Library Pip.Core.Internal
Require Import Pip.Model.Hardware Pip.Model.ADT Pip.Model.MAL Pip.Model.MALInternal Pip.Model.IAL.
Require Import Bool Arith List Coq.Init.Peano.
Definition N := 100.
Require Import Bool Arith List Coq.Init.Peano.
Definition N := 100.
The getPd function returns the page directory of a given partition
Definition getPd partition :=
perform idxPD := getPDidx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxPD in
readPhysical partition idx.
perform idxPD := getPDidx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxPD in
readPhysical partition idx.
The getFstShadow returns the first shadow page of a given partition
Definition getFstShadow (partition : page):=
perform idx11 := getSh1idx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx11 in
readPhysical partition idx.
perform idx11 := getSh1idx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx11 in
readPhysical partition idx.
The getSndShadow returns the second shadow page of a given partition
Definition getSndShadow partition :=
perform idxSh2 := getSh2idx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxSh2 in
readPhysical partition idx.
perform idxSh2 := getSh2idx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxSh2 in
readPhysical partition idx.
The getConfigTablesLinkedList returns the first physical page of the configuration
tables linked list of a given partition
Definition getConfigTablesLinkedList partition :=
perform idxSh3 := getSh3idx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxSh3 in
readPhysical partition idx.
perform idxSh3 := getSh3idx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxSh3 in
readPhysical partition idx.
The getConfigTablesLinkedList returns the virtual address of the first physical page of the configuration
tables linked list of a given partition
Definition getConfigTablesLinkedListVaddr partition :=
perform idxSh3 := getSh3idx in
readVirtual partition idxSh3.
perform idxSh3 := getSh3idx in
readVirtual partition idxSh3.
The getParent function returns the parent of a given partition
Definition getParent partition :=
perform idxPPR := getPPRidx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxPPR in
readPhysical partition idx.
perform idxPPR := getPPRidx in
perform idx := MALInternal.Index.succ idxPPR in
readPhysical partition idx.
The updatePartitionDescriptor function update an entry into a given partition
descriptor table
Definition updatePartitionDescriptor partition idxV phypd virtpd :=
writeVirtual partition idxV virtpd ;;
perform idxP := MALInternal.Index.succ idxV in
writePhysical partition idxP phypd .
writeVirtual partition idxV virtpd ;;
perform idxP := MALInternal.Index.succ idxV in
writePhysical partition idxP phypd .
The comparePageToNull returns true if the given page is equal to the fixed
default page (null)
Definition comparePageToNull (p :page) : LLI bool :=
perform nullPaddr := getDefaultPage in
MALInternal.Page.eqb nullPaddr p.
perform nullPaddr := getDefaultPage in
MALInternal.Page.eqb nullPaddr p.
The compareVAddrToNull returns true if the given virtual address is equal
to the fixed default virtual address (null)
Definition compareVAddrToNull va :=
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList defaultVAddr va in
ret res.
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList defaultVAddr va in
ret res.
The getTableAddrAux returns the reference to the last page table
Fixpoint getTableAddrAux timeout (pd : page) (va : vaddr) (l : level) :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultPage
|S timeout1 ⇒
perform isFstLevel := MALInternal.Level.eqb l fstLevel in
if isFstLevel
then ret pd
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va l in
perform addr := readPhyEntry pd idx in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull addr in
if isNull then getDefaultPage else
perform p := MALInternal.Level.pred l in
getTableAddrAux timeout1 addr va p
end .
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultPage
|S timeout1 ⇒
perform isFstLevel := MALInternal.Level.eqb l fstLevel in
if isFstLevel
then ret pd
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va l in
perform addr := readPhyEntry pd idx in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull addr in
if isNull then getDefaultPage else
perform p := MALInternal.Level.pred l in
getTableAddrAux timeout1 addr va p
end .
getTableAddr fixes the value of getTableAddrAux timeout
The setUnderived function marks the given virtual addresse as underived
into the given partition
Definition setUnderived va currentShadow1 l1 :=
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList nullAddrV va in
if negb (res)
perform pt := getTableAddr currentShadow1 va l1 in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull pt in
if isNull then ret tt else
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
perform null := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirEntry pt idx null
else ret tt.
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList nullAddrV va in
if negb (res)
perform pt := getTableAddr currentShadow1 va l1 in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull pt in
if isNull then ret tt else
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
perform null := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirEntry pt idx null
else ret tt.
The setDerived function marks the given virtual addresse as derived into
the given partition
Definition setDerived va currentShadow1 descChild l1 :=
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList nullAddrV va in
if negb (res)
perform pt := getTableAddr currentShadow1 va l1 in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull pt in
if isNull then ret tt else
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
writeVirEntry pt idx descChild
else ret tt.
