Library Pip.Proof.invariants.writePhysical


This file contains required lemmas to prove that updating the second shadow structure preserves isolation and consistency properties
Require Import Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.Lib Pip.Model.MAL.
Require Import Pip.Core.Internal.
Require Import Pip.Proof.Consistency Pip.Proof.DependentTypeLemmas Pip.Proof.InternalLemmas
Pip.Proof.Isolation Pip.Proof.StateLib Pip.Proof.WeakestPreconditions.
Require Import Invariants PropagatedProperties.
Require Import Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance Lia List Bool Logic.Classical_Prop Compare_dec.
Lemma inGetTrdShadowInConfigPagesAux partition LL table s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In table (getLLPages LL s (nbPage + 1))
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some LL
In table (getConfigPagesAux partition s).

Lemma inGetTrdShadowInConfigPages partition LL table s:
partitionDescriptorEntry s
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In table (getLLPages LL s (nbPage + 1))
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some LL
In table (getConfigPages partition s).
Lemma LLtableNotPartition s LLtable partition LLroot :
In LLtable (getLLPages LLroot s (nbPage + 1))
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s) = Some LLroot
In partition (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In LLtable (getConfigPages partition s)
configTablesAreDifferent s
noDupConfigPagesList s
noDupPartitionTree s
partitionDescriptorEntry s
¬ In LLtable (getPartitions multiplexer s).

Lemma getConfigTablesLinkedListUpdateLLCouplePPVA partition x table idx (s : state) entry :
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.getConfigTablesLinkedList partition (memory s).

Lemma getFstShadowUpdateLLCouplePPVA partition x
table idx (s : state) entry :
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.getFstShadow partition
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.getFstShadow partition (memory s).

Lemma getSndShadowUpdateLLCouplePPVA partition x
table idx (s : state) entry :
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.getSndShadow partition
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.getSndShadow partition (memory s).

Lemma getPdUpdateLLCouplePPVA partition x
table idx (s : state) entry :
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.getPd partition
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.getPd partition (memory s).

Lemma getParentUpdateLLCouplePPVA partition x
table idx (s : state) entry :
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.getParent partition
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.getParent partition (memory s).

Lemma getTablePagesUpdateLLCouplePPVA table idx entry size p (s : state) x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getTablePages p size
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} =
getTablePages p size s.

Lemma getIndirectionsUpdateLLCouplePPVA table idx entry pd (s : state) x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getIndirections pd
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} =
getIndirections pd s.

Lemma readPhysicalUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx1
table idx (s : state) p x:
table p idx idx1
StateLib.readPhysical p idx1
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.readPhysical p idx1 (memory s).

Lemma getLLPagesUpdateLLCouplePPVA table idx p2 s x :
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some idx
getLLPages p2 s' (nbPage + 1) = getLLPages p2 s (nbPage + 1).

Lemma getConfigPagesUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry part:
part table
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some idx
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
 getConfigPages part {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} = getConfigPages part s.

Lemma getIndirectionUpdateLLCouplePPVA sh1 table idx s entry va nbL stop x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getIndirection sh1 va nbL stop
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} =
getIndirection sh1 va nbL stop s .

Lemma readPresentUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx1
table idx (s : state) p entry x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.readPresent p idx1
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.readPresent p idx1 (memory s).

Lemma readAccessibleUpdateLLCouplePPVA
table idx (s : state) p idx1 entry x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.readAccessible p idx1
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.readAccessible p idx1 (memory s).

Lemma readPhyEntryUpdateLLCouplePPVA
table idx (s : state) p idx1 entry x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.readPhyEntry p idx1
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.readPhyEntry p idx1 (memory s).

Lemma readVirEntryUpdateLLCouplePPVA
table idx (s : state) p idx1 entry x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.readVirEntry p idx1
  (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
StateLib.readVirEntry p idx1 (memory s).

Lemma readPDflagUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx1
table idx (s : state) p entry x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.readPDflag p idx1
    (add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex) =
   StateLib.readPDflag p idx1 (memory s).

Lemma getMappedPageUpdateLLCouplePPVA root s x table idx va entry:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getMappedPage root {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} va = getMappedPage root s va.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPageUpdateLLCouplePPVA root s x table idx va entry:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getAccessibleMappedPage root {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} va = getAccessibleMappedPage root s va.

