage) = false
nextEntryIsPP currentPart sh1idx currentShadow1 s
getPDFlag currentShadow1 pdChild s = false
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idxPDChild
( idx : index,
   StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx
   isVE ptPDChildSh1 idx s
   getTableAddrRoot ptPDChildSh1 sh1idx currentPart pdChild s)
StateLib.readPDflag ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild (memory s) = Some false
StateLib.readPDflag ptPDChildSh1 idxPDChild (memory s) = None .

Lemma isVaInParent s va descParent (ptsh2 : page) vaInAncestor sh2 :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx
isVA ptsh2 idx s getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s)
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s
getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va = Some vaInAncestor.

Lemma disjointUsedPagesDisjointMappedPages partition1 partition2 s:
disjoint (getUsedPages partition1 s) (getUsedPages partition2 s)
disjoint (getMappedPages partition1 s) (getMappedPages partition2 s).

Lemma inGetMappedPagesGetIndirection descParent entry vaInDescParent pdDesc (pt : page) nbL1 s:
entryPresentFlag pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInDescParent fstLevel) true s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pt) = false
Some nbL1 = StateLib.getNbLevel
nextEntryIsPP descParent PDidx pdDesc s
getIndirection pdDesc vaInDescParent nbL1 (nbL1 + 1) s = Some pt
isEntryPage pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInDescParent fstLevel) (pa entry) s
In (pa entry) (getMappedPages descParent s).

Lemma getMappedPageGetIndirection ancestor phypage newVA pdAncestor
 (ptAncestor : page) L s:
StateLib.readPresent ptAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr newVA fstLevel)
 (memory s) = Some true
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptAncestor) = false
 Some L = StateLib.getNbLevel
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
getIndirection pdAncestor newVA L (nbLevel - 1) s = Some ptAncestor
StateLib.readPhyEntry ptAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr newVA fstLevel)
 (memory s) = Some phypage
getMappedPage pdAncestor s newVA = SomePage phypage.

Lemma getMappedPageGetTableRoot ptvaInAncestor ancestor phypage pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
( idx : index,
      StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx
      isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s
      getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false
 isEntryPage ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel)
 phypage s
 entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
getMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = SomePage phypage.
Lemma getVirtualAddressSh2GetTableRoot:
(ptsh2 descParent sh2 : page)
    (vaInAncestor va: vaddr) (s : state) L,
( idx : index,
  StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx
   isVA ptsh2 idx s getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s
StateLib.getSndShadow descParent (memory s) = Some sh2
Some L = StateLib.getNbLevel
getVirtualAddressSh2 sh2 s va = Some vaInAncestor.

Lemma getMappedPageNotAccessible
ptvaInAncestor ancestor phypage pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
( idx : index,
      StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx
      isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s
      getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false
 isEntryPage ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel)
 phypage s
 entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s
entryUserFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) false s
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
getAccessibleMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = NonePage.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageNotPresent
ptvaInAncestor ancestor pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
( idx : index,
      StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx
      isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s
      getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false
 entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) false s
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
getAccessibleMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = NonePage.

Lemma getMappedPageNotPresent
ptvaInAncestor ancestor pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
( idx : index,
      StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx
      isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s
      getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false
 entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) false s
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
getMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = SomeDefault.

Lemma inGetMappedPagesGetTableRoot va pt descParent phypage pdParent s :
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx
isPE pt idx s getTableAddrRoot pt PDidx descParent va s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pt) = false
isEntryPage pt(StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) phypage s
entryPresentFlag pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) true s
nextEntryIsPP descParent PDidx pdParent s
In phypage (getMappedPages descParent s).

Lemma pageDecOrNot :
p1 p2 : page, p1 = p2 p1p2.

Lemma isAncestorTrans ancestor descParent currentPart s:
parentInPartitionList s
noCycleInPartitionTree s
isParent s
noDupPartitionTree s
multiplexerWithoutParent s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
StateLib.getParent descParent (memory s) = Some ancestor
isAncestor currentPart descParent s
isAncestor currentPart ancestor s.

Lemma parentIsAncestor partition ancestor s:
nextEntryIsPP partition PPRidx ancestor s
In ancestor (getAncestors partition s).