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList nullAddrV va in
if negb (res)
perform pt := getTableAddr currentShadow1 va l1 in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull pt in
if isNull then ret tt else
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
writeVirEntry pt idx descChild
else ret tt.
The setAccessible function marks the given virtual addresse as Accessible
into the given partition
Definition setAccessible va currentPD L u :=
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList nullAddrV va in
if negb (res )
perform pt := getTableAddr currentPD va L in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull pt in
if isNull then ret false else
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
writeAccessible pt idx u;; ret true
else ret false.
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList nullAddrV va in
if negb (res )
perform pt := getTableAddr currentPD va L in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull pt in
if isNull then ret false else
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
writeAccessible pt idx u;; ret true
else ret false.
The writeAccessibleRec function updates the user access flag of a physical page which
corresponds to a given virtual address va in all ancestors of a given partition descParent.
Fixpoint writeAccessibleRecAux timout (va : vaddr) (descParent : page) (flag : bool):=
match timout with
| 0 ⇒ ret false
| S timout1 ⇒
perform multiplexer := getMultiplexer in
perform isMultiplexer := MALInternal.Page.eqb descParent multiplexer in
if isMultiplexer
stop if parent is the multiplexer
get the snd shadow of the parent to get back the virtual address into the first ancestor
perform sh2Parent := getSndShadow descParent in
perform L:= getNbLevel in
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
perform ptsh2 := getTableAddr sh2Parent va L in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull ptsh2 in
if isNull then ret false else
perform L:= getNbLevel in
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
perform ptsh2 := getTableAddr sh2Parent va L in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull ptsh2 in
if isNull then ret false else
read the virtual address into the first ancestor
get the first ancestor partition descriptor
get the page directory of the ancestor partition descriptor
set access rights of the virtual address
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList nullAddrV vaInAncestor in
if (res )
then ret false
perform pt := getTableAddr pdAncestor vaInAncestor L in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull pt in
if isNull then ret false else
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel in
writeAccessible pt idx flag ;;
perform res := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList nullAddrV vaInAncestor in
if (res )
then ret false
perform pt := getTableAddr pdAncestor vaInAncestor L in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull pt in
if isNull then ret false else
perform idx := getIndexOfAddr vaInAncestor fstLevel in
writeAccessible pt idx flag ;;
writeAccessibleRecAux timout1 vaInAncestor ancestor flag
Definition writeAccessibleRec (va : vaddr) (descParent : page) (flag : bool):=
writeAccessibleRecAux (nbPage+1) va descParent flag.
Definition writeAccessibleRec (va : vaddr) (descParent : page) (flag : bool):=
writeAccessibleRecAux (nbPage+1) va descParent flag.
The checkDerivation tests if the given entry (table+idx) contains a
Definition checkDerivation table idx : LLI bool :=
perform va := readVirEntry table idx in
compareVAddrToNull va .
perform va := readVirEntry table idx in
compareVAddrToNull va .
The verifyProperties returns true if the given virtual address could be lent to the kernel
Definition verifyProperties (ptMMUva ptSh1va: page) (idxva: index): LLI bool:=
perform isNull := comparePageToNull ptMMUva in
if isNull then ret false
perform isNull := comparePageToNull ptMMUva in
if isNull then ret false
True if present
True if accessible
perform fstVAisAccessible := readAccessible ptMMUva idxva in
if negb fstVAisAccessible then ret false
perform isNull := comparePageToNull ptSh1va in
if isNull then ret false
perform vaSh1 := readVirEntry ptSh1va idxva in
perform isNull := compareVAddrToNull vaSh1 in
ret isNull.
if negb fstVAisAccessible then ret false
perform isNull := comparePageToNull ptSh1va in
if isNull then ret false
perform vaSh1 := readVirEntry ptSh1va idxva in
perform isNull := compareVAddrToNull vaSh1 in
ret isNull.