Lemma getMappedPagesAuxUpdateLLCouplePPVA root s x table idx entry l:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getMappedPagesAux root l {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} =
getMappedPagesAux root l s.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPagesAuxUpdateLLCouplePPVA root s x table idx entry l:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getAccessibleMappedPagesAux root l {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} =
getAccessibleMappedPagesAux root l s.

Lemma getMappedPagesUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry part:
part table
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
 getMappedPages part {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} = getMappedPages part s.

Lemma getAccessibleMappedPagesUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry part:
part table
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getAccessibleMappedPages part {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} = getAccessibleMappedPages part s.

Lemma checkChildUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry l va part:
part table
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
checkChild part l {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} va = checkChild part l s va.

Lemma getPdsVAddrUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry l part:
part table
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
 getPdsVAddr part l getAllVAddrWithOffset0 {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} = getPdsVAddr part l getAllVAddrWithOffset0 s.

Lemma getChildrenUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry part:
part table
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getChildren part s =
getChildren part{|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma getPartitionsUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
¬In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
getPartitions multiplexer s = getPartitions multiplexer{|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma nextEntryIsPPUpdateLLCouplePPVA table idx0 partition idx v x entry s :
lookup table idx0 (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
table partition
nextEntryIsPP partition idx v s
nextEntryIsPP partition idx v
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx0 (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isVAUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx partition table entry idxroot s x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isVA partition idxroot s
isVA partition idxroot
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isPEUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx partition table entry idxroot s x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isPE partition idxroot s
isPE partition idxroot
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isVEUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx partition table entry idxroot s x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isVE partition idxroot s
isVE partition idxroot
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma entryUserFlagUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx ptVaInCurPartpd idxvaInCurPart table
 entry s x accessiblesrc:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
entryUserFlag ptVaInCurPartpd idxvaInCurPart accessiblesrc s
entryUserFlag ptVaInCurPartpd idxvaInCurPart accessiblesrc
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma entryPresentFlagUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx ptVaInCurPartpd idxvaInCurPart table
 entry s x accessiblesrc:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
entryPresentFlag ptVaInCurPartpd idxvaInCurPart accessiblesrc s
entryPresentFlag ptVaInCurPartpd idxvaInCurPart accessiblesrc
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma entryPDFlagUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx ptDescChild table idxDescChild entry s x flag:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
entryPDFlag ptDescChild idxDescChild flag s
entryPDFlag ptDescChild idxDescChild flag
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isEntryVAUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx ptVaInCurPart table idxvaInCurPart entry s vainve x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isEntryVA ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart vainve s
isEntryVA ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart vainve
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isIndexValueUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx ptVaInCurPart table idxvaInCurPart entry s vainve x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isIndexValue ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart vainve s
isIndexValue ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart vainve
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isVA'UpdateLLCouplePPVA idx ptVaInCurPart table idxvaInCurPart entry s vainve x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isVA' ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart vainve s
isVA' ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart vainve
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isEntryPageUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx ptVaInCurPart table idxvaInCurPart entry s vainve x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isEntryPage ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart vainve s
isEntryPage ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart vainve
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma partitionsIsolationUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
partitionsIsolation s
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some idx
noDupPartitionTree s
partitionsIsolation {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma kernelDataIsolationUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry:
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some idx
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
kernelDataIsolation s
kernelDataIsolation {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma verticalSharingUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry:
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some idx
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
noDupPartitionTree s
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
verticalSharing s
verticalSharing {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isPPUpdateLLCouplePPVA table p idx idx0 x entry s:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isPP p idx0 s
isPP p idx0 {|
      currentPartition := currentPartition s;
      memory := add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRootUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry idxroot:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot s
dataStructurePdSh1Sh2asRoot idxroot {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma partitionDescriptorEntryUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
partitionDescriptorEntry s
partitionDescriptorEntry {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma currentPartitionInPartitionsListUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
currentPartitionInPartitionsList s
currentPartitionInPartitionsList {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma noDupMappedPagesListUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
noDupMappedPagesList s
noDupMappedPagesList {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma noDupConfigPagesListUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry :
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some idx
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
noDupConfigPagesList s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma parentInPartitionListUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
parentInPartitionList s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma getPDFlagUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry sh1 va:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getPDFlag sh1 va
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |} = getPDFlag sh1 va s.