Lemma phyPageNotDefault table idx phyPage s :
isPresentNotDefaultIff s
entryPresentFlag table idx true s
isEntryPage table idx phyPage s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage phyPage) = false.

Lemma phyPageIsPresent table idx entry s :
isPresentNotDefaultIff s
 lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage (pa entry)) = false
present entry = true.

Lemma accessiblePAgeIsMapped pd s va accessiblePage :
getAccessibleMappedPage pd s va = SomePage accessiblePage
getMappedPage pd s va = SomePage accessiblePage.
Import List.ListNotations.
Lemma getIndirectionsOnlyPD pd s:
( idx : index,
        StateLib.readPhyEntry pd idx (memory s) = Some defaultPage
        StateLib.readPresent pd idx (memory s) = Some false)
  getIndirections pd s = [pd].

Lemma getIndirectionsOnlySh1 sh1 level s:
Some level =StateLib.getNbLevel
 isWellFormedFstShadow level sh1 s
  getIndirections sh1 s = [sh1].

Lemma getIndirectionsOnlySh2 sh2 level s:
Some level =StateLib.getNbLevel
 isWellFormedSndShadow level sh2 s
  getIndirections sh2 s = [sh2].

Lemma getLLPagesOnlyRoot root s:
initConfigPagesListPostCondition root s
 getLLPages root s (nbPage+1) =

Require Import Coq.Sorting.Permutation.

Lemma getIndirectionGetTableRoot (s : state) currentShadow1 currentPart ptRefChildFromSh1 descChild
nbL :
StateLib.getFstShadow currentPart (memory s) = Some currentShadow1
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
( idx : index,
  StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx
  isVE ptRefChildFromSh1 idx s
  getTableAddrRoot ptRefChildFromSh1 sh1idx currentPart descChild s)
getIndirection currentShadow1 descChild nbL (nbLevel - 1) s = Some ptRefChildFromSh1.

Lemma getIndirectionGetTableRoot1 (s : state) pd currentPart pt va
nbL :
StateLib.getPd currentPart (memory s) = Some pd
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
( idx : index,
  StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx
  isPE pt idx s
  getTableAddrRoot pt PDidx currentPart va s)
getIndirection pd va nbL (nbLevel - 1) s = Some pt.

Lemma readPhyEntryInGetIndirectionsAux s root n:
page1,page1 defaultPage
In page1 (getTablePages root tableSize s)
n> 1
In page1 (getIndirectionsAux root s n) .

Lemma nodupLevelMinus1 root s (n0 : nat) idx:
p , p defaultPage
StateLib.readPhyEntry root idx (memory s) = Some p
NoDup (getIndirectionsAux root s n0 )
 n0 nbLevel
NoDup (getIndirectionsAux p s (n0 - 1)).

Lemma inclGetIndirectionsAuxMinus1 n root idx p s:
StateLib.readPhyEntry root idx (memory s) = Some p
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p) = false
n> 1
incl (getIndirectionsAux p s (n - 1)) (getIndirectionsAux root s n).

Lemma notInFlatMapNotInGetIndirection k l ( p0: page) s x:
In p0 l
¬ In x (flat_map (fun p : pagegetIndirectionsAux p s k) l)
¬ In x (getIndirectionsAux p0 s k).

Lemma disjointGetIndirectionsAuxMiddle n (p p0 : page) root (idx1 idx2 : index) s:
p0 p
n > 1
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p) = false
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p0) = false
NoDup (getIndirectionsAux root s n)
StateLib.readPhyEntry root idx1 (memory s) = Some p0
StateLib.readPhyEntry root idx2 (memory s) = Some p
disjoint (getIndirectionsAux p s (n - 1)) (getIndirectionsAux p0 s (n - 1)).

Lemma getIndirectionInGetIndirectionAuxMinus1 table (p: page) s n va1 pred n1 (level1 : level):
level1> 0
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p) = false
level1 CLevel (n -1)
StateLib.Level.pred level1 = Some pred
table defaultPage
n nbLevel
n > 1
getIndirection p va1 pred n1 s = Some table
In table (getIndirectionsAux p s (n - 1)).