The unmapChildPagesAux combs through the child's shadow2 tables to retrieve the parent's pages virtual address,
and marks them as underived in the parent's partition (removes them from the shadow1)
Fixpoint unmapChildPagesAux (timeout : nat) (parentSh1 : page) (childSh2Page : page) (curIndex : index)
(curLevel : level) (unmappedPagesHead : vaddr) : LLI vaddr :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| S timeout1 ⇒
(curLevel : level) (unmappedPagesHead : vaddr) : LLI vaddr :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| S timeout1 ⇒
Check whether we're on a leaf table
if we are in a leaf table
get the virtual address of the page in the child shadow 2 at index curIndex
compare the virtual address to null
perform entryIsNull := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList vaddrOfChildPageInParent defaultVAddr in
if (negb entryIsNull)
if (negb entryIsNull)
if there is a page mapped
Blank the associated parent's shadow 1 index
Link the page to the list
Test if we are looking at the first index
There are still indexes we need to check in this table
recursive call on previous index
perform curIndexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred curIndex in
unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1 childSh2Page curIndexPred curLevel vaddrOfChildPageInParent
unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1 childSh2Page curIndexPred curLevel vaddrOfChildPageInParent
No more index to check in this table, no recursive call
no page mapped at this index
Test if we are looking at the first index
perform indexZero := in
perform curIndexisZero := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIndex indexZero in
if (negb curIndexisZero)
perform curIndexisZero := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIndex indexZero in
if (negb curIndexisZero)
There are still indexes we need to check in this table
recursive call on previous index
perform curIndexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred curIndex in
unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1 childSh2Page curIndexPred curLevel unmappedPagesHead
unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1 childSh2Page curIndexPred curLevel unmappedPagesHead
No more index to check in this table, no recursive call
we are in a node table (as opposed to a leaf table)
check whether there is a kernel page at this index
perform nullAddr := getDefaultPage in
perform lowerLevelChildSh2Page := readPhyEntry childSh2Page curIndex in
perform noEntryAtThisIndex := MALInternal.Page.eqb lowerLevelChildSh2Page nullAddr in
perform lowerLevelChildSh2Page := readPhyEntry childSh2Page curIndex in
perform noEntryAtThisIndex := MALInternal.Page.eqb lowerLevelChildSh2Page nullAddr in
Is there a kernel page at this index ?
Recursive call a level lower into the tables
perform maxIndex := getMaxIndex in
perform lowerLevel := MALInternal.Level.pred curLevel in
perform newUnmappedPagesHead := unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1
lowerLevelChildSh2Page maxIndex lowerLevel unmappedPagesHead in
perform lowerLevel := MALInternal.Level.pred curLevel in
perform newUnmappedPagesHead := unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1
lowerLevelChildSh2Page maxIndex lowerLevel unmappedPagesHead in
Test if we are looking at the first index
perform indexZero := in
perform curIndexisZero := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIndex indexZero in
if (negb curIndexisZero)
perform curIndexisZero := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIndex indexZero in
if (negb curIndexisZero)
There are still indexes we need to check in this table
perform curIndexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred curIndex in
unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1 childSh2Page
curIndexPred curLevel newUnmappedPagesHead
unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1 childSh2Page
curIndexPred curLevel newUnmappedPagesHead
No more index to check in this table, no recursive call
Test if we are looking at the first index
perform indexZero := in
perform curIndexisZero := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIndex indexZero in
if (negb curIndexisZero)
perform curIndexisZero := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIndex indexZero in
if (negb curIndexisZero)
There are still indexes we need to check in this table
perform curIndexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred curIndex in
unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1 childSh2Page
curIndexPred curLevel unmappedPagesHead
unmapChildPagesAux timeout1 parentSh1 childSh2Page
curIndexPred curLevel unmappedPagesHead
No more index to check in this table, no recursive call
The unmapChildPages fixes the timeout value of unmapChildPagesAux
Definition unmapChildPages (parentSh1 : page) (childSh2 : page) : LLI vaddr :=
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform nbL := getNbLevel in
perform nullVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
unmapChildPagesAux N parentSh1 childSh2 maxindex nbL nullVAddr.
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform nbL := getNbLevel in
perform nullVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
unmapChildPagesAux N parentSh1 childSh2 maxindex nbL nullVAddr.
The insertEntryIntoConfigPagesListAux function inserts an entry into the
list of partition configuration pages
Definition insertEntryIntoConfigPagesList (va : vaddr) (pa LL : page) :=
perform zero := in
perform curIdx := readIndex LL zero in
perform zero := in
perform curIdx := readIndex LL zero in
Get index stored at first entry
We have a free entry : go on
Write virtual address
perform curIdxSucc := MALInternal.Index.succ curIdx in
perform nextFreeIndex := readIndex LL curIdxSucc in
perform nextFreeIndex := readIndex LL curIdxSucc in
Get next index
Write physical address
The putIndirectionsBack marks as accessible and underived all virtual
addresses used for partition configuration except those stored into the
partition descriptor
Fixpoint putIndirectionsBackAux timeout list (curIdx : index) buf currentPD currentSh1 l1 listVAddrInParent :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform zero := in
perform one := MALInternal.Index.succ zero in
perform two := MALInternal.Index.succ one in
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform maxindexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred maxindex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIdx maxindexPred in
if (res)
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform zero := in
perform one := MALInternal.Index.succ zero in
perform two := MALInternal.Index.succ one in
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform maxindexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred maxindex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIdx maxindexPred in
if (res)
if last entry
set the list page underived and accessible now that we're done handling it TODO should we purge it ?
setUnderived listVAddrInParent currentSh1 l1 ;;
setAccessible listVAddrInParent currentPD l1 true;;
perform currentPart := getCurPartition in
writeAccessibleRec listVAddrInParent currentPart true;;
setAccessible listVAddrInParent currentPD l1 true;;
perform currentPart := getCurPartition in
writeAccessibleRec listVAddrInParent currentPart true;;
get the address of the next page
perform next := readPhysical list maxindex in
perform nextVAddrInParent := readVirtual list maxindexPred in
perform null := getDefaultPage in
perform cmp := MALInternal.Page.eqb next null in
if cmp
perform nextVAddrInParent := readVirtual list maxindexPred in
perform null := getDefaultPage in
perform cmp := MALInternal.Page.eqb next null in
if cmp
no more pages ? stop
else : recursion on the next page
putIndirectionsBackAux timeout1 next two buf currentPD currentSh1 l1 nextVAddrInParent
perform va := readVirtual list curIdx in
perform succ := MALInternal.Index.succ curIdx in
perform succ11:= MALInternal.Index.succ succ in
perform null := getDefaultVAddr in
perform cmp2 := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList va null in
if cmp2
putIndirectionsBackAux timeout1 next two buf currentPD currentSh1 l1 nextVAddrInParent
perform va := readVirtual list curIdx in
perform succ := MALInternal.Index.succ curIdx in
perform succ11:= MALInternal.Index.succ succ in
perform null := getDefaultVAddr in
perform cmp2 := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList va null in
if cmp2
not a virtual address ? recursion on the next index
else : there is a virtual address recursion on the next index Insert page into the linked list
setUnderived va currentSh1 l1 ;;
setAccessible va currentPD l1 true;;
perform currentPart := getCurPartition in
writeAccessibleRec va currentPart true;;
Recursive call, using va as our new link head
The putIndirectionsBack fixes the timeout value of the putIndirectionsBackAux
Definition putIndirectionsBack list (curIdx : index) buf currentPD currentSh1 l1 listVAddrInParent :=
putIndirectionsBackAux N list curIdx buf currentPD currentSh1 l1 listVAddrInParent.
putIndirectionsBackAux N list curIdx buf currentPD currentSh1 l1 listVAddrInParent.
The putShadowsBackAux marks as accessible and underived virtual addresses
stored into the partition descriptor table, except LinkedList pages.
Note: the LinkedList pages were marked as accessible and underived in putIndirectionsBack
Fixpoint putShadowsBackAux timeout (phyRefPart : page) (pos : index) (currentPD currentSh1 : page)
(l1 : level) (buf : vaddr) :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒
(l1 : level) (buf : vaddr) :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒
check if we reached the LinkedList index
no need to "free" it, the whole list was freed during putIndirectionsBack
then ret tt
perform va := readVirtual phyRefPart pos in
setUnderived va currentSh1 l1;;
setAccessible va currentPD l1 true;;
perform currentPart := getCurPartition in
writeAccessibleRec va currentPart true;;
perform succ := MALInternal.Index.succ pos in
perform succ11 := MALInternal.Index.succ succ in
putShadowsBackAux timeout1 phyRefPart succ11 currentPD currentSh1 l1 buf
perform va := readVirtual phyRefPart pos in
setUnderived va currentSh1 l1;;
setAccessible va currentPD l1 true;;
perform currentPart := getCurPartition in
writeAccessibleRec va currentPart true;;
perform succ := MALInternal.Index.succ pos in
perform succ11 := MALInternal.Index.succ succ in
putShadowsBackAux timeout1 phyRefPart succ11 currentPD currentSh1 l1 buf
The putShadowsBack fixes the timeout value of putShadowsBackAux
Definition putShadowsBack (phyRefPart : page) (pos : index) (currentPD currentSh1 : page)
(l1 : level) (buf : vaddr):=
putShadowsBackAux N phyRefPart pos currentPD currentSh1 l1 buf.
(l1 : level) (buf : vaddr):=
putShadowsBackAux N phyRefPart pos currentPD currentSh1 l1 buf.
The checkEmptyTable function returns True if the given Page Table is empty
(contains only default values), False otherwise
Fixpoint checkEmptyTableAux timeout tbl idx lvl :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret false
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform leveltwo := MALInternal.Level.succ fstLevel in
perform isSndLevel := MALInternal.Level.eqb lvl leveltwo in
if isSndLevel
perform addr := readPhyEntry tbl idx in
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret false
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform leveltwo := MALInternal.Level.succ fstLevel in
perform isSndLevel := MALInternal.Level.eqb lvl leveltwo in
if isSndLevel
perform addr := readPhyEntry tbl idx in
Read entry, idx - 1 -> 0
Get null address
Is entry null ?
perform zero := in
perform lebzero := MALInternal.Index.leb idx zero in
if lebzero
perform lebzero := MALInternal.Index.leb idx zero in
if lebzero
Last entry ?
Return true : we're done !
Nop : continue until we parsed every entry
Read entry, idx - 1 -> 0
Get null address
Is entry null ?
perform zero := in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.leb idx zero in
if res
perform res := MALInternal.Index.leb idx zero in
if res
Last entry ?
Return true : we're done !
Nop : continue until we parsed every entry
Nop : table is not empty, ret false
The checkEmptyTable fixes the timeout value of checkEmptyTableAux
The parseConfigPagesListAux function parses the list of the partition
configuration tables to find a virtual address in the parent context corresponding
to a given physical page
Fixpoint parseConfigPagesListAux timeout (sh : page) (curIdx : index) (tbl :page) :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultVAddr
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
Our last index is table size - 1, as we're indexed on zero
perform maxindexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred maxindex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIdx maxindexPred in
if (res)
perform nextIndirection := readPhysical sh maxindex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.eqb curIdx maxindexPred in
if (res)
perform nextIndirection := readPhysical sh maxindex in
get next table
perform nullAddr := getDefaultPage in
perform cmp2 := MALInternal.Page.eqb nextIndirection nullAddr in
if cmp2
perform cmp2 := MALInternal.Page.eqb nextIndirection nullAddr in
if cmp2
ensure we're not on an empty table
then getDefaultVAddr
Failed ? This should not happen...
perform zero := in
perform un := MALInternal.Index.succ zero in
parseConfigPagesListAux timeout1 nextIndirection un tbl
perform zero := in
perform un := MALInternal.Index.succ zero in
parseConfigPagesListAux timeout1 nextIndirection un tbl
Recursive call on the next table
perform idxsucc := MALInternal.Index.succ curIdx in
perform va := readVirtual sh curIdx in
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
perform cmpva := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList va defaultVAddr in
if (cmpva)
perform idxsucc11 := MALInternal.Index.succ idxsucc in
parseConfigPagesListAux timeout1 sh idxsucc11 tbl
perform idxsucc := MALInternal.Index.succ curIdx in
perform va := readVirtual sh curIdx in
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
perform cmpva := MALInternal.VAddr.eqbList va defaultVAddr in
if (cmpva)
perform idxsucc11 := MALInternal.Index.succ idxsucc in
parseConfigPagesListAux timeout1 sh idxsucc11 tbl
Recursive call on this table
Get entry in table
perform cmp := MALInternal.Page.eqb pad tbl in
if cmp
perform vaRet := readVirtual sh curIdx in
if cmp
perform vaRet := readVirtual sh curIdx in
Read associated vaddr Now we have to delete this entry
Get next entry index
Link this
writeIndex sh zero curIdx ;;
perform one := MALInternal.Index.succ zero in
perform nbfi := readIndex sh one in
perform nbfisucc := MALInternal.Index.succ nbfi in
writeIndex sh one nbfisucc ;;
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual sh curIdx nullAddrV ;;
ret vaRet
perform idxsucc := MALInternal.Index.succ curIdx in
perform idxsucc11 := MALInternal.Index.succ idxsucc in
parseConfigPagesListAux timeout1 sh idxsucc11 tbl
perform one := MALInternal.Index.succ zero in
perform nbfi := readIndex sh one in
perform nbfisucc := MALInternal.Index.succ nbfi in
writeIndex sh one nbfisucc ;;
perform nullAddrV := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual sh curIdx nullAddrV ;;
ret vaRet
perform idxsucc := MALInternal.Index.succ curIdx in
perform idxsucc11 := MALInternal.Index.succ idxsucc in
parseConfigPagesListAux timeout1 sh idxsucc11 tbl
Recursive call on this table
The parseConfigPagesList function fixes the timeout value of parseConfigPagesListAux
Definition parseConfigPagesList (sh : page) (idx : index) (tbl :page) :=
parseConfigPagesListAux N sh idx tbl.
parseConfigPagesListAux N sh idx tbl.
The 'getnbFreeEntriesLL' function returns the number of the available entries into a given LL table
Definition getnbFreeEntriesLL sh3 :=
perform zeroI := in
perform oneI := MALInternal.Index.succ zeroI in
readIndex sh3 oneI.
perform zeroI := in
perform oneI := MALInternal.Index.succ zeroI in
readIndex sh3 oneI.
The checkEnoughEntriesLinkedListAux function checks if there are cnt
availeble entries into the partition configuration pages list
Fixpoint checkEnoughEntriesLLAux timeout (LL : page)
: LLI page:=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultPage
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform threeI := MALInternal.Index.const3 in
perform nbfree := getnbFreeEntriesLL LL in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.geb nbfree threeI in
then ret LL
: LLI page:=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultPage
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform threeI := MALInternal.Index.const3 in
perform nbfree := getnbFreeEntriesLL LL in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.geb nbfree threeI in
then ret LL
this page contains at least three available entries
move to the next LL table
perform maxidx := getMaxIndex in
perform nextLL := readPhysical LL maxidx in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull nextLL in
if isNull
then getDefaultPage
checkEnoughEntriesLLAux timeout1 nextLL
Definition checkEnoughEntriesLinkedList (lasttable : page): LLI page:=
checkEnoughEntriesLLAux nbPage lasttable.
Fixpoint checkEnoughEntriesLLToPrepareAllAux timeout fstLLtable nbL :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultPage
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform islevel0 := Level.eqb nbL fstLevel in
if islevel0
then ret fstLLtable
perform nextLLtable := checkEnoughEntriesLinkedList fstLLtable in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull nextLLtable in
if (isNull) then getDefaultPage
perform nbLpred := MALInternal.Level.pred nbL in
checkEnoughEntriesLLToPrepareAllAux timeout1 nextLLtable nbLpred
Definition checkEnoughEntriesLLToPrepareAll fstLLtable nbL:=
checkEnoughEntriesLLToPrepareAllAux nbLevel fstLLtable nbL.
Definition insertEntryIntoLL LLtable va (pa: page): LLI unit :=
perform zeroI := in
perform idx := readIndex LLtable zeroI in
writeVirtual LLtable idx va ;;
perform nextLL := readPhysical LL maxidx in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull nextLL in
if isNull
then getDefaultPage
checkEnoughEntriesLLAux timeout1 nextLL
Definition checkEnoughEntriesLinkedList (lasttable : page): LLI page:=
checkEnoughEntriesLLAux nbPage lasttable.
Fixpoint checkEnoughEntriesLLToPrepareAllAux timeout fstLLtable nbL :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ getDefaultPage
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform islevel0 := Level.eqb nbL fstLevel in
if islevel0
then ret fstLLtable
perform nextLLtable := checkEnoughEntriesLinkedList fstLLtable in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull nextLLtable in
if (isNull) then getDefaultPage
perform nbLpred := MALInternal.Level.pred nbL in
checkEnoughEntriesLLToPrepareAllAux timeout1 nextLLtable nbLpred
Definition checkEnoughEntriesLLToPrepareAll fstLLtable nbL:=
checkEnoughEntriesLLToPrepareAllAux nbLevel fstLLtable nbL.
Definition insertEntryIntoLL LLtable va (pa: page): LLI unit :=
perform zeroI := in
perform idx := readIndex LLtable zeroI in
writeVirtual LLtable idx va ;;
Write virtual address
perform curIdxSucc := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
perform nextFreeIndex := readIndex LLtable curIdxSucc in
perform nextFreeIndex := readIndex LLtable curIdxSucc in
Get next index
Write physical address
writeIndex LLtable zeroI nextFreeIndex ;;
perform oneI := MALInternal.Index.succ zeroI in
perform nbfi := readIndex LLtable oneI in
perform nbfipred := MALInternal.Index.pred nbfi in
writeIndex LLtable oneI nbfipred.
The initConfigPagesListAux function initializes the partition configuration
pages list
Fixpoint initConfigPagesListAux timeout shadow3 idx :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform zeroI := in
perform mi := getMaxIndex in
perform mipred := MALInternal.Index.pred mi in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.geb idx mipred in
perform res11 := MALInternal.Index.eqb idx zeroI in
if (res)
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform zeroI := in
perform mi := getMaxIndex in
perform mipred := MALInternal.Index.pred mi in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.geb idx mipred in
perform res11 := MALInternal.Index.eqb idx zeroI in
if (res)
Check if the current index is he last index into the table
The last entry must contain the next physical page of the configuration tables linked list,
in this case we put the defaultPage
perform nullP := getDefaultPage in
perform nullV := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual shadow3 mipred nullV ;;
writePhysical shadow3 mi nullP ;;
perform maxentries := maxFreeLL in
perform oneI := MALInternal.Index.succ zeroI in
perform twoI := MALInternal.Index.succ oneI in
writeIndex shadow3 zeroI twoI ;;
writeIndex shadow3 oneI maxentries
else if (res11)
perform nullV := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual shadow3 mipred nullV ;;
writePhysical shadow3 mi nullP ;;
perform maxentries := maxFreeLL in
perform oneI := MALInternal.Index.succ zeroI in
perform twoI := MALInternal.Index.succ oneI in
writeIndex shadow3 zeroI twoI ;;
writeIndex shadow3 oneI maxentries
else if (res11)
Check if the current index is the first index
The first entry must contain the first available entry, in this case the index 1
is the position of the next available entry
perform oneI := MALInternal.Index.succ zeroI in
perform twoI := MALInternal.Index.succ oneI in
initConfigPagesListAux timeout1 shadow3 twoI
perform twoI := MALInternal.Index.succ oneI in
initConfigPagesListAux timeout1 shadow3 twoI
For the other indices : every odd position must contain the default virtual address
and evrey even position must contain the next available entry.
An available entry contain the default virtual address value
perform nullV := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual shadow3 idx nullV ;;
perform nextIdx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
perform nextIdx11 := MALInternal.Index.succ nextIdx in
writeIndex shadow3 nextIdx nextIdx11 ;;
initConfigPagesListAux timeout1 shadow3 nextIdx11
writeVirtual shadow3 idx nullV ;;
perform nextIdx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
perform nextIdx11 := MALInternal.Index.succ nextIdx in
writeIndex shadow3 nextIdx nextIdx11 ;;
initConfigPagesListAux timeout1 shadow3 nextIdx11
The initConfigPagesList function fixes the timeout value of
The initVEntryTable function initialize virtual entries VEntry of a
given table shadow1 by default value (defaultVAddr for va and false for
pd flag
Fixpoint initVEntryTableAux timeout shadow1 idx :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.ltb idx maxindex in
if (res)
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirEntry shadow1 idx defaultVAddr;;
perform nextIdx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
initVEntryTableAux timeout1 shadow1 nextIdx
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirEntry shadow1 idx defaultVAddr
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.ltb idx maxindex in
if (res)
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirEntry shadow1 idx defaultVAddr;;
perform nextIdx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
initVEntryTableAux timeout1 shadow1 nextIdx
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirEntry shadow1 idx defaultVAddr
The initVEntryTable function fixes the timeout value of initVEntryTableAux
The initVAddrTable function initializes virtual addresses vaddr of a
given table shadow2 by default value (defaultVAddr)
Fixpoint initVAddrTableAux timeout shadow2 idx :=
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.ltb idx maxindex in
if (res)
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual shadow2 idx defaultVAddr;;
perform nextIdx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
initVAddrTableAux timeout1 shadow2 nextIdx
else perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual shadow2 idx defaultVAddr
match timeout with
| 0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.ltb idx maxindex in
if (res)
perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual shadow2 idx defaultVAddr;;
perform nextIdx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
initVAddrTableAux timeout1 shadow2 nextIdx
else perform defaultVAddr := getDefaultVAddr in
writeVirtual shadow2 idx defaultVAddr
The initVEntryTable function fixes the timeout value of initVEntryTableAux
The initPEntryTableAux function initialize physical entries PEntry of
a given table ind by default value (defaultPage for pa and false for
other flags
Fixpoint initPEntryTableAux timeout table idx :=
match timeout with
|0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒ perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.ltb idx maxindex in
if (res)
then perform defaultPage := getDefaultPage in
writePhyEntry table idx defaultPage false false false false false;;
perform nextIdx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
initPEntryTableAux timeout1 table nextIdx
else perform defaultPage := getDefaultPage in
writePhyEntry table idx defaultPage false false false false false
match timeout with
|0 ⇒ ret tt
| S timeout1 ⇒ perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform res := MALInternal.Index.ltb idx maxindex in
if (res)
then perform defaultPage := getDefaultPage in
writePhyEntry table idx defaultPage false false false false false;;
perform nextIdx := MALInternal.Index.succ idx in
initPEntryTableAux timeout1 table nextIdx
else perform defaultPage := getDefaultPage in
writePhyEntry table idx defaultPage false false false false false
The initPEntryTable function fixes the timeout value of initPEntryTableAux
The linkNewPageIntoLL function links a new page to the
partition configuration tables linked list as a first element
Definition PushNewPageOntoLL partition newLL v : LLI unit:=
perform zeroI := in
initConfigPagesList newLL zeroI ;;
perform fstLLva := getConfigTablesLinkedListVaddr partition in
perform fstLL := getConfigTablesLinkedList partition in
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform maxindexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred maxindex in
writeVirtual newLL maxindexPred fstLLva ;;
writePhysical newLL maxindex fstLL;;
perform idxLL := getSh3idx in
updatePartitionDescriptor partition idxLL newLL v.
perform zeroI := in
initConfigPagesList newLL zeroI ;;
perform fstLLva := getConfigTablesLinkedListVaddr partition in
perform fstLL := getConfigTablesLinkedList partition in
perform maxindex := getMaxIndex in
perform maxindexPred := MALInternal.Index.pred maxindex in
writeVirtual newLL maxindexPred fstLLva ;;
writePhysical newLL maxindex fstLL;;
perform idxLL := getSh3idx in
updatePartitionDescriptor partition idxLL newLL v.
The checkChild function checks whether the given virtual address va is
marked as a child of a given partition
Definition checkChild partition (l1 : level) (va : vaddr): LLI bool :=
perform sh1 := getFstShadow partition in
perform idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
perform tbl := getTableAddr sh1 va l1 in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull tbl in
if isNull
then ret false
readPDflag tbl idxVA.
perform sh1 := getFstShadow partition in
perform idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va fstLevel in
perform tbl := getTableAddr sh1 va l1 in
perform isNull := comparePageToNull tbl in
if isNull
then ret false
readPDflag tbl idxVA.
The checkKernalMap function checks if the given virtual address corresponds
to a kernel mapping
Definition checkKernelMap (va : vaddr) : LLI bool:=
perform kidx := getKidx in
perform l1 := getNbLevel in
perform idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va l1 in
MALInternal.Index.eqb kidx idxVA.
perform kidx := getKidx in
perform l1 := getNbLevel in
perform idxVA := getIndexOfAddr va l1 in
MALInternal.Index.eqb kidx idxVA.
The checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetAux checks if given virtual addresses are equal
without taking into account offset values
Fixpoint checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetAux timeout (va1 va2 : vaddr) (l1 : level) :=
match timeout with
|0 ⇒ ret true
|S timeout1 ⇒
perform idx1 := getIndexOfAddr va1 l1 in
perform idx2 := getIndexOfAddr va2 l1 in
perform isFstLevel := MALInternal.Level.eqb l1 fstLevel in
if isFstLevel
MALInternal.Index.eqb idx1 idx2
perform levelpred := MALInternal.Level.pred l1 in
perform idxsEq := MALInternal.Index.eqb idx1 idx2 in
if idxsEq
then checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetAux timeout1 va1 va2 levelpred
else ret false
match timeout with
|0 ⇒ ret true
|S timeout1 ⇒
perform idx1 := getIndexOfAddr va1 l1 in
perform idx2 := getIndexOfAddr va2 l1 in
perform isFstLevel := MALInternal.Level.eqb l1 fstLevel in
if isFstLevel
MALInternal.Index.eqb idx1 idx2
perform levelpred := MALInternal.Level.pred l1 in
perform idxsEq := MALInternal.Index.eqb idx1 idx2 in
if idxsEq
then checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetAux timeout1 va1 va2 levelpred
else ret false
The checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset function fixes the timout value of
Definition checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffset (va1 va2 : vaddr) (l1 : level) :=
checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetAux nbLevel va1 va2 l1.
Definition initFstShadow table nbL zero :=
perform res := MALInternal.Level.eqb nbL fstLevel in
if res
initVEntryTable table zero
initPEntryTable table zero.
Definition initSndShadow table nbL zero :=
perform res := MALInternal.Level.eqb nbL fstLevel in
if res
initVAddrTable table zero
initPEntryTable table zero.
Definition isVAddrAccessible (pageVAddr : vaddr) (pageDirectory : page) : LLI bool :=
perform nbL := getNbLevel in
perform pageLastMMUTable := getTableAddr pageDirectory pageVAddr nbL in
perform pageLastMMUTableisNull := comparePageToNull pageLastMMUTable in
if pageLastMMUTableisNull then
ret false
perform idxPageInTable := getIndexOfAddr pageVAddr nbL in
perform pageIsPresent := readPresent pageLastMMUTable idxPageInTable in
if negb pageIsPresent then
ret false
perform pageIsAccessible := readAccessible pageLastMMUTable idxPageInTable in
if negb pageIsAccessible then
ret false
ret true.
Definition checkVidtAccessibility (pageDirectory : page) : LLI bool :=
perform vidtVaddr := getVidtVAddr in
perform vidtIsAccessible := isVAddrAccessible vidtVaddr pageDirectory in
ret vidtIsAccessible.
Definition updateCurPartAndActivate(partDesc pageDir : page)
: LLI unit := updateCurPartition partDesc;; updateMMURoot pageDir.
checkVAddrsEqualityWOOffsetAux nbLevel va1 va2 l1.
Definition initFstShadow table nbL zero :=
perform res := MALInternal.Level.eqb nbL fstLevel in
if res
initVEntryTable table zero
initPEntryTable table zero.
Definition initSndShadow table nbL zero :=
perform res := MALInternal.Level.eqb nbL fstLevel in
if res
initVAddrTable table zero
initPEntryTable table zero.
Definition isVAddrAccessible (pageVAddr : vaddr) (pageDirectory : page) : LLI bool :=
perform nbL := getNbLevel in
perform pageLastMMUTable := getTableAddr pageDirectory pageVAddr nbL in
perform pageLastMMUTableisNull := comparePageToNull pageLastMMUTable in
if pageLastMMUTableisNull then
ret false
perform idxPageInTable := getIndexOfAddr pageVAddr nbL in
perform pageIsPresent := readPresent pageLastMMUTable idxPageInTable in
if negb pageIsPresent then
ret false
perform pageIsAccessible := readAccessible pageLastMMUTable idxPageInTable in
if negb pageIsAccessible then
ret false
ret true.
Definition checkVidtAccessibility (pageDirectory : page) : LLI bool :=
perform vidtVaddr := getVidtVAddr in
perform vidtIsAccessible := isVAddrAccessible vidtVaddr pageDirectory in
ret vidtIsAccessible.
Definition updateCurPartAndActivate(partDesc pageDir : page)
: LLI unit := updateCurPartition partDesc;; updateMMURoot pageDir.