Lemma accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptorUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
accessibleVAIsNotPartitionDescriptor s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP x) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma readVirtualUpdateLLCouplePPVA table1 table2 idx1 idx2 x entry s :

lookup table2 idx2 (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
 StateLib.readVirtual table1 idx1
         (add table2 idx2 (PP x) (memory s) beqPage
     beqIndex) =
 StateLib.readVirtual table1 idx1 (memory s).

Lemma wellFormedShadowsUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry idxroot:
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
wellFormedShadows idxroot s
wellFormedShadows idxroot
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma getTableAddrRootUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry idxroot
ptDescChild descChild currentPart:
table currentPart
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getTableAddrRoot ptDescChild idxroot currentPart descChild s
getTableAddrRoot ptDescChild idxroot currentPart descChild
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s)
              beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma getAncestorsUpdateLLCouplePPVA s x table idx entry partition:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
table partition
¬ In table (getAncestors partition s)
getAncestors partition
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP x) (memory s)
              beqPage beqIndex |} =
                      getAncestors partition s.

Lemma noCycleInPartitionTreeUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
parentInPartitionList s
isChild s
noCycleInPartitionTree s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma configTablesAreDifferentUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some idx
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
configTablesAreDifferent s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma isChildUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
parentInPartitionList s
isChild s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma isPresentNotDefaultIffUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isPresentNotDefaultIff s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma getVirtualAddressSh1UpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry p va:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getVirtualAddressSh1 p s va =
getVirtualAddressSh1 p {|
    currentPartition := currentPartition s;
    memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
                beqIndex |} va.

Lemma getVirtualAddressSh2UpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry p va:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
getVirtualAddressSh2 p s va =
getVirtualAddressSh2 p {|
    currentPartition := currentPartition s;
    memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
                beqIndex |} va.

Lemma isDerivedUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry parent va:
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
In parent (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
isDerived parent va s isDerived parent va {|
       currentPartition := currentPartition s;
       memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
                   beqIndex |}

Lemma physicalPageNotDerivedUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
noDupPartitionTree s
physicalPageNotDerived s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma multiplexerWithoutParentUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
multiplexerWithoutParent s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma isParentUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
noDupPartitionTree s
isParent s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma noDupPartitionTreeUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
noDupPartitionTree s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma wellFormedFstShadowUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
wellFormedFstShadow s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma wellFormedSndShadowUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
wellFormedSndShadow s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma wellFormedFstShadowIfNoneUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
wellFormedFstShadowIfNone s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma wellFormedFstShadowIfDefaultValuesUpdateLLCouplePPVA s vaInCurrentPartition table idx entry :
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
wellFormedFstShadowIfDefaultValues s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP vaInCurrentPartition) (memory s) beqPage
              beqIndex |}.

Lemma isAccessibleMappedPageInParentUpdateSh2 s entry v table idx parent va pg:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
¬In table (getAncestors parent s)
parent table
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent parent va pg s =
isAccessibleMappedPageInParent parent va pg
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table idx (PP v) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma accessibleChildPageIsAccessibleIntoParentUpdateSh2 s entry v table nextFFI:
lookup table nextFFI (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
parentInPartitionList s
isChild s
accessibleChildPageIsAccessibleIntoParent s
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add table nextFFI (PP v) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma consistencyUpdateLLCouplePPVA newLastLLable nextFFI v entry s:
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some nextFFI
lookup newLastLLable nextFFI (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
¬ In newLastLLable (getPartitions multiplexer s)
consistency s consistency {|
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add newLastLLable nextFFI (PP v) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.

Lemma isEntryVAExistsUpdateLLCouplePPVA idx ptVaInCurPart table idxvaInCurPart entry s x:
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
( va : vaddr,
       isEntryVA ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart va s
        beqVAddr defaultVAddr va = false)
  va : vaddr,
isEntryVA ptVaInCurPart idxvaInCurPart va
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}
        beqVAddr defaultVAddr va = false.
Lemma indirectionDescriptionUpdateLLCouplePPVA l descChildphy x idx table entry
phyPDChild vaToPrepare idxroot s:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
table descChildphy
indirectionDescription s descChildphy phyPDChild idxroot vaToPrepare l
indirectionDescription s' descChildphy phyPDChild idxroot vaToPrepare l.

Lemma initPEntryTablePreconditionToPropagatePreparePropertiesUpdateLLCouplePPVA pg
 table idx x v0 s:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some idx
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP v0)
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
initPEntryTablePreconditionToPropagatePrepareProperties s pg

initPEntryTablePreconditionToPropagatePrepareProperties s' pg.