Lemma getTablePagesNoDup root (p p0 : page) idx1 idx2 s:
idx1 < tableSize idx2 < tableSize
NoDup (getTablePages root tableSize s)
StateLib.readPhyEntry root (CIndex idx1) (memory s) = Some p0
StateLib.readPhyEntry root (CIndex idx2) (memory s) = Some p
(Nat.eqb idx1 idx2) = false
(Nat.eqb p defaultPage) = false
(Nat.eqb defaultPage p0) = false
p0 p.

Lemma getTablePagesNoDupFlatMap s n k root:
n > 0
(flat_map (fun p : pagegetIndirectionsAux p s n)
(getTablePages root k s))
NoDup (getTablePages root k s).

   Lemma getIndirectionGetTableRoot2 (s : state) sh2 currentPart pt va
nbL :
StateLib.getSndShadow currentPart (memory s) = Some sh2
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
( idx : index,
  StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel = idx
  isVA pt idx s
  getTableAddrRoot pt sh2idx currentPart va s)
getIndirection sh2 va nbL (nbLevel - 1) s = Some pt.

Lemma pageTablesOrIndicesAreDifferent (root1 root2 table1 table2 : page )
(va1 va2 : vaddr) (level1 : level) (stop : nat) s:
root1 defaultPage root2 defaultPage
NoDup (getIndirections root1 s)
NoDup (getIndirections root2 s)
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset stop va1 va2 level1 = false
( (level1 = CLevel (nbLevel -1) root1 = root2) (level1 < CLevel (nbLevel -1) /\(
(disjoint (getIndirections root1 s) (getIndirections root2 s) root1 root2) root1 = root2 )) )->
table1 defaultPage
table2 defaultPage

getIndirection root1 va1 level1 stop s = Some table1
getIndirection root2 va2 level1 stop s = Some table2
table1 table2 StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va1 fstLevel StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va2 fstLevel.
Lemma noDupConfigPagesListNoDupGetIndirections s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s
(partition : page),
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
NoDup (getConfigPages partition s)
root idxroot, (idxroot = PDidx idxroot = sh1idx idxroot = sh2idx)
nextEntryIsPP partition idxroot root s
 NoDup (getIndirections root s).

Lemma toApplyPageTablesOrIndicesAreDifferent idx1 idx2 va1 va2 (table1 table2 : page)
currentPart root idxroot level1 F s:
(idxroot = PDidx idxroot = sh1idx idxroot = sh2idx)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage table1) = false (Nat.eqb defaultPage table2) = false
false = StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel va1 va2 level1
currentPart = currentPartition s
consistency s
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va1 fstLevel = idx1
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va2 fstLevel = idx2
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va1 fstLevel = idx
F table1 idx s getTableAddrRoot table1 idxroot currentPart va1 s)
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va2 fstLevel = idx
F table2 idx s getTableAddrRoot table2 idxroot currentPart va2 s)
nextEntryIsPP currentPart idxroot root s
Some level1 = StateLib.getNbLevel
table1 table2 idx1 idx2.

Lemma getMappedPagesAuxConsSome :
pd va phyVa listva s,
getMappedPage pd s va = SomePage phyVa
 (getMappedPagesAux pd (va :: listva) s) =
 phyVa :: (getMappedPagesAux pd listva) s.

Lemma getMappedPagesAuxConsNone :
  pd va listva s,
getMappedPage pd s va = NonePage
 (getMappedPagesAux pd (va :: listva) s) =(getMappedPagesAux pd listva) s.

Lemma getMappedPagesAuxConsDefault :
  pd va listva s,
getMappedPage pd s va = SomeDefault
 (getMappedPagesAux pd (va :: listva) s) =(getMappedPagesAux pd listva) s.

Lemma childIsMappedPage partition child s :
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In child (getChildren partition s)
In child (getMappedPages partition s).

Lemma ancestorInPartitionTree s:
parentInPartitionList s
isChild s
partition ancestor ,
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In ancestor (getAncestors partition s)
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s).

Lemma getPartitionAuxSn s :
isChild s
n child parent ancestor,
In child (getPartitions multiplexer s)
StateLib.getParent child (memory s) = Some parent
In parent (getPartitionAux ancestor s n)
In child (flat_map (fun p : pagegetPartitionAux p s n) (getChildren ancestor s)).

Lemma getPartitionAuxSbound s bound :
partition1 partition2, In partition1 (getPartitionAux partition2 s bound)
In partition1 (getPartitionAux partition2 s (bound+1)).

Lemma idxSh2idxSh1notEq : sh2idx sh1idx.

Lemma idxPDidxSh1notEq :
PDidx sh1idx.

Lemma rootStructNotNull root part s idxroot:
idxroot = PDidx
idxroot = sh1idx
idxroot = sh2idx idxroot = sh3idx idxroot = PPRidx idxroot = PRidx
partitionDescriptorEntry s
nextEntryIsPP part idxroot root s
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s)
root defaultPage.
 Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetTrue1 s phyDescChild vaChild va level:
      In va (getPdsVAddr phyDescChild level getAllVAddr s)
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel vaChild va level = true
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level
In vaChild (getPdsVAddr phyDescChild level getAllVAddr s).

Lemma pdPartNotNull phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s
partitionDescriptorEntry s
pdChildphy defaultPage.
Lemma sh1PartNotNull phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild sh1idx pdChildphy s
partitionDescriptorEntry s
pdChildphy defaultPage.

Lemma sh2PartNotNull phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild sh2idx pdChildphy s
partitionDescriptorEntry s
pdChildphy defaultPage.

Lemma getConfigTablesRootNotNone phyDescChild s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partitionDescriptorEntry s
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList phyDescChild (memory s) = None False.

 Lemma sh2PartNotNone phyDescChild s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partitionDescriptorEntry s
StateLib.getSndShadow phyDescChild (memory s) = None False.

 Lemma sh1PartNotNone phyDescChild s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partitionDescriptorEntry s
StateLib.getFstShadow phyDescChild (memory s) = None False.
 Lemma configNotDefault s stop:
pd ,
pd defaultPage
(stop+1) nbLevel
  ¬ In defaultPage (getIndirectionsAux pd s stop).

Lemma getIndirectionInGetIndirections2 (stop : nat) s prevtable
(va : vaddr) (level1 : level) (table root : page) :
(stop+1) nbLevel
getIndirection root va level1 (stop-1) s = Some prevtable
StateLib.readPhyEntry prevtable ( StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va (CLevel (level1 - (stop-1))))
         (memory s) = Some table
NoDup (getIndirectionsAux root s (stop+1))
table defaultPage
root defaultPage
stop level1
prevtable defaultPage
¬ In table (getIndirectionsAux root s stop).

Lemma indirectionNotInPreviousMMULevel s ptVaChildpd idxvaChild phyVaChild
  pdChildphy currentPart
presentvaChild vaChild phyDescChild level entry:
 partitionDescriptorEntry s
 isPresentNotDefaultIff s
 noDupConfigPagesList s
configTablesAreDifferent s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In phyVaChild (getAccessibleMappedPages currentPart s)
lookup ptVaChildpd idxvaChild (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry)
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level
negb presentvaChild = true
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
 isPE ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel) s
 getTableAddrRoot ptVaChildpd PDidx phyDescChild vaChild s
 (Nat.eqb defaultPage ptVaChildpd) = false
 StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel = idxvaChild
 entryPresentFlag ptVaChildpd idxvaChild presentvaChild s
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s
pdChildphy defaultPage
getIndirection pdChildphy vaChild level (nbLevel - 1) s =
            Some ptVaChildpd
            nbLevel -1 > 0
¬ In ptVaChildpd (getIndirectionsAux pdChildphy s (nbLevel - 1)).
Lemma vaNotDerived currentPart shadow1 (ptSh1ChildFromSh1 : page) s :
consistency s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptSh1ChildFromSh1) = false
( va : vaddr,
isEntryVA ptSh1ChildFromSh1 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel) va s
beqVAddr defaultVAddr va = true)
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel = idx
isVE ptSh1ChildFromSh1 idx s getTableAddrRoot ptSh1ChildFromSh1 sh1idx currentPart shadow1 s)
¬ isDerived currentPart shadow1 s .
Lemma phyNotDerived currentPart phySh1Child currentPD shadow1 (ptSh1Child : page)s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptSh1Child) = false
¬ isDerived currentPart shadow1 s
consistency s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel = idx
isPE ptSh1Child idx s getTableAddrRoot ptSh1Child PDidx currentPart shadow1 s)
isEntryPage ptSh1Child (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel) phySh1Child s
entryPresentFlag ptSh1Child (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr shadow1 fstLevel) true s
child : page,
In child (getChildren currentPart s) ¬ In phySh1Child (getMappedPages child s).

Lemma noDupAllVAddrWithOffset0 :
 NoDup getAllVAddrWithOffset0.

Lemma checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetFalseEqOffset nbL a descChild:
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some nbL
a descChild
checkOffset0 descChild = true
checkOffset0 a = true
StateLib.checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset nbLevel a descChild nbL = false.

Lemma getPDFlagGetPdsVAddr' sh1Childphy vaChild phyDescChild level s:
 nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild sh1idx sh1Childphy s
  getPDFlag sh1Childphy vaChild s = false
  StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level
  StateLib.getFstShadow phyDescChild (memory s) = Some sh1Childphy
  ¬ In vaChild (getPdsVAddr phyDescChild level getAllVAddr s).

Lemma isEntryPageReadPhyEntry2 table idx entry s:
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) = Some (pa entry)
isEntryPage table idx (pa entry) s.

   Lemma isPresentNotDefaultIffTrue (s :state):
    (table : page) (idx : index) ,
   isPresentNotDefaultIff s
StateLib.readPresent table idx (memory s) = Some true
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) Some defaultPage.
moins d'hypothèses
Lemma indirectionNotInPreviousMMULevel1 s ptVaChildpd idxvaChild
vaChild phyDescChild level entry:
 partitionDescriptorEntry s
 isPresentNotDefaultIff s
 noDupConfigPagesList s
configTablesAreDifferent s


lookup ptVaChildpd idxvaChild (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PE entry)
StateLib.getNbLevel = Some level

In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
 isPE ptVaChildpd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel) s
 getTableAddrRoot ptVaChildpd PDidx phyDescChild vaChild s
 (Nat.eqb defaultPage ptVaChildpd) = false
 StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaChild fstLevel = idxvaChild
 entryPresentFlag ptVaChildpd idxvaChild true s
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s
pdChildphy defaultPage
getIndirection pdChildphy vaChild level (nbLevel - 1) s =
            Some ptVaChildpd
            nbLevel -1 > 0
¬ In ptVaChildpd (getIndirectionsAux pdChildphy s (nbLevel - 1)).
Lemma beqVAddrTrue a :
beqVAddr a a= true.

Lemma eqListTrueEq :
a b,
eqList a b beqIndex= true a=b.

Lemma beqVAddrTrueEq :
a b,
beqVAddr a b = true a=b.
Lemma isAccessibleMappedPageGetTableRoot (phypage :page) entry sh2 descParent ptsh2 va pdAncestor ancestor (vaInAncestor :vaddr) ptvaInAncestor s:
 nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s
 isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s
getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s
nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
isPE ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) s
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false
 isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va phypage s = true
  lookup ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
          Some (PE entry)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false

isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s
phypage = pa entry.

Lemma isAccessibleMappedPage' part pdChild currentPD (ptPDChild : page) entry s :
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptPDChild ) = false
entryPresentFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s
entryUserFlag ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) true s
lookup ptPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex =
    Some (PE entry)
 nextEntryIsPP part PDidx currentPD s
( idx : index,
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr pdChild fstLevel = idx
isPE ptPDChild idx s getTableAddrRoot ptPDChild PDidx part pdChild s )
getAccessibleMappedPage currentPD s pdChild = SomePage (pa entry).

Lemma isAccessibleMappedPageInParentTruePresentAccessible s (va vaInAncestor:vaddr)
ptvaInAncestor entry descParent L sh2 (ptsh2 ancestor pdAncestor: page):
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va (pa entry) s = true
nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s
isPE ptvaInAncestor ( StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) s
getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false
Some L = StateLib.getNbLevel
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false
isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s
isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s
getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s
nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s
nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s
entryUserFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s.
 Lemma pdPartNotNull' phyDescChild pdChildphy s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP phyDescChild PDidx pdChildphy s
partitionDescriptorEntry s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pdChildphy) = false.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageInAncestor descParent va entry pdAncestor s vaInAncestor sh2 ptsh2 ancestor:
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent descParent va (pa entry) s = true
 nextEntryIsPP descParent sh2idx sh2 s
  isVA ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) s
        getTableAddrRoot ptsh2 sh2idx descParent va s
        isVA' ptsh2 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel) vaInAncestor s
        (Nat.eqb defaultPage ptsh2) = false
         nextEntryIsPP descParent PPRidx ancestor s
         nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
 getAccessibleMappedPage pdAncestor s vaInAncestor = SomePage (pa entry) .
Here we use the property already present into the precondition :

Lemma parentMultNone descParent s:
true = StateLib.Page.eqb descParent multiplexer
consistency s
StateLib.getParent descParent (memory s) = None.

Lemma childAncestorConfigTablesAreDifferent s (child parent ancestor :page)(ptchild ptAncestor: page)
(vaInchild vaInAncestor: vaddr):
isAncestor child parent s
consistency s
In child (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP parent PPRidx ancestor s
isPE ptchild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInchild fstLevel) s
getTableAddrRoot ptchild PDidx child vaInchild s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptchild) = false
In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s)
isPE ptAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) s
getTableAddrRoot ptAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptAncestor) = false
ptchild ptAncestor.

Lemma structIndirectionIsnotnull (indSh2ToPrepare indMMUToPrepare phySh2Child descChildphy phyPDChild : page)
(vaToPrepare: vaddr) (l levelpred: level) idxroot s:
(idxroot = sh1idx idxroot = sh2idx)
consistency s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indMMUToPrepare) = false
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phyPDChild PDidx vaToPrepare l
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phySh2Child idxroot vaToPrepare l
   false = StateLib.Level.eqb l fstLevel
isEntryPage phyPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) indMMUToPrepare s
StateLib.Level.pred l = Some levelpred
isEntryPage phySh2Child (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare l) indSh2ToPrepare s
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel
   In descChildphy (getPartitions multiplexer s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indSh2ToPrepare) = false.
Lemma structIndirectionIsnotnullMiddle (indSh2ToPrepare indMMUToPrepare phySh2Child descChildphy phyPDChild : page)
(vaToPrepare: vaddr) (l levelpred: level) (stopl : nat) idxroot s:
(idxroot = sh1idx idxroot = sh2idx)
consistency s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indMMUToPrepare) = false
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phyPDChild PDidx vaToPrepare (CLevel (l - stopl))
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phySh2Child idxroot vaToPrepare (CLevel (l - stopl))
   false = StateLib.Level.eqb (CLevel (l - stopl)) fstLevel
isEntryPage phyPDChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare (CLevel (l - stopl))) indMMUToPrepare s
StateLib.Level.pred (CLevel (l - stopl)) = Some levelpred
isEntryPage phySh2Child (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaToPrepare (CLevel (l - stopl))) indSh2ToPrepare s
Some l = StateLib.getNbLevel
stopl l
   In descChildphy (getPartitions multiplexer s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage indSh2ToPrepare) = false.
Lemma proveInitPEntryTablePreconditionToPropagatePrepareProperties s userPage (pt:page) vaValue part nbL pdPart :
consistency s
kernelDataIsolation s
In part (getPartitions multiplexer s)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage pt) = false
nextEntryIsPP part PDidx pdPart s
Some nbL = StateLib.getNbLevel
isPE pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaValue fstLevel) s getTableAddrRoot pt PDidx part vaValue s
entryPresentFlag pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaValue fstLevel) true s
entryUserFlag pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaValue fstLevel) true s
isEntryPage pt (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaValue fstLevel) userPage s
initPEntryTablePreconditionToPropagatePrepareProperties s userPage.

Lemma isPartitionFalseProof idxRefChild
(currentShadow1 currentPart currentPD phyDescChild ptRefChild ptRefChildFromSh1:page) (descChild :vaddr) idx s :
consistency s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s
nextEntryIsPP currentPart sh1idx currentShadow1 s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptRefChild) = false
entryPresentFlag ptRefChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) true s
entryUserFlag ptRefChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) true s
isEntryPage ptRefChild (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) phyDescChild s
nextEntryIsPP (currentPartition s) PDidx currentPD s
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idx
isPE ptRefChild idx s
getTableAddrRoot ptRefChild PDidx (currentPartition s) descChild s
(Nat.eqb ptRefChildFromSh1 defaultPage) = false
StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel = idxRefChild
isVE ptRefChildFromSh1 (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr descChild fstLevel) s
getTableAddrRoot ptRefChildFromSh1 sh1idx currentPart descChild s
isPartitionFalse ptRefChildFromSh1 idxRefChild s.

Lemma getMaxIndexNotNone :
StateLib.getMaxIndex None.

Lemma readPhysicalIsPP' LLtable idx nextLLtable s:
isPP' LLtable idx nextLLtable s
StateLib.readPhysical LLtable idx (memory s) = Some nextLLtable.
 Lemma pdPartNotNone phyDescChild s:
In phyDescChild (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partitionDescriptorEntry s
StateLib.getPd phyDescChild (memory s) = None False.

Lemma disjointSh2LLstruct tbl newLastLLable sh2 LL partition s:
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s) = Some sh2
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some LL
consistency s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In tbl (getIndirections sh2 s)
In newLastLLable (getLLPages LL s (nbPage + 1))
NoDup (getConfigPagesAux partition s) tbl newLastLLable.

Lemma index0Ltfalse (idx:index):
idx < CIndex 0 False.

  Lemma InDecOrNot (A:Type) (l:list A ) (elt: A) (P: p1 p2 : A, p1 = p2 p1 p2):
  In elt l ¬In elt l.
Lemma isEntryPageReadPhyEntry2' table idx phy s:
isEntryPage table idx phy s
StateLib.readPhyEntry table idx (memory s) = Some phy.

  Lemma notInGetAccessibleMappedPage ptvaInAncestor ancestor phypage pdAncestor vaInAncestor s :
    noDupMappedPagesList s
    In ancestor (getPartitions multiplexer s)
  ( idx : index,
   StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel = idx
   isPE ptvaInAncestor idx s getTableAddrRoot ptvaInAncestor PDidx ancestor vaInAncestor s)
  (Nat.eqb defaultPage ptvaInAncestor) = false
  isEntryPage ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) phypage s
  entryPresentFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) true s
  entryUserFlag ptvaInAncestor (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel) false s
  nextEntryIsPP ancestor PDidx pdAncestor s
    ¬In phypage (getAccessibleMappedPages ancestor s).
Lemma multiplexerIsAncestor s :
 noDupPartitionTree s
  partition, parentInPartitionList s partitionDescriptorEntry s isParent s In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
    partition multiplexer
    In multiplexer (getAncestors partition s).
Lemma nextIndirectionNotAccessibleInAnyPartition s nextIndirection
(currentPart currentPD: page) ptMMUvaNextInd (vaNextInd : vaddr) ptSh1VaNextInd:
writeAccessibleRecPreparePostcondition currentPart nextIndirection s
verticalSharing s
partitionsIsolation s
consistency s

In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
getTableAddrRoot ptMMUvaNextInd PDidx currentPart vaNextInd s
isPE ptMMUvaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) s
entryUserFlag ptMMUvaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) false s
entryPresentFlag ptMMUvaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) true s
nextEntryIsPP currentPart PDidx currentPD s
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptMMUvaNextInd) = false
isEntryPage ptMMUvaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) nextIndirection s
( va : vaddr,
   isEntryVA ptSh1VaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) va s
   beqVAddr defaultVAddr va = true)
(Nat.eqb defaultPage ptSh1VaNextInd) = false
getTableAddrRoot ptSh1VaNextInd sh1idx currentPart vaNextInd s
isVE ptSh1VaNextInd (StateLib.getIndexOfAddr vaNextInd fstLevel) s

partition1, In partition1 (getPartitions multiplexer s)
   ¬ In nextIndirection (getAccessibleMappedPages partition1 s).
contradict Hparent, Hchild11 and Hchild1