
You can find more about the Pip protokernel at its website.

The source code is covered by CeCILL-A licence.

The Pip Development Team:

Getting started

You can generate the "Getting Started" tutorial by invoking make gettingstarted. The full documentation is generated by invoking make doc.


Pip is known to build correctly with this toolchain:

Building the Pip

You can pass several arguments to make to compile the Pip.

Building partitions

Each partition is located into src/arch/{architecture}/partitions/{partition}

Kernel structure

The kernel is divided into three parts.

Source code structure

Serial configuration

Pip can already boot on real hardware. If available, the first serial output (COM1) should be used for debugging output.

The required configuration is 38400 bauds, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit. You can also enable automatic line feed and carriage return in Minicom (2.7+) for user-friendly output.

Compiling on Linux

The compilation on Linux should be as easy as to install the i386-elf toolchain as well as the other requirements, and use the Makefile to generate a binary image.

Use your favourite package manager to install Coq, Doxygen, GCC, GDB, GNU Make, GRUB, haskell-stack, NASM, QEMU and Texlive.