Lemma writeAccessibleRecPreparePostconditionUpdateLLCouplePPVA desc pg
 table idx x v0 s:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP v0)
¬ In table (getAncestors desc s)
table desc

writeAccessibleRecPreparePostcondition desc pg s
writeAccessibleRecPreparePostcondition desc pg s'.

Lemma isWellFormedMMUTablesUpdateLLCouplePPVA pg
 table idx x v0 s:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP v0)
isWellFormedMMUTables pg s isWellFormedMMUTables pg s'.

Lemma isWellFormedFstShadowTablesUpdateLLCouplePPVA s nbL phySh1addr x table idx v0:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP v0)

isWellFormedFstShadow nbL phySh1addr s isWellFormedFstShadow nbL phySh1addr s'.

Lemma isWellFormedSndShadowTablesUpdateLLCouplePPVA s pg idx v0 l table x:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP v0)
isWellFormedSndShadow l pg s isWellFormedSndShadow l pg s'.

Lemma newIndirectionsAreNotAccessibleUpdateLLCouplePPVA phyMMUaddr phySh1addr phySh2addr
 table idx x v0 s:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP v0)
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
newIndirectionsAreNotAccessible s phyMMUaddr phySh1addr phySh2addr
newIndirectionsAreNotAccessible s' phyMMUaddr phySh1addr phySh2addr.

Lemma newIndirectionsAreNotMappedInChildrenUpdateLLCouplePPVA currentPart newIndirection
 table idx x v0 s:
let s':= {|
currentPartition := currentPartition s;
memory := add table idx (PP x)
            (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} in
noDupPartitionTree s
In currentPart (getPartitions multiplexer s)
lookup table idx (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP v0)
¬ In table (getPartitions multiplexer s)
newIndirectionsAreNotMappedInChildren s currentPart newIndirection
newIndirectionsAreNotMappedInChildren s' currentPart newIndirection.

Lemma insertEntryIntoLLPCUpdateLLCouplePPVA s ptMMUTrdVA phySh2addr phySh1addr indMMUToPrepare ptMMUFstVA phyMMUaddr lastLLTable
      phyPDChild currentShadow2 phySh2Child currentPD ptSh1TrdVA ptMMUSndVA ptSh1SndVA ptSh1FstVA currentShadow1
      descChildphy phySh1Child currentPart trdVA nextVA vaToPrepare sndVA fstVA nbLgen l idxFstVA idxSndVA idxTrdVA
      zeroI lpred newLastLLable nextFFI entry fstLL LLChildphy minFI indMMUToPreparebool:
lookup newLastLLable nextFFI (memory s) beqPage beqIndex = Some (PP entry)
StateLib.getMaxIndex Some nextFFI
insertEntryIntoLLPC s ptMMUTrdVA phySh2addr phySh1addr indMMUToPrepare ptMMUFstVA phyMMUaddr lastLLTable
      phyPDChild currentShadow2 phySh2Child currentPD ptSh1TrdVA ptMMUSndVA ptSh1SndVA ptSh1FstVA currentShadow1
      descChildphy phySh1Child currentPart trdVA nextVA vaToPrepare sndVA fstVA nbLgen l idxFstVA idxSndVA idxTrdVA
      zeroI lpred fstLL LLChildphy newLastLLable minFI indMMUToPreparebool
insertEntryIntoLLPC {|
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add newLastLLable nextFFI (PP phyMMUaddr) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |} ptMMUTrdVA phySh2addr phySh1addr indMMUToPrepare ptMMUFstVA phyMMUaddr lastLLTable
      phyPDChild currentShadow2 phySh2Child currentPD ptSh1TrdVA ptMMUSndVA ptSh1SndVA ptSh1FstVA currentShadow1
      descChildphy phySh1Child currentPart trdVA nextVA vaToPrepare sndVA fstVA nbLgen l idxFstVA idxSndVA idxTrdVA
      zeroI lpred fstLL LLChildphy newLastLLable minFI indMMUToPreparebool.

Lemma isPP'SameValueUpdateLLCouplePPVA newLastLLable nextFFI phyMMUaddr s:
isPP' newLastLLable nextFFI phyMMUaddr
  currentPartition := currentPartition s;
  memory := add newLastLLable nextFFI (PP phyMMUaddr) (memory s) beqPage beqIndex |